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I Am A Feminist, and I Shave My Legs
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As a feminist who shaves my legs, I have frequently had to defend shaving my legs, much more than I expected to do within a group of people that supposedly advocates free choice.


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Contributor: Silverdrop

Good for you! If you like it, do it! Your body, your choice.

Contributor: oohlookasquirrel

Being a feminist has nothing to do with how a woman chooses to deal with her body hair! I'm right there with you. I realize that it's not natural or fair for women to conform to modern beauty standards, but I was also raised looking at images of attractive, hairless women. We internalize the cultural ideas of beauty that we were raised with, and I can't change what I think is attractive. I feel pretty when my legs are smooth, so I'm going to keep doing it. I completely support women who choose to keep their body hair, but it's not a choice I want to make myself.

Contributor: Kat Shanahan

"Within feminism, there has always been this push to regulate what other women are doing to make sure that they are “better feminists.” "

YES. I found myself nodding emphatically at this; it is SO true. I am sick and tired of feeling as though I have to defend myself for making choices for *myself*, that are right for *me*. Like I'm supposed to hand in my "feminist card" just because I shave my legs and under my arms, you know? It's really offensive how many feminists see fit to police what other women choose to do with their bodies.

Contributor: SassySam

All very true, good article.



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