Monster dildos

There with you in your darkest fantasies, when your imagination is running not only wild but out of control, the monster dildos are. The embodiment of a carnal fantasy, impossible but irresistible, a monster dildo is, plainly speaking, shaped after your beloved monsters - dragons, eldrich horrors with tentacles, aliens.

The fantasy dildos’ main purpose is exactly that - recreating a fantasy. However, they have practical wonders to bestow, too - they are usually big, both in length and thickness, and the textures they bear in order to look monster-like are very sensual. You can feel all those ridges and scales and suckers as you tackle your monster.

Whether you have a MILF (monster I’d want to f) or simply like big and bulky dildos for riding or stretching, you’re in for a treat. Monster dildos also shine as strapon dildos because you can actually get in character while rocking a dragon dildo or as a guest star in your couple’s play, either for double penetration, gaping, cuckold by a monster, or whatever you want to fantasize about together.

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      $44.99 $39.99
      Big-size, nubbed and bent to fill you, a greedy dragon dong for irresistible play
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      $64.99 $59.99
      Texturized, bumpy, and ridgy, it provides the kinkiest hentai-like experience
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      $59.99 $34.99
      Tappered and sexily twisted, for awesome tentacle play fantasy
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      $59.99 $39.99
      Hunky, hot, blue, and perpetually horny - a mythical lover of your dreams.
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      $49.99 $29.99
      Ridged, nubbed, thick, and extremely seductive, for your wildest hentai fantasies
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      $69.99 $64.99
      With the suction cup this Gingerman delivers the sweetest rides

Buy Monster Dildos From EdenFantasys

Rough and merciless monster dildos from EdenFantasys’ collection are ready to be the beast of your fantasies. Whether you’re drawn to dragon dildos, alien dildos, or any other fantasy-inspired lovers, these dreamy dildos promise an experience filled with excitement and satisfaction. Offering both a visual factor for fantasy recreation and handsome sizes with delicious textures, like ridges and scales, monster dildos put your imagination on its head and give you sensations your body can barely handle.

What is a Monster Dildo?

A monster dildo is inspired by fantastical and mythical creatures. These dildos are designed to mimic dragons, aliens, eldrich monsters, and other imaginary beings, offering unique textures, shapes, and sizes that you won’t find in traditional dildos - nor in your traditional lovers. Crafted from high-quality, body-safe materials like silicone or glass, these dildos are safe for use and provide a plethora of sensations.

Why Would You Want a Monster Dildo?

Fantasy dildos are not just about size and shape; they are about exploring and indulging in your fantasies.

Unique Sensations

The unbelievable shapes and textures of dragon dildos provide sensations unlike anything you’ve ever experienced. Ridges, tentacles, bumps, and scales can stimulate in ways that regular dildos can’t.

Fantasy Fulfillment

If you’ve ever fantasized about mythical creatures or extraterrestrial beings, these dildos can help bring those fantasies to life - hello, fantasy smut readers - and they will never disappoint.

Visual Charm

Many monster dildos are works of art featuring intricate designs with amazing details and vibrant mixtures colors.

Insane Variety

With a wide range of designs, sizes, and textures, there’s a monster dildo for everyone, whether you’re a seasoned beast lover or just starting out.

How to Play With Your Monster Dildo?

Exploring a monster dildo on your own is an exhilarating experience. But there are solid rules to playing with one, especially if it’s huge.

Take Your Time

Start slowly - these beauties are usually larger or feature a complex texture. Use plenty of EdenFantasys’ warming lube to ensure comfy and pleasurable playtime.

Positioning For Your Dildo Play

When you’re playing with a monster, many positions can be implemented as part of your fantasy scenario. Face-sitting a beast if your dildo is shaped like a monster tongue, or Doggie if your monster fantasy includes a breeding kink - the (alien) sky is the limit.


Use the monster dildo as part of a role-playing scenario with your partner. Whether you’re acting out a sci-fi fantasy or a mythical adventure, especially if you put it in a strapon harness.

Double Penetration

Combine your monster dildo with traditional penetration by your lover for a double penetration experience - and you can imagine being shared between your partner and a fantasy beast.

Scenarios For Your Monster Dildo Play

Even though fantasy dildo play is a scenario in itself, here are some ideas you might want to try out.

Alien Encounter

Pretend you’ve been abducted by hunking blue aliens and are being introduced to new forms of pleasure.

Dragon’s Treasure

Imagine you’re a brave adventurer who has discovered a dragon’s lair - but the dragon is not in the mood to share their riches, only their massive…

Fantasy Role-Play

Combine the monster dildo with costumes and props to create an immersive fantasy world. Whether you’re a fae queen or a space explorer, such a dildo will add a thrilling element to your story.