"400 reviews is a lot, do you ever get really burnt out and want to just give up reviewing entirely?
Sometimes I do. I won't lie about that. I have cut back a huge bunch since I started working here since a full-time job, full-time blogs, and full-time college tends to leave someone without much time to review. Since I've cut back though, the two or three products a month certainly isn't that bad time-wise, and I still get to enjoy contributing to EF and trying out new things.
Are you looking forward to anything specific with your reviews in the future?
I think I'm looking forward to hitting 500 reviews. It'll be a long process to get there, but having half of a thousand is just pretty darned awesome. I think it'll take me at least another year or more to make it to 500 reviews, but again, it'll be a long journey done in moderation with the rest of my life."
Congratulations again, Kayla, and I'll see you back here when you reach 500!