Some people are very adamant about having the lights completely off during sex. Others prefer a little, or even all of the lights on. What is your take?
Do you prefer the lights on or off?
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For sex in the evening mood lighting is a must - I hate the dark. We've been having sex more in the morning which is nice because of the soft morning glow. I think most men are very visual, that's why we love lingerie. So being able to see the action is key to my level of arousal.
If we have the option to, we generally will set some soft lighting. I can't remember the last time it was completely dark for us -- there's usually more stark, glaring lighting than anything (our apartment has huge windows and LOTS of light)
I'm really boring on this issue. I really don't care much how the lights are. We just always leave the lights however they are on at the moment. So, I guess my answer is "However they are". We both think it's silly just to interrupt how we're feeling to change the lights. I think I'd end up preferring the "gently lit" idea if we were going to think-ahead to our light plans though.
There are times I like to see whats going on, other times it's fun to have it dark. Our yard has a big street light so it never get real dark but there is enough to make things interesting.
We have done it a few times in pitch darkness, but we prefer to have a light or two on.
I like seeing what my lady looks like, her expression, her curves.
It really doesn't matter to me, sex is good in the light or the dark, but I guess since I like to watch I want the lights on especially with a mirror!
I like to see whats going on, it's a turn on. Too much light though can be a bit much.
It depends. Usually a few low lights are on, but if it's really late at night, then in the dark.
I like the lights on but I dislike bright lights in my eyes.
Originally posted by
The Awesome Penguin
Some people are very adamant about having the lights completely off during sex. Others prefer a little, or even all of the lights on. What is your take?
I like candlelight if I can get it. Otherwise, we have a dimmer on the lights in our bedroom, so that it makes it easy to get the right amount of light. I don't like total darkness, but I don't like stark bright lights either.
I like dim lighting. My husband, on the other hand, would set up stadium lighting in the bedroom if he could.
Mood lighting is nice, but not necessary for me. I like to see the action so usually prefer the lights to be on- whether they're dim or not doesn't really matter to me.
we will sometimes leave all the lights on, but generally we only have a few on.
it depends on the mood and what we are doing.
Originally posted by
The Awesome Penguin
Some people are very adamant about having the lights completely off during sex. Others prefer a little, or even all of the lights on. What is your take?
I'm clumsy (or at least feel clumsy) in the dark. Some light makes it easer.
It really depends.
I like to light a couple of candles beforehand, though if it is just something that happens, I will just turn off the lights.
It doesn't matter that much, if they happen to get flicked off, that's nice, if not, oh well.
I can't believe the 97% that 'few lights' has gotten!
I can't believe the 97% that 'few lights' has gotten!
No votes for lights out yet. Interesting.
As a guy who has tried it I have one phrase for you: "elbow in the face".
Originally posted by
No votes for lights out yet. Interesting.
My preference is mood lighting. my partner however is so visual that i swear he'd prefer spotlights. I've thought about getting him one of those headbands with a light on it.
I like dim lighting the best--enough that I can see what's going on, but not so much that it's too bright in my eyes.
We have had sex in all lighting and we dont care which one it is but I prefer just a little lighting to set a mood for me
I prefer all of the lights on!I love seeing what my boyfriend looks like but if i feel like being in the dark we can duck under some covers.

Definitely lights on. I want to see what I'm doing, and be able to look at my partner. The whole concept of "mood lighting" is strange to me. The more light the better!
I like enough light to see....if the room is not too bright, I am just more relaxed.
I prefer no lights.
Just a few lights or candles to set the mood.