Just wondering if people consider self-love as sex.
Do you think those who practice celibacy shouldn't use toys?
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Your question doesn't match your answers. this might confuse people. Anyways, I think self love still makes the person celibate.
I apologize for the answers not matching. I just wanted to keep it simple. Sorry
So, the idea is 'if you call yourself celibate, then you shouldn't be doing anything sexual at all'.
Eh, it just depends on who you ask and where they're coming from in their definition of 'celibacy'. I had a marriage that was hellishly celibate - slept in the same bed, cuddled, and all for ten years, but nothing sexual beyond a tit-squeeze. I would have killed him early in our marriage if I wasn't allowed to do my solo thing.
Celibacy, I think as a rule, is defined as not having sexual activity with another person.
Eh, it just depends on who you ask and where they're coming from in their definition of 'celibacy'. I had a marriage that was hellishly celibate - slept in the same bed, cuddled, and all for ten years, but nothing sexual beyond a tit-squeeze. I would have killed him early in our marriage if I wasn't allowed to do my solo thing.
Celibacy, I think as a rule, is defined as not having sexual activity with another person.
I agree with Chilipepper, celibacy is not having sexual relations.
I have to say--I'm not sure. I think the true definition of celibacy matters less than how the individual in question defines their own sexuality and sexual choices. If a person has decided to lead a "celibate" lifestyle, but still considers it acceptable to use sex toys, then they should be able to do that. That's how I think of it, anyway. My brain is really tired and I'm not sure if what I said even made sense.
While everyone has their own definition of celibacy, I consider it to be sexual relations with someone other than oneself. <-- (that was weird to type, doesn't seem right, lol)
Monks are celibate. Does that mean they don't masturbate? I don't know, honestly. I'd have to ask a monk.
Monks are celibate. Does that mean they don't masturbate? I don't know, honestly. I'd have to ask a monk.
I think its up to the individual to decide whether they are still celibate.
If they are Catholic monks or even Buddhist they are not supposed to engage in "Self Abuse" (I am sure the Buddhists refer to it as something else) and all forms of masturbation are included.
Originally posted by
Not here
While everyone has their own definition of celibacy, I consider it to be sexual relations with someone other than oneself. <-- (that was weird to type, doesn't seem right, lol)
Monks are celibate. Does that mean they don't ... more
Monks are celibate. Does that mean they don't ... more
While everyone has their own definition of celibacy, I consider it to be sexual relations with someone other than oneself. <-- (that was weird to type, doesn't seem right, lol)
Monks are celibate. Does that mean they don't masturbate? I don't know, honestly. I'd have to ask a monk. less
Monks are celibate. Does that mean they don't masturbate? I don't know, honestly. I'd have to ask a monk. less
I don't know if monks and priests really abstain from masturbation, but in Catholic School they made us think they did.
From my point of view, celibacy refers to refraining from sexual activity with another person. At least, that's how I've always thought of it. It's an interesting question though!
From wikipedia the definition of 'Celibacy is defined as the lifestyle of someone who is voluntarily abstaining from all sexual activities.' From that definition I would say toys should not be allowed. But on the other hand, I don't want anyone to miss out.
I agree with several others.
By my definition, one is celibate even if they are using toys or self-pleasuring.
That said... what it means for someone else depends entirely on their reason for celibacy in the first place. Are they only resisting relations with others or are they seeking to escape the distraction of any sexual pleasure?
Each of these reasons for celibacy kind of deserves it's own answer to the question above.
By my definition, one is celibate even if they are using toys or self-pleasuring.
That said... what it means for someone else depends entirely on their reason for celibacy in the first place. Are they only resisting relations with others or are they seeking to escape the distraction of any sexual pleasure?
Each of these reasons for celibacy kind of deserves it's own answer to the question above.
By the "clinical" definition, celibacy means withholding from *all* sexual activities, whether they be with another person or on your own. Going by that definition, using toys kind of defeats the purpose of being celibate, since you're indulging in a sexual activity.
By my standards and today's society, being celibate seems to be more about abstaining from sexual activities with other people. By *this* definition, self-love is acceptable.
By my standards and today's society, being celibate seems to be more about abstaining from sexual activities with other people. By *this* definition, self-love is acceptable.
I think that in general people are still celibate if they enjoy self love. But in the religious aspects of it I think those that are celibate are supposed to obstain from not only physical sex but also from the thoughts of it. (I think....could be wrong)
Personally, I go with the more modern definition in that celibacy is abstaining from sexual relations with another. Regardless, I think it's up to the individual person to make that decision and choice of what the word means to them.
Yeah, that's what I thought. Of course, there's always the exceptions to the rule, so even though they aren't supposed to, I'm sure some do masturbate. I won't even get into the ones that engage in sexual acts with others.
Originally posted by
If they are Catholic monks or even Buddhist they are not supposed to engage in "Self Abuse" (I am sure the Buddhists refer to it as something else) and all forms of masturbation are included.
I don't know if monks and priests ... more
I don't know if monks and priests ... more
If they are Catholic monks or even Buddhist they are not supposed to engage in "Self Abuse" (I am sure the Buddhists refer to it as something else) and all forms of masturbation are included.
I don't know if monks and priests really abstain from masturbation, but in Catholic School they made us think they did. less
I don't know if monks and priests really abstain from masturbation, but in Catholic School they made us think they did. less
I think so, why not right?
Thinking on it ...
If I didn't get to use toys or whatnot, I'd be a worse bitch than I already am. So it really becomes how much the human race wants to live.
If I didn't get to use toys or whatnot, I'd be a worse bitch than I already am. So it really becomes how much the human race wants to live.
It depends on the vow, if it is a vow. Celibacy is supposed to be not having sexual contact with another person. Religious celibacy usually gets into sexual thoughts and purity of intentions as well. Since masturbation is usually accompanied by sexual thoughts then it's frowned upon.
Originally posted by
Just wondering if people consider self-love as sex.
Still I think one can be celibate and use toys, they aren't another person afterall.
why wouldnt your husband have sex? its ok if u don't want to answere but wow thats weird to me.
Originally posted by
So, the idea is 'if you call yourself celibate, then you shouldn't be doing anything sexual at all'.
Eh, it just depends on who you ask and where they're coming from in their definition of 'celibacy'. I had a marriage ... more
Eh, it just depends on who you ask and where they're coming from in their definition of 'celibacy'. I had a marriage ... more
So, the idea is 'if you call yourself celibate, then you shouldn't be doing anything sexual at all'.
Eh, it just depends on who you ask and where they're coming from in their definition of 'celibacy'. I had a marriage that was hellishly celibate - slept in the same bed, cuddled, and all for ten years, but nothing sexual beyond a tit-squeeze. I would have killed him early in our marriage if I wasn't allowed to do my solo thing.
Celibacy, I think as a rule, is defined as not having sexual activity with another person. less
Eh, it just depends on who you ask and where they're coming from in their definition of 'celibacy'. I had a marriage that was hellishly celibate - slept in the same bed, cuddled, and all for ten years, but nothing sexual beyond a tit-squeeze. I would have killed him early in our marriage if I wasn't allowed to do my solo thing.
Celibacy, I think as a rule, is defined as not having sexual activity with another person. less
Generally if you ask a monk if he masturbates he will either smile and change the topic or tell you to mind your own business. Having known and asked a few monks about it they say in general that it's frowned upon but not exactly considered a sin. Excessive masturbation can lead to improper thoughts is the explanation I got.
Originally posted by
Not here
While everyone has their own definition of celibacy, I consider it to be sexual relations with someone other than oneself. <-- (that was weird to type, doesn't seem right, lol)
Monks are celibate. Does that mean they don't ... more
Monks are celibate. Does that mean they don't ... more
While everyone has their own definition of celibacy, I consider it to be sexual relations with someone other than oneself. <-- (that was weird to type, doesn't seem right, lol)
Monks are celibate. Does that mean they don't masturbate? I don't know, honestly. I'd have to ask a monk. less
Monks are celibate. Does that mean they don't masturbate? I don't know, honestly. I'd have to ask a monk. less
Now for priests it is slightly different with more focus on the impure thoughts aspect. It is seen as taking your thoughts off of what God wants for you and focusing it on the material world. Some orders of monks also follow this philosophy.
self please all you want. nothing wrong with it and i still concider it celibacy. as long as its just you..
I am the odd man out.
I find it narcissistic and quite aggravating to say to a partner or significant other "I will not have sex with you, but I'll masturbate all day and night."
If the person's single and celibate, then no, using toys does not make them not celibate. I only find that it is when the person who is "celibate" is in a relationship with another.
I find it narcissistic and quite aggravating to say to a partner or significant other "I will not have sex with you, but I'll masturbate all day and night."
If the person's single and celibate, then no, using toys does not make them not celibate. I only find that it is when the person who is "celibate" is in a relationship with another.
Oh, I'm sure they do masturbate. I can't imagine many people going without any sexual release. But, at least in the Catholic Church, masturbation is not "allowed" to be performed by celibate priests, or by anyone, for that matter. It's considered an "abomination." Which, IMO, is ridiculous.
Originally posted by
Not here
Yeah, that's what I thought. Of course, there's always the exceptions to the rule, so even though they aren't supposed to, I'm sure some do masturbate. I won't even get into the ones that engage in sexual acts with others.
It's not my place to say what people "should" do. But, the definition of Celibacy by choice (at least in religious ways) is to have no sexual release whatsoever. I've heard of Catholic boys having to report nocturnal emissions (wet dreams) in Confession. As a Sin.
It's fucked up. Really.
I am not sure, I guess its in the eye of the beholder or the individual.
Originally posted by
Just wondering if people consider self-love as sex.
In my mind, celibacy relates to sexual contact with others, but I agree with Viktor. It really comes down to the celibate person's definition. I'm not celibate, so who am I to say!
I see celibacy as abstaining (through voluntary or involuntary) from sex. I do not see it as abstaining from masturbation, too. But it does depend on what the person themselves think.
I agree with Viktor Vysheslav Malkin
Everyone needs some kind of sexual stimulation and release!
GONNA SAY THAT. I get uppity about grammar and syntax and logic when it gets past 12:00. I need to take care of that. But I think self love is fine if you're "celibate." I mean, I wouldn't say I lost my virginity to a dildo if I used toys back then. I suppose it all depends on your reasons for celibacy, too.. The nuns would definitely say that it's still wrong and breaking celibacy, but if a little monster going by Lady GaGa's word, I'm pretty sure you'd be fine.
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Your question doesn't match your answers. this might confuse people. Anyways, I think self love still makes the person celibate.
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