curious I personally think this is the best thing ever.
Have you ever been woken up by someone fucking you?
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I have often fantasized about waking up to someone having sex with me, usually it was someone in particular though.
No, but that's funny because just earlier I told my partner a "bed time story" and it involved me waking him up doing it. I'd probably have to take a quick break first though to brush my teeth! Lol
Originally posted by
Secret Pleasure
curious I personally think this is the best thing ever.
Although he says it was the other way around and I was doing him.
Not going to happen, I don't like to be bothered when I'm having my beauty sleep.
My hunny has woken me up for sex before but I haven't woken up in the act.
Yes, and I was furious, it sounds hotter than it really is. I like being woken up first. I don't think he will ever do that again!
He knows better than wake me up from my sleep.
Yes. He always starts rubbing up against me in the morning when we're sleeping, and a few times it's turned into actually having sex before either of us were really awake. Sometimes I like it, and sometimes I'm too tired and grumpy.
My ex-husband humped my hip in the mornings during the first year of our marriage. Never went any further. When I tried to make it something more, he'd stop and get up to the bathroom and that was it. :-/ When I told him it annoyed me that he never would follow through, he stopped doing it altogether.
yes. when i'm dead asleep and not even close to waking up, no bueno. but still a cute and a "omg i want you right this second" sexiness to it. now i kinda want it again. geez forums. pfft. xoxo lol
I haven't woke up during but I have woke my girlfriend up doing it
I have definitely been woken up so that someone could have sex with me, but never have I actually slept through the beginning of sex.
I voted no, but my wife has woken me up before to get going - close but not quite.
My boyfriend has never woken me up with sex. Sometimes he'll rub my back until I fall asleep and start with his fingers. what a great way to wake up
My boyfriend has never woken me up with sex. Sometimes he'll rub my back until I fall asleep and start with his fingers. what a great way to wake up

There has been half-awake touching and mumbling that turned into more, but I'd have strong words with my husband if he tried actual sex while I was still unconscious to the world. Thankfully, I don't see him ever even considering it.
Before we had to switch to only condoms (when I was on the pill), my husband and I would often wake up already starting sex. We can NOT go to sleep cuddling or sex will probably happen. However, he has never been totally awake with me asleep and started sex.
I did once date a guy who would makeout/try to have sex with people in his sex sleepwalking. That would really freak me out.
I did once date a guy who would makeout/try to have sex with people in his sex sleepwalking. That would really freak me out.
Yes. I like it sometimes but not all the time.
me too!
Originally posted by
Not going to happen, I don't like to be bothered when I'm having my beauty sleep.
I would be so pissed. Even if it was a boyfriend/husband
Same here.
Originally posted by
Cookie Monster Mike
I have often fantasized about waking up to someone having sex with me, usually it was someone in particular though.
I wish I would wake up to my man giving me a good banging
No. I would be super angry and freaked out by this.
My "but I'd like to" is conditional - only if my partner did this.
Id love it if my husband woke me up like this. ALthough right now we are going through a really rough patch.
No, I don't want to be bothered when I'm sleeping. My partner can wait after I've brushed my teeth and I'm somewhat put together.
Never happened and not sure if I'd like or not, I don't like being woken up usually might make an exception for this!
would love to be.
I usually wake up first, since I'm a light sleeper. So when I wake up he's feeling me up. Most of the time I'm cranky and roll over, then in the morning I'm wishing I wasn't cranky.
Nope, but I'd like to be
Originally posted by
Secret Pleasure
curious I personally think this is the best thing ever.