If you walked into your room and the bed was made up with satin sheets, and covered in real fresh rose petals, would this be a sexual turn on for you?
Rose petals and satin sheets?
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Candles and a handful of ties to use on me will make it totally sexy, in addition to the satin and roses.
I voted yes, but just to clarify... if I worked all day and was rushed into the bedroom as soon as I got home I might be annoyed. But if the mood was properly set beforehand, it would be the perfect culmination to the night.
Yes it would be a turn-on. Anytime my girl goes through the extra effort to plan something for me it's great - hell I'd be stoked if it were thorns on the bed!
I voted "yes, a little". The rose petals and satin sheets are not what would do it for me, rather, I would be turned on by his effort to set up such a surprise.

I put maybe a little because I can't really picture it actually turning me on, but I would definitely be surprised and feeling more romantic. I guess it would need to happen for me to know if it'd make me feel any different.
I agree!
Originally posted by
Yes it would be a turn-on. Anytime my girl goes through the extra effort to plan something for me it's great - hell I'd be stoked if it were thorns on the bed!
Any extra effort is greatly appreciated. With that said, I think I'm probably a bit overdue to show her my romantic side...but I just got a small whip to review.
Oh my, what to do? ...rose petals or spanky time?
Exactly. It's the thought that counts.
Originally posted by
Red Vinyl Kitty
I voted "yes, a little". The rose petals and satin sheets are not what would do it for me, rather, I would be turned on by his effort to set up such a surprise.
It would definitely startle me, but I would be a little overwhelmed but very happy.
Any effort on his part makes me very happy and would definitely turn me on. I love when he's romantic like that.
MAybe a little, but at the same time I would think it was a bit corny.
Maybe, but it wouldn't be so much the set up that would turn me on as the thought of him putting in all that effort to set it up.
My bed has satin sheets already, so that wouldn't change anything. The rose petals... eh. I'm not a romantic though. So I voted no.
how about both...I would find it pretty romantic and a nice change if I came home to t hat,but it depends on what kind of mood I"m in I guess if I get turned on or not..
Originally posted by
Mr. E
I agree!
Any extra effort is greatly appreciated. With that said, I think I'm probably a bit overdue to show her my romantic side...but I just got a small whip to review.
Oh my, what to do? ...rose petals or spanky time?
Any extra effort is greatly appreciated. With that said, I think I'm probably a bit overdue to show her my romantic side...but I just got a small whip to review.
Oh my, what to do? ...rose petals or spanky time?
It would be very sweet, and I love romance, but it wouldn't actually turn me on.
It's not really something sexy in of itself, but it's pretty and it hints at sexier things!
Originally posted by
Red Vinyl Kitty
I voted "yes, a little". The rose petals and satin sheets are not what would do it for me, rather, I would be turned on by his effort to set up such a surprise.
My Man doing this. Hahahaahaa! No, he wouldn't. The most romantic thing he does is to put on a porn movie and pick out the sex toys. I come into the bedroom to find people getting it on on the TV, him sitting on the chair with his hand down his pants and a vibrator on my pillow. If he even lit a candle, I'd probably be astounded completely.
We have had satin sheets. We slide all over the place. I don't care for them.
We have had satin sheets. We slide all over the place. I don't care for them.
I'm not into this, but they'd still get laid. I just need a hint and I'm down for sex.
That is exactly how I would feel, it would be the fact that he took the time to do it, rather than the items themselves.
Originally posted by
Red Vinyl Kitty
I voted "yes, a little". The rose petals and satin sheets are not what would do it for me, rather, I would be turned on by his effort to set up such a surprise.
For me the turn-on would come more from the effort and thought put into it than the items themselves.
Someone made my bed?! That's hot
The effort would impress me for sure, and I'd loooove to get naked in satin sheets, but I sort of think the rose petals would mostly just be annoying to clean up afterwards.
The effort would impress me for sure, and I'd loooove to get naked in satin sheets, but I sort of think the rose petals would mostly just be annoying to clean up afterwards.
I voted yes not really because I have a thing for rose petals or silk sheets but because it would show that my wife was planning for sex and making preparations for it. That is a turn on!!!
I'd be happy he put forth the effort towards romance and that would turn me on, not the actual flowers or sheets.
It would be a turn on that he planned something, he's not really that kinda guy.
Nah, not really. I'd rather him have spent the time doing a load of laundry.
Awesome...huge turn on for me!!
I think it would be a turn on. In it's self the roses would do it more then the sheets but the real turn on would be that Hubby did something like that for me. He never does that kinda thing lol
Satin sheets aren't all they're cut out to be... and I'm allergic to flowers. That would be a total buzzkill for me.
I did this for my ex... candles, sexy negligee, and warmed massage oil in his favorite scent. He kissed me on the forehead, waited for me to give him a massage, asked if rose petals were edible and then proceeded to eat them until he made himself sick.
No sex at all that night. I was so disappointed that I went into the bathroom and cried after he fell asleep.
No sex at all that night. I was so disappointed that I went into the bathroom and cried after he fell asleep.
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