I know its probably a good idea to wash some of your toys everytime before and after you use them. Not to meantion change the bed sheets everytime after you have sex.
Ok, but thats in a perfect world(or so I think). I know ive failed many times of washing my toys everytime. Same with my bed sheets ile lay there at night and my one dog were like whatever spot my partner had a orgasm on/by/dripped a little. Needless to say the sheets arent necisarly dirty as in you can see it but its still there for dogs to smell. Not to the human nose thoe.
Ok, but thats in a perfect world(or so I think). I know ive failed many times of washing my toys everytime. Same with my bed sheets ile lay there at night and my one dog were like whatever spot my partner had a orgasm on/by/dripped a little. Needless to say the sheets arent necisarly dirty as in you can see it but its still there for dogs to smell. Not to the human nose thoe.