Is the warm weather getting you sex more often? (private vote)

Contributor: shepegsME shepegsME
So have you and the significant other gett'n busy under the sheets more often since the temperatures sky rocketed?
Answers (private voting - your screen name will NOT appear in the results):
24  (14%)
no :(
91  (53%)
We screw ALL THE TIME!
58  (34%)
Total votes: 173
Poll is closed
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Contributor: Victoria Victoria
I think the heat might make it a bit less often, because when you feel sweaty, gross, drained, and even sunburned, it just doesn't translate to more sexy time.

I guess I vote: "Slightly less often, for now"
Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
It was more often, but only because I moved closer. The heat doesn't really play much into this.
Contributor: Gunsmoke Gunsmoke
My wife's a teacher - so fun-frequency is way up in the summer!
Contributor: Sammi Sammi
It doesn't seem to make a difference for us if it's warmer or colder, although the locations change a bit
Contributor: ~LaUr3n~ ~LaUr3n~
I voted no because our frequency of sex has been high since the beginning and hasn't fluctuated at all due to weather.
Contributor: Domineight Domineight
Definitely the opposite. Too dang hot out! Spring and Fall are for sex! Summer is too hot (though I love sweaty sex...there's a breaking point for me) and I'm a weenie in the cold. I leave my socks on so I'm not freezing which, as you all know, is DEAD SEXY.
Contributor: Victoria Victoria
Originally posted by Domineight
Definitely the opposite. Too dang hot out! Spring and Fall are for sex! Summer is too hot (though I love sweaty sex...there's a breaking point for me) and I'm a weenie in the cold. I leave my socks on so I'm not freezing which, as you all ... more
You know what? I read somewhere that leaving your socks on increases pleasure - I guess because cold feet are a distraction / uncomfortable? The funny thing is when I googled it, I found like a zillion surveys and articles bitching about people leaving their socks on during sex,. Weird!
Contributor: Gary Gary
Originally posted by Gunsmoke
My wife's a teacher - so fun-frequency is way up in the summer!
Contributor: ButtonQTpi ButtonQTpi
I voted WE SCREW ALL THE TIME! It doesn't change no matter the weather. I love sweaty sticky sex in the summer that leads to sex in the shower right after. During the there is sex to keep warm. and fall and spring the weather is nice so sex anywhere. We still have sex just as much whatever the weather the only thing that changes is where and what follows usually.
Contributor: Alicia Alicia
Originally posted by Victoria
You know what? I read somewhere that leaving your socks on increases pleasure - I guess because cold feet are a distraction / uncomfortable? The funny thing is when I googled it, I found like a zillion surveys and articles bitching about people ... more
If I wear sexy knee high or thigh high socks that increases my husband's pleasure..although that has nothing to do with cold feet lol
Contributor: Alicia Alicia
I don't notice a difference really. Maybe a little more since we wear less clothing and so the turn on factor is higher. But, we still have work and we still have kids so we still need to find time and privacy in the day for it.

When we didn't have central air though our libido would go wayyy down in the summer becuase it was just so damn hot and sweaty to do anything unless it was in the shower.
Contributor: Liz2 Liz2
Can't honestly say the season makes a difference. In the summer I don't mind collapsing in a pool of mutual sweat.
When I come home from the gym(no showers), I am usually in the mood for another workout. My partner loves it as well as the mutual shower after!
Contributor: JEM JEM
Originally posted by Victoria
You know what? I read somewhere that leaving your socks on increases pleasure - I guess because cold feet are a distraction / uncomfortable? The funny thing is when I googled it, I found like a zillion surveys and articles bitching about people ... more
That is so funny. Just yesterday after sex I noticed my husband still had his socks on and when I mentioned it he said "Didn't you hear about that research about people having more intense orgasims when they have their socks on?" I thought he was pulling my chain!! How funny!
Contributor: oliverHyde oliverHyde
We couldn't turn on our heaters all winter (bad landlord = no biscuit) so now that it's finally warming up we're taking any excuse we can to get naked
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
No AC + 90 degree bedroom = don't touch me it's too hot!!! most of the time, lol.

We've been finding ways to have sex without actually touching each other all that much to try and cut back on the amount of showering that has to get done afterwards, since it's usually late when we can do anything and we both work early in the morning.
Contributor: TiffySmilez TiffySmilez
Originally posted by Victoria
You know what? I read somewhere that leaving your socks on increases pleasure - I guess because cold feet are a distraction / uncomfortable? The funny thing is when I googled it, I found like a zillion surveys and articles bitching about people ... more
I think it all depends on the type of socks. Long black tube socks or ratty old sweat socks are NOT pleasure increasers but fishnet stockings and tights with garters are probably the sexiest thing known to man.

And as far as people bitching about socks I think it's mostly because they feel like their partner is too lazy or not considerate enough to take their socks off.
Contributor: Chilipepper Chilipepper
I don't know - I never got to have sex in the summer. Although I do notice I'm not even up for cuddling when it's too hot (which, in Florida, is for about nine months out of the year).

As for the sock thing: I didn't even notice until afterward when Mulder said 'Uh, I didn't take my socks off ... guess I was in a hurry.' Although he's had me keep my stockings on a few times.

If you really want to turn someone off, wear sock garters. Ick.
Contributor: VieuxCarre VieuxCarre
I don't have sex with a physical person at the moment. I depend on myself and that hasn't changed because of the summer
Contributor: Tori Rebel Tori Rebel
I didn't vote. Because I always anticipate less, prepare for less, and sometimes even want less because it's just too hot and sticky and we end up all gross and sweaty and while it's fun, I still get grossed out when our non-genital body parts are slip-and-sliding all over each other. And yet, I really don't think the amount goes down at all. There's always a cool enough night, a calm enough day, or just hormones stronger than the weather. So although I might be harder to convince, things seem to even out all around.
Contributor: Gunsmoke Gunsmoke
I'm really surprised that people find it too hot for sex. I guess that's why we love California - in most parts of the state it's never too hot for sex. Even when it does get hot, it's not humid so it doesn't seem so bad.
Contributor: Dame Saphir Dame Saphir
The heat honestly makes me want to have sex a lot more. It makes us want to have sex in a lot more places too. The warmth opens up a lot of new and risky places to have sex, so that's really the only perk that the heat gives us. But it also gives the sweaty, gross factor. We wanna have sex really bad, then we do, then it's effing hot (his house has no AC) and so our desire for sex is pretty much satisfied for awhile cause we don't wanna get all gross again.
Contributor: Misfit Momma Misfit Momma
When we didn't have AC, it was less because I don't take too well to the heat and didn't want him to touch me !But now that we have had AC for the past few years, it's pretty much any chance we get.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
It was, (I guess, we screw a LOT) I like sex with it's hot and sticky. And when it's cold out. And when it's raining. And in the fall. And in the winter. And in the Summer. And in the spring. And during a tornado. Earthquakes. Fire falling from the sky. Hell, about any time.

Yeah, it was, until the damn heat and humidity triggered an other yeast infection in both of us. Resumed this morning, after a 4 day break. I was ready to lose my mind. FOUR DAYS? (OK, he got a BJ yesterday morning, but still, It's too long to go.)
Contributor: NightNight NightNight
There was a heatwave (also an earthquake! how eventful) where he lives when I last visited him at his AC-less, third-floor-of-a-three -story-house apartment... It was impossible to have sex, much less move, eat, sleep, anything but lay around with frozen wet rags on our bodies. I was so pissed off the fucking weather took almost a week's worth of sex from me during my ~4week vacation
Contributor: NightNight NightNight
Originally posted by P'Gell
It was, (I guess, we screw a LOT) I like sex with it's hot and sticky. And when it's cold out. And when it's raining. And in the fall. And in the winter. And in the Summer. And in the spring. And during a tornado. Earthquakes. Fire ... more
Unfortunately I missed the opportunity during the earthquake before our heatwave
Contributor: Owl Identified Owl Identified
Agreeing with Victoria. The heat makes me want to do nothing but lie on my basement floor and feel sorry for myself for not having central air.
Contributor: onehotmomma onehotmomma
warm weather = endless time playing outside = kids exhausted = More time for us! woohoo!
Contributor: AU AU
I think we have been getting it on more since it's been warm--but it might be coincidental. We can only do it when the air conditioning is set pretty low. Where I live, summer is hell. Lately it's been near 100°F. I kind of hate summer and avoid going outside at this time.
Contributor: Sera Sera
Originally posted by shepegsME
So have you and the significant other gett'n busy under the sheets more often since the temperatures sky rocketed?
HAHA, what's weather have to do with it?