I have the series but haven't read it yet.
50 Shades of Grey

My mom has a copy... I've been avoiding it.
I skimmed, I avoid and I hate it.
It's not the best writing I've ever seen, but it has made a lot of people more sexually aware and open. So I think it's useful, while not great.
Nothing yet but I have thought about reading it.
Originally posted by
Bethy Cassatt
What have you done about this crazy fad book?
Oh I agree on that. I zeroed in on the struggles of the relationship. But I had a big problem with that.
Originally posted by
Molly Carter
I'm on the third one. I've responded to the first two on my blog, and did reviews of them here. The writing isn't very good, but James does develop as a writer with each book.
As far as content, some of the sex scenes are hot. The ... more
As far as content, some of the sex scenes are hot. The ... more
I'm on the third one. I've responded to the first two on my blog, and did reviews of them here. The writing isn't very good, but James does develop as a writer with each book.
As far as content, some of the sex scenes are hot. The BDSM is not realistic (speaking from someone in a D/s relationship), and I HATE how Grey's BDSM is a result of his childhood abuse. Actually, it makes me quite angry! less
As far as content, some of the sex scenes are hot. The BDSM is not realistic (speaking from someone in a D/s relationship), and I HATE how Grey's BDSM is a result of his childhood abuse. Actually, it makes me quite angry! less
Total typo!!! They do NOT portray a healthy BDSM relationship. Holy cow!!! Thank you for pointing that out.
Originally posted by
Is this a typo?
"While I think the books to do portray a healthy BDSM relationship correctly"
i read them to be able to develop and offer an honest opinion. The image of BDSM in these books is insulting, demeaning, offensive, ... more
"While I think the books to do portray a healthy BDSM relationship correctly"
i read them to be able to develop and offer an honest opinion. The image of BDSM in these books is insulting, demeaning, offensive, ... more
Is this a typo?
"While I think the books to do portray a healthy BDSM relationship correctly"
i read them to be able to develop and offer an honest opinion. The image of BDSM in these books is insulting, demeaning, offensive, unsafe and inaccurate. The writing was weak and unskilled. less
"While I think the books to do portray a healthy BDSM relationship correctly"
i read them to be able to develop and offer an honest opinion. The image of BDSM in these books is insulting, demeaning, offensive, unsafe and inaccurate. The writing was weak and unskilled. less
Yes it was a typo. These books DO NOT portray healthy BDSM relationship. I agree that they are insulting to it. So frustrating that it won't let me edit the post from my phone.
Originally posted by
Thank youuuuuuuuuuuu. My thoughts exactly.
I read and enjoyed them. Then I passed them on to my sister, who also loves to read.
I never read them. I'm not avoiding them, but they are not a high priority either. Would rather read that new cowboy book first
I havent read it yet, but I want to
i refuse to read thesebooks
Originally posted by
Bethy Cassatt
What have you done about this crazy fad book?
I read through maybe half of the first book before I became pissed off with the female character. Excuse my language.
Originally posted by
Bethy Cassatt
What have you done about this crazy fad book?
I was excited that an erotica book was so popular and accepted, but its depiction of consent and the BDSM community is just awful!
Originally posted by
I was excited that an erotica book was so popular and accepted, but its depiction of consent and the BDSM community is just awful!
Don't really plan on reading it since it doesn't interest me.
Read it and loved it. The story was about 1 couple not all people in a BDSM relationship, I don't get why people are so offended. It's just a story.
my wife loved 'em
I'm getting it for myself tomorrow as an early XXXmas gift.
Avoid it
Avoid it. If you want to read a book about BDSM that isn't shallow and horribly written, I highly suggest checking out any books by The Marquis de Sade.
I avoid it, hate it, and would burn it
Avoided it. I've read a few bits and pieces of it here and there, and it's just garbage.
I haven't read it, and I'm not going to.
Still haven't made it past page 2. That relationship is abusive aside, the writing is difficult to stomach. Bared to You, which available here, also has characters/headcases and is BDSM-y, but with much better writing.
never read them
Avoid it
Originally posted by
Bethy Cassatt
What have you done about this crazy fad book?
Avoid it
Originally posted by
Bethy Cassatt
What have you done about this crazy fad book?
I still have to get this to read