In Books, movies, and video games, there are so many captivating and interesting characters. In books, you take the description and form a mental appearance. In movies, you are gifted the appearance of an actor and/or actress. In Video games, voice actors and numerous other technologies, such as human scanning are present. However it different it may be, one thing remains the same in these formats, and that is the aspect the in-depth and intriguing personality of said characters.
Video games a format that is growing and expanding its format daily. With half of the United States population listed as "casual gamers" more and more people are being exposed to intriguing characters and new ways to interact with them. With the latest advancements in technology combined with superior storytelling there is an all new way to interact with these characters than ever before. Games genres such as "Role Playing Games" commonly referred to as "RPGs", the gamer is put into the rule of a character where he or she will make decisions that not only impact their character and those around their character, but possibly the entire virtual world.
One such game that comes to mind is the RPG Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2. In Mass Effect you start off by creating a character, you may change his or her first name, but not his last which is Shepard. You can chose to customize your personal avatar, make it look as much like you or like someone you idolize. If you do not wish to customize your avatar, or do not want to take the time to change his or her name that is fine, you may play as John Shepard or Jane Shepard who already have a default face. After you create your face, you select a set of backgrounds and past events for your character, such as the "Sole Survivor" option where in your past you and a crew of fellow marines were stationed on the city of Akuze, there those in your command were slaughtered by an ancient alien race, and you were the only one to survive. There are two other options, and several different classes. Each class has a different style of play, if you want to be a Solider and fight with guns then so be it, if you want to be a powerful Biotic and fight with mass effect energy and use powers to throw your enemies against walls and lift them from their feet and throw them into an abyss than so be it. In Mass Effect you are given a spaceship and crews, among these crewmates are potent ional love interests, depending on how you choice to treat and speak to them you can share a moment of passion with your virtual love.
Ashley Williams a love interest for the male Shepard, a female strong minded alliance solider. While Ashley is kind and compassionate, along with caring greatly for her family, she has a tendency to be a racist. No not towards humans of any kind, but she is distrustful towards the other alien races. You can tell her she is wrong in this thought process and hope she comes around and when doing so you may anger her, you can also agree with her so not to anger her. Ashley Williams is an interesting character; attractive to look at yet you may find her space racism to be a bit much.
Liara T'Soni the only other male potential love interest and one of the two possible love interests for the female Shepard, she is from the alien species called Asari. Her blue skin and tentacles instead of hair are the only physical differences from a human. She is a more kind than Ashley, but she too you will find once thought humans to be bullies of the Galaxies. She says she has learned from her earlier assumptions about humanity, but you can tell her she was wrong to ever think such things or you can reassure her that it was alright. Depending on the way you treat Liara she you may share a passionate moment near the end of the game.
If you are interested in seeing a picture of Liara please visit Information and pictures of Liara T'Soni
If you would like to see the sex scene involving Liara and Male or Female Shepard please visit Liara with female Shepard Liara with male Shepard
If you are nice to both and flirt with both of these characters it will lead to an awkward moment near the end of the game where they will confront you and make you make a decision. The same will happen if you are a female Shepard and you attempted to romance both Liara and Kaiden Alenko.
Now to the last and the second romance option for female Shepard. Kaiden Alenko is a kind young man, whose mother was exposed to element zero, and he was born with the unique abilities of a biotic. He commonly has strong migraines and illness due to the old L2 implants that Biotics use. At a young age Kaiden was forced to go to the station "Jump Zero" a school for young biotic, here he had a run in with a strict Turian (alien species) teacher. Through kindness to this character you may have a sexual encounter near the end of the game.
If you are interested in the Kaiden Alenko Sex scene Kaiden and Female Shepard
Mass Effect 2 lets you continue your romance if you had one, or you can cheat on your previous love interest if you had one. In Mass Effect 2 there are more love interests than the first, and the previous two unromancable yet very popular Quarian Tali'Zorah nar Rayya and Turian Garrus Vakarian are now romanceable. There are so many romance options; I will only go over one for each.
Tali'Zorah nar Rayya of the Quarian species, a species that has a very weak immune system, therefore has to wear a helmet and an environmental suit. While never being able to see Tali's face you get the sense there is more to her than he goddess like hips and sweet demeanor. There was a huge response when she was not romanceable in the first game, the developers even had to change or think up a way to make her romanceable. If you are kind to her, and help her with her side mission you may have a romantic encounter near the end of the game.
If you are interested in reading more about Tali click here
If you would like to view the love scene please click here
Garrus Vakarian is another returning character, and is now romanceable for female Shepard. Garrus is a Turian, a militaristic alien species. Dissatisfied with injustice, he becomes a vigilante and that is where you reunite with your old friend Garrus Vakarian. If you help Garrus with his personal mission and treat him well you can have a romantic encounter with him.
If you would like to view Garrus's love scene please click here
Part 2 will be continued in next post!
Video games a format that is growing and expanding its format daily. With half of the United States population listed as "casual gamers" more and more people are being exposed to intriguing characters and new ways to interact with them. With the latest advancements in technology combined with superior storytelling there is an all new way to interact with these characters than ever before. Games genres such as "Role Playing Games" commonly referred to as "RPGs", the gamer is put into the rule of a character where he or she will make decisions that not only impact their character and those around their character, but possibly the entire virtual world.
One such game that comes to mind is the RPG Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2. In Mass Effect you start off by creating a character, you may change his or her first name, but not his last which is Shepard. You can chose to customize your personal avatar, make it look as much like you or like someone you idolize. If you do not wish to customize your avatar, or do not want to take the time to change his or her name that is fine, you may play as John Shepard or Jane Shepard who already have a default face. After you create your face, you select a set of backgrounds and past events for your character, such as the "Sole Survivor" option where in your past you and a crew of fellow marines were stationed on the city of Akuze, there those in your command were slaughtered by an ancient alien race, and you were the only one to survive. There are two other options, and several different classes. Each class has a different style of play, if you want to be a Solider and fight with guns then so be it, if you want to be a powerful Biotic and fight with mass effect energy and use powers to throw your enemies against walls and lift them from their feet and throw them into an abyss than so be it. In Mass Effect you are given a spaceship and crews, among these crewmates are potent ional love interests, depending on how you choice to treat and speak to them you can share a moment of passion with your virtual love.
Ashley Williams a love interest for the male Shepard, a female strong minded alliance solider. While Ashley is kind and compassionate, along with caring greatly for her family, she has a tendency to be a racist. No not towards humans of any kind, but she is distrustful towards the other alien races. You can tell her she is wrong in this thought process and hope she comes around and when doing so you may anger her, you can also agree with her so not to anger her. Ashley Williams is an interesting character; attractive to look at yet you may find her space racism to be a bit much.
Liara T'Soni the only other male potential love interest and one of the two possible love interests for the female Shepard, she is from the alien species called Asari. Her blue skin and tentacles instead of hair are the only physical differences from a human. She is a more kind than Ashley, but she too you will find once thought humans to be bullies of the Galaxies. She says she has learned from her earlier assumptions about humanity, but you can tell her she was wrong to ever think such things or you can reassure her that it was alright. Depending on the way you treat Liara she you may share a passionate moment near the end of the game.
If you are interested in seeing a picture of Liara please visit Information and pictures of Liara T'Soni
If you would like to see the sex scene involving Liara and Male or Female Shepard please visit Liara with female Shepard Liara with male Shepard
If you are nice to both and flirt with both of these characters it will lead to an awkward moment near the end of the game where they will confront you and make you make a decision. The same will happen if you are a female Shepard and you attempted to romance both Liara and Kaiden Alenko.
Now to the last and the second romance option for female Shepard. Kaiden Alenko is a kind young man, whose mother was exposed to element zero, and he was born with the unique abilities of a biotic. He commonly has strong migraines and illness due to the old L2 implants that Biotics use. At a young age Kaiden was forced to go to the station "Jump Zero" a school for young biotic, here he had a run in with a strict Turian (alien species) teacher. Through kindness to this character you may have a sexual encounter near the end of the game.
If you are interested in the Kaiden Alenko Sex scene Kaiden and Female Shepard
Mass Effect 2 lets you continue your romance if you had one, or you can cheat on your previous love interest if you had one. In Mass Effect 2 there are more love interests than the first, and the previous two unromancable yet very popular Quarian Tali'Zorah nar Rayya and Turian Garrus Vakarian are now romanceable. There are so many romance options; I will only go over one for each.
Tali'Zorah nar Rayya of the Quarian species, a species that has a very weak immune system, therefore has to wear a helmet and an environmental suit. While never being able to see Tali's face you get the sense there is more to her than he goddess like hips and sweet demeanor. There was a huge response when she was not romanceable in the first game, the developers even had to change or think up a way to make her romanceable. If you are kind to her, and help her with her side mission you may have a romantic encounter near the end of the game.
If you are interested in reading more about Tali click here
If you would like to view the love scene please click here
Garrus Vakarian is another returning character, and is now romanceable for female Shepard. Garrus is a Turian, a militaristic alien species. Dissatisfied with injustice, he becomes a vigilante and that is where you reunite with your old friend Garrus Vakarian. If you help Garrus with his personal mission and treat him well you can have a romantic encounter with him.
If you would like to view Garrus's love scene please click here
Part 2 will be continued in next post!