EF Role changing from Advanced reviewer to Writer?

Contributor: Miss Anonymous Miss Anonymous
Have any of you notice that?

Mines no longer says advanced reviewer but it now says "writer". I noticed it on a couple of peoples pages. I was wondering is this a change that is being made to everyone's account? Does anyone know about anything about this?
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Contributor: js250 js250
What? Be right back--mine says 'Advanced Reviewer' and Ambassador. Will have to check into an ambassador-not sure what that one means.
Contributor: Loriandhubby Loriandhubby
wow, i just checked mine and it says writer. oh my, what an honor.
Contributor: Miss Anonymous Miss Anonymous
Originally posted by js250
What? Be right back--mine says 'Advanced Reviewer' and Ambassador. Will have to check into an ambassador-not sure what that one means.
haha! Me either, I'm not sure what Ambassador means. I think that shows up with you activate your coupon code. After doing that is when I noticed that showed up.... But this "Writer" thing, I don't know what that's about. I noticed they have been making A LOT of changes to the site. Like now instead of saying "verified" next to the names when you comment something, it has the green check mark.
Contributor: Miss Anonymous Miss Anonymous
Originally posted by Loriandhubby
wow, i just checked mine and it says writer. oh my, what an honor.
It Isn't a bad thing.. I was just curious to why it's changing.
Contributor: KrissyNovacaine KrissyNovacaine
I have been curious about what is going on too.
Contributor: ToyTimeTim ToyTimeTim
Mine still says "Advanced reviewer, Ambassador". I believe Ambassador refers to the Affiliate program, could be wrong though.
Contributor: Femme Mystique Femme Mystique
I noticed that when I came back too. The only think I could think was that maybe it was a designation for people who didn't have to be voted up to Advanced Reviewers? I don't know if that's the case for any of you as well.
Contributor: Beck Beck
I just had a student added to my class and I noticed that she is a Writer. I looked at her profile to see what was different. She wrote an article for Sexis. That is where the change comes in, I believe.
Contributor: Loriandhubby Loriandhubby
just today i found out my article for Sexis was accepted. maybe that is it. but my advanced reviewer went away. idk. i'm sure EF will post about it very soon. they are amazing at keeping the community posted on all changes.
Contributor: Apirka Apirka
I agree with Beck, it's for those who've written SexIs articles. I've also noticed that there's a "Publish SexIs Article" area on our dashboards now, as well as an article proofreading program in the task market.
Contributor: Femme Mystique Femme Mystique
Originally posted by Beck
I just had a student added to my class and I noticed that she is a Writer. I looked at her profile to see what was different. She wrote an article for Sexis. That is where the change comes in, I believe.
I've never written for Sexis, but I did write a fantasy once. Maybe it can be that too?
Contributor: PassionateLover2 PassionateLover2
Originally posted by Apirka
I agree with Beck, it's for those who've written SexIs articles. I've also noticed that there's a "Publish SexIs Article" area on our dashboards now, as well as an article proofreading program in the task market.
I agree with you and 'Beck'! My Profile still says 'Advanced Reviewer' and 'Ambassador'. I've never written for Sexis, but I did written two fantasies which I have submitted to the Eden Fantasys marketing department for future publishing and posting. Nothing posted yet, however!
Contributor: SMichelle SMichelle
Originally posted by Apirka
I agree with Beck, it's for those who've written SexIs articles. I've also noticed that there's a "Publish SexIs Article" area on our dashboards now, as well as an article proofreading program in the task market.
I don't think that that's it, though, because going to Miss Nessa's profile, it doesn't look like she's written any fantasies or SexIs articles -- yet her profile says "writer".
Contributor: Beck Beck
Originally posted by SMichelle
I don't think that that's it, though, because going to Miss Nessa's profile, it doesn't look like she's written any fantasies or SexIs articles -- yet her profile says "writer".
I think I figured it out. Looked in my dashboard for the tab that Aprika was talking about. I activated it and now I'm a writer. Though, I have never written an article.

@Nessa and @ Femme Did you do this?
Contributor: Kindred Kindred
Having "writer" for role is not new. I have two students that have had this title and one has been for over a year. I believe it is tied to writing articles for Sexis.
Contributor: Vanille Vanille
I haven't written for SexIs. Still stays Advanced Reviewer.
Contributor: Loriandhubby Loriandhubby
i did activate the Sexis Writer option in my account. but i'm a bit confused... why would the advanced reviewer go away too???
Contributor: js250 js250
I just activated my Sexis writer and am now a Writer and Ambassador. I wrote 2 articles for the Eden Cafe. That is the difference!!! I do want my Advanced Reviewer on there as well, though--but no big deal. I guess people will figure that out when they read your reviews and see how many you have written.
Contributor: Apirka Apirka
Originally posted by SMichelle
I don't think that that's it, though, because going to Miss Nessa's profile, it doesn't look like she's written any fantasies or SexIs articles -- yet her profile says "writer".
I also don't see any articles on her profile, but in her bio, she does say that she's written a few articles for SexIs. Perhaps they're just not published yet.

On a side note, I guess there's a writing contest on SexIs right now with some pretty sweet prizes.
Contributor: XxXxX XxXxX
Originally posted by Beck
I just had a student added to my class and I noticed that she is a Writer. I looked at her profile to see what was different. She wrote an article for Sexis. That is where the change comes in, I believe.
I'm a writer now too but I just started and I havent written any articles.
Contributor: Miss Anonymous Miss Anonymous
Originally posted by Beck
I think I figured it out. Looked in my dashboard for the tab that Aprika was talking about. I activated it and now I'm a writer. Though, I have never written an article.

@Nessa and @ Femme Did you do this?
I've never written for sexis before. I didn't activate anything, I just logged on and mines was already changed.
Contributor: Miss Anonymous Miss Anonymous
Originally posted by Apirka
I also don't see any articles on her profile, but in her bio, she does say that she's written a few articles for SexIs. Perhaps they're just not published yet.

On a side note, I guess there's a writing contest on SexIs ... more
Okay, I'm confused.. I've never written for sexis, I've written for EdenCafe. Are those two the same thing? I thought they were different.
Contributor: Ryuson Ryuson
I have activated the new Sexis thing, but have never written anything on here but forum posts and reviews. I want my advanced reviewer thing back! D:

Hoping this is a glitch, I liked having it be known that I was part of the sponsored review program. Are there any non-advanced reviewers that are now 'writers?' Give us a shout out here if you are!
Contributor: Zombirella Zombirella
I activated it not knowing what I was really doing. I honestly don't ever plan to write and article and would prefer my profile to say advanced reviewer and not writer. After graduating in March with over 6yrs of school, I have NO desire to write something other than a review.
Contributor: Loriandhubby Loriandhubby
Originally posted by Apirka
I also don't see any articles on her profile, but in her bio, she does say that she's written a few articles for SexIs. Perhaps they're just not published yet.

On a side note, I guess there's a writing contest on SexIs ... more
I'm so excited over the contest.
Contributor: meitman meitman
Originally posted by Kindred
Having "writer" for role is not new. I have two students that have had this title and one has been for over a year. I believe it is tied to writing articles for Sexis.
I was thinking it might have something to do with the new Sexis Social thing, but if you've seen it up to a year ago that must not be exactly it.

I don't believe the ambassador title has anything to do with the affiliate program because I'm listed as one, but not a part of the affiliate program.
Contributor: Adriana Ravenlust Adriana Ravenlust
Originally posted by ToyTimeTim
Mine still says "Advanced reviewer, Ambassador". I believe Ambassador refers to the Affiliate program, could be wrong though.
You are incorrect good sir.
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
Ambassadors are off-site reviewers. This designation happens when you activate your affiliate code and/or if you were a part of the blogger program.

If you have written for Sexis, your role is now "writer".

This is not a glitch, it was intentional. If you have any questions, please email Rayne @ rayne@edenfantasys.com
Contributor: SarafA SarafA
Oh this is interesting. Thanks for bringing this up.