How are you feeling with this time change thing.

Contributor: jjis123 jjis123
I hate it. It should be 8:15 not 9:15. What the hell
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
Llahsram , Hazeleyes2012 , Munko , DeliciousDrip , Noelle , hillys
6  (16%)
sexynola , gsfanatic , Toy Fiend , table38792 , solly , Real or memorex , TJtheMadHatter , MissCandyland , Cindi025 , Living Doll , nikki0668 , The Vixen , damnbul12 , kaykay0427 , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , Rossie , Britt&Rich , tunacan75 , ~BabyCakes~ , Allstars316 , Rory , DawnStar
22  (58%)
RonLee , null , ViVix , joiedejouets , GONE! , Martiniman , Hummingbird , mpfm , dawnkye , BlooJay
10  (26%)
Total votes: 38
Poll is closed
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Contributor: Chilipepper Chilipepper
I had insomnia last night, so it's especially difficult with the extra daylight this evening. A lot of people I chat with said the change kicked their asses this year.
Contributor: RonLee RonLee
I do not like it at all. As opposed to saving energy changing the clocks wastes money.
According to the Huffington Post "changing the clocks an hour ahead for daylight saving time doesn't just cost us sleep -- it might also be costing the American economy as much as $434 million, according to a new index."
Contributor: null null
I don't like it, but I actually woke up earlier today. Hopefully this continues tomorrow when midterms begin.
Contributor: sexynola sexynola
Originally posted by jjis123
I hate it. It should be 8:15 not 9:15. What the hell
its darker so much earlier
Contributor: gsfanatic gsfanatic
Eh, given that my Sunday night sleep tends to be eh, the time change doesn't affect me much
Contributor: jjis123 jjis123
It effects me because I feel like it should be earlier and now I have to go to bed when I'm not tired in order to wake up at a decent hour for work
Contributor: Toy Fiend Toy Fiend
It is sucky.
Contributor: table38792 table38792
I voted 'no' in the sense I don't like it. They should just leave the clocks alone and stop switching them. It's such a hassle.
Contributor: solly solly
I always feel kinda groggy when things "spring forward", it takes my body a couple of days to catch up.
Contributor: Real or memorex Real or memorex
By no, I meant "daylight savings sucks."
Contributor: ViVix ViVix
Originally posted by jjis123
I hate it. It should be 8:15 not 9:15. What the hell
I'm a little tuckered out, but I'm not exactly sure why it makes such a difference. Might have been other contributing factors.
Contributor: TJtheMadHatter TJtheMadHatter
I'm tired, but it's not too bad. If anything I'm kind of liking it. It making the night last. (We're at the coast and have had a lot of family visit.)
Contributor: jennifur77 jennifur77
I'm exhausted, more from a hard night last night than anything else, though.
Contributor: joiedejouets joiedejouets
I don't really care, it happens. That's how i see it Haha.
Contributor: MissCandyland MissCandyland
I don't like it, it throws me off.
Contributor: GONE! GONE!
I'm feeling pretty good actually.
Contributor: K101 K101
Originally posted by jjis123
I hate it. It should be 8:15 not 9:15. What the hell
Too soon to tell for me just yet. Usually, I do okay with it, but prefer the longer days!
Contributor: Martiniman Martiniman
I'm in Cancun at the moment and they have changed time here yet. It won't affect me until the end of the week and with the flight I really won't notice it much.
Contributor: Cindi025 Cindi025
personally I would rather do away with the time changes.. just leave it at 1 time and be done with it!
Contributor: Living Doll Living Doll
It's completely thrown me off. I've been exhausted since yesterday morning.
Contributor: KrazyKandy KrazyKandy
I actually had no impact, I didnt even notice the time change until I saw people complain on twitter.
Contributor: Gunsmoke Gunsmoke
Not an issue for me. I liked it before the latest change. A few years ago the moved up the start from late March to early March - IMO too soon, but it's tolerable.
Contributor: nikki0668 nikki0668
I think the time change is stupid and unnecessary.
Contributor: Sera26 Sera26
I felt so terrible yesterday morning. It was insane.
Contributor: The Vixen The Vixen
I like the sun being out later, but the time change has really messed with my sleep. I'll probably be fine in a couple days.
Contributor: Trysexual Trysexual
Originally posted by table38792
I voted 'no' in the sense I don't like it. They should just leave the clocks alone and stop switching them. It's such a hassle.
Yes, I fucking hate it. IT takes more more than average time to adjust to it and of course I was up later than normal.
Contributor: Trysexual Trysexual
Originally posted by Martiniman
I'm in Cancun at the moment and they have changed time here yet. It won't affect me until the end of the week and with the flight I really won't notice it much.
Shouldn't you be snapping naked pictures and playing with toys, not surfing EF in Cancun?
Contributor: Hummingbird Hummingbird
Doesn't matter to me except I lost an hour with my toys. After a few decades of living through this it barely phases me now.
Contributor: damnbul12 damnbul12
Originally posted by jjis123
I hate it. It should be 8:15 not 9:15. What the hell