Have you noticed Christmas items already being sold in local stores? Labor Day 2012

Contributor: Bignuf Bignuf
We did some Labor Day shopping and were shocked by home many stores (major chains and local shops, both) in the mall already had Christmas displays and sales going. I guess they are hurting so bad for sales they are trying to do anything to "drum up" demand.

Have you noticed this trend where-ever you live?
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
Yes, Christmas store displays are already popping up here.
Bignuf , Ryuson , Gracie , Mamastoys , Feisty , ellieprobable , Andrey2052 , bratofthekitties , Talena , Incendiaire , js250 , MissCandyland , Gluesnffr , travelnurse , Sima-pusya , El-Jaro , Kissy , mandiegk , padmeamidala , ToyGeek , FallFire , Missmarc , lovekink , Sammi , LAndJ , Ganconagh , MK434 , Jimenko , Intrepid Niddering , RatchetS , Ex-prude , LilLostLenore , Checkmate , mpfm , Stagger13 , darthkitt3n , hjtee , Kitka , Artishok , Rory , gsfanatic , LavenderSkies , dv8 , yw2
No, have not noticed this.
Bex1331 , PropertyOfPotter , Sundae Sparkles , melissa1973 , unfulfilled , Lildrummrgurl7 , vanilla&chocolate , neil i. , Khanner , TWE112 , pfoof , GONE! , GirlOnGirl , Zandrock , ksparkles16 , Allstars316
I doin't shop "brick and mortor" stores, so wouldn't know.
js250 , KyotoAngel
Total votes: 62 (61 voters)
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Contributor: Ryuson Ryuson
I used to work at a craft store, I quit like August 10th so that I could start school, and we got our Christmas aisle the SAME week we got up the Halloween aisle. It was ridiculous! And people bought things! D:
Contributor: Gracie Gracie
Yep, I have noticed this for the past several years. I wish we would go back to taking one holiday at a time!
Contributor: Mamastoys Mamastoys
Yes, I saw bunches already out over the weekend. way too early for me!
Contributor: Bex1331 Bex1331
I've only seen Halloween so far, but it wouldn't surprise me
Contributor: PropertyOfPotter PropertyOfPotter
I've seen Halloween, but nothing Christmas yet.
Contributor: Sundae Sparkles Sundae Sparkles
I've seen alot of Halloween candy out all ready
Contributor: Feisty Feisty
I went into a craft store about two months ago(july) and they had Christmas stuff already up....
Contributor: ellieprobable ellieprobable
Christmas creep. Especially annoying for those of us that don't celebrate the holiday at all.
Contributor: unfulfilled unfulfilled
Not yet here as of last Friday when I went shopping, but they have Halloween up.
Contributor: Andrey2052 Andrey2052
Yes, Christmas store displays are already popping up here.
Contributor: bratofthekitties bratofthekitties
Well I did see a christmas section at the halloween store, lots of santa and sexy santa costumes
Contributor: Incendiaire Incendiaire
I saw a chocolate Santa on the shelves of the supermarket yesterday and it pissed me off.
Contributor: Lildrummrgurl7 Lildrummrgurl7
I've only seen Halloween stuff up so far. I'm sure in the next week I'll notice Christmas displays.
Contributor: MissCandyland MissCandyland
Yes, I've noticed it.
Contributor: Gluesnffr Gluesnffr
yup, ridiculous
Contributor: vanilla&chocolate vanilla&chocolate
Have not noticed this yet, but I do think it's ridiculous! Summer isn't even over yet!
Contributor: travelnurse travelnurse
Yes, the Christmas stuff is popping up!
Contributor: Sima-pusya Sima-pusya
Yes, Christmas store displays are already popping up here.
Contributor: KyotoAngel KyotoAngel
A few stores here and there have a little of the Christmas stuff out, but for the most part it's all Halloween products in the holiday sections.
Either one is fine with me. xD

That reminds me...I gotta get a better fake raven this year. :3
I'm planning to attach it to an elastic so I can have it sit on my shoulder and I'm going to name it "Nevermore".
Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
Yeah, I heard about a Sam's Club that put up their displays last week.

So greedy...so manipulative...
Contributor: neil i. neil i.
Haven't seen any Christmas displays yet, but I figure I will before the month is out.
Contributor: Kissy Kissy
So crazy, right? TOOOO SOOOOOON
Contributor: Khanner Khanner
Not yet for me. And it's a good thing, too, because I'm a huge grinch. Although I'd put up with christmas displays all year if it meant no christmas songs being played over the radio.
Contributor: TWE112 TWE112
I havent noticed.
Contributor: ToyGeek ToyGeek
I saw Halloween stuff on July 6th, and Christmas stuff popped up a couple of weeks later.
Contributor: FallFire FallFire
I was at Michael's craft store and they had the Christmas stuff out before the Halloween stuff. And this was a few months ago...
Contributor: Missmarc Missmarc
Originally posted by Bignuf
We did some Labor Day shopping and were shocked by home many stores (major chains and local shops, both) in the mall already had Christmas displays and sales going. I guess they are hurting so bad for sales they are trying to do anything to ... more
Yes, Christmas store displays are already popping up here.
Contributor: lovekink lovekink
I noticed one the other day!
Contributor: Sammi Sammi
Originally posted by Ryuson
I used to work at a craft store, I quit like August 10th so that I could start school, and we got our Christmas aisle the SAME week we got up the Halloween aisle. It was ridiculous! And people bought things! D:
The craft stores putting it up early doesn't bother me, as I need a few months to make some of the items . But, seeing K-mart putting up Christmas items next to the Halloween stuff (which went up before August 15th) was beyond ridiculous.