How do you view buying footwear?

Contributor: LoveDove LoveDove
Well, I have this shoe thing. I'm a woman, what do you expect?! But I'm considering buying this pair of $100 boots, like riding boots, and I consider them an investment - I'll probably have them for 5 years or more. But for other shoes, I don't consider them an investment so much, but more of a current need and I'll get another pair of shoes in a year or two.

How do you consider buying shoes? Are ALL of them long-term investements? Or is it just some of them?
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
All shoes I buy are long-term shoes. (It means I don't feel guilty about buying them!)
shcoo , eeep , The-IT-Guy-And-My-Secretary , PassionateLover2 , True Pleasures , LoveDove , Ms. Spice , HannahPanda , JRabbits , cburger , Cherry21 , Love Perpetua , rom323 , xOhxSoxScandalousx , Squeaky , Stinkytofu10 , Llahsram , AlianneCimorene , RomanticGoth
Most expensive shoes I buy I consider to be long-term shoes.
Masokisti , Coralbell , lacybutton , LoveDove , Valentinka , rom323
It depends on the shoe, the price, and what the shoe is going to be used for
shcoo , MissCandyland , Masokisti , Coralbell , eeep , TheSlyFox , lacybutton , llellsee , Sammi , winterseve , CoffeeCup , idunshire , ellejay , LoveDove , LilLostLenore , Chirple , K101 , TameTemptress , KyotoAngel , Kitka , CaliGirl , Anne , ~LaUr3n~ , AlianneCimorene , Gone (LD29)
A shoe is a shoe - you buy it, wear it most days, and it wears out. Repeat.
Ash1141 , Tagmstr , Moein , lacybutton , Nazaress , CoffeeCup , T&A1987 , SMichelle , GenderSexplorations , Ryuson , Chirple , JRabbits , slynch , Breas , Mistress M. , Teacookie , ViVix , Squeaky , Adriana Ravenlust , thisisadeletedaccount , Anne , Nacht Stern , AlianneCimorene , unfulfilled , Bignuf
I only have a few pairs of shoes, and I replace a pair when/if they wear out.
Ash1141 , Moein , TheSlyFox , llellsee , Nazaress , EdenJP , Taylor , GenderSexplorations , Ryuson , Chirple , slynch , JackRaiden , Allstars316 , dhig , Highmaintenancegirl916 , , Squeaky , thisisadeletedaccount , Nacht Stern , Airen Wolf , Gone (LD29)
I don't buy expensive shoes, so I can buy more of them. And it doesn't matter then.
Nazaress , LAndJ , dv8 , CindyH , Nacht Stern , dontbackdown02 , Mamastoys
Total votes: 103 (72 voters)
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Contributor: shcoo shcoo
I have 25+ pairs of shoes, and about half of them are fancy/for special occasions. I'd never throw them out if they "went out of style" or something; I keep all shoes until they wear out.
Contributor: Tagmstr Tagmstr
I have to get new shoes every couple months. They get ruined pretty quick lol
Contributor: eeep eeep
I don't wear shoes out very fast, partly because I have a few pairs. I try to get nicer ones cause cheap shoes do wear out fast on me, and tend to be uncomfortable for long term wear.
Contributor: The-IT-Guy-And-My-Secretary The-IT-Guy-And-My-Secretary
I am all about buying the expensive shoes as an investment but also for health reasons. Being a personal trainer, massage therapist, and Rehab specialist, I know how important it is to wear good shoes. So, I buy expensive shoes but also pay attention to when they wear out so I purchase new ones right away. Good quality shoes = little to no back, hip, knee, foot pain!!
Contributor: PassionateLover2 PassionateLover2
As an avid hiker, it's important to find the right kind of boots for the wilderness areas. I generally use cross-trainers for both the lightweight as well as the waterproof features. The shoe tread assures sound footing over rocks and roots of trees; and the Gortex lining keeps my feet dry when crossing small streams. These shoes are generally over $150 a pair; but its worth it. I find I wear them almost all day long and year round; except when I go out to dinner!
Contributor: Nazaress Nazaress
I voted a few things because I don't waste money on expensive shoes (or anything else). And I only buy one pair of tennis shoes. The rest are "cute" shoes that are RIDICULOUSLY cheap at the time, otherwise I wouldn't get them.
Contributor: LAndJ LAndJ
I always buy shoes that are inexpensive or on clearance. Sometimes I can find great deals like $70 boots for $20 and flats for around $5 on clearance.
Contributor: EdenJP EdenJP
Originally posted by LoveDove
Well, I have this shoe thing. I'm a woman, what do you expect?! But I'm considering buying this pair of $100 boots, like riding boots, and I consider them an investment - I'll probably have them for 5 years or more. But for other shoes, I ... more
buy em as i need em
Contributor: T&A1987 T&A1987
i buy one pair of sneakers every four months. rinse and repeat.
Contributor: Ms. Spice Ms. Spice
I drop more money on shoes than I care to admit. But since they last for years, rather than months, I think they're worthwhile investments.
Contributor: GenderSexplorations GenderSexplorations
I think I have a total of three pairs of shoes. That's it. And they're all sneakers of some sort.
Contributor: Ryuson Ryuson
I have like 4 pairs of shoes! In the spring I buy sandals, wear them every day until the fall apart, and then it's fall and I buy a pair of boots, wear them everyday until they fall apart, lather, rinse, repeat.
Contributor: HannahPanda HannahPanda
I don't do the expensive shoe thing, though I'm really girly and love the idea of it.. I just don't like my money going all to one thing.
Contributor: Chirple Chirple
My everyday shoes were a gift, replacing ones that were $20. My winter boots were originally $250, but I paid $14.

Regular shoes usually last me about a year.

However, I paid $200 for handmade shoes from England once. Most I have ever paid for shoes. I only wear them once a year or so. Still worth it.
Contributor: JRabbits JRabbits
I wish EF would sell some sexy boots and shoes. That aside, because it had to be said, I don't really look at shoes as investments. I look at them like the sexy/cute/dependable shoes I need and want. Trust me, I can always find a reason for why I need a new pair of shoes.
Contributor: JackRaiden JackRaiden
A buy a pair of shoes that I really like every year or two, usually through some type of deal or sale, and less than $50. I buy another pair of comfy sandals in the same way. They rarely break or anything, so I still have a half dozen pairs of footwear at any given time.
Contributor: Allstars316 Allstars316
Good question, I'm a guy and I only buy shoes when they wear out. I only own 3 pairs of shoes. Sneakers, nice shoes and flip flops. Need to buy a new pair soon.
Contributor: Mistress M. Mistress M.
When I was doing in home health care, I bought shoes that were going to last, and had insoles. Shape-ups are amazing! I don't particularly like shoes, and I'd rather go barefoot. Though, when I have to wear shoes, I'd prefer it to be something that is comfortable.
Contributor: LoveDove LoveDove
I have flat feet, to the point where most "normal" shoes will cause back/knee problems as a result. I have to buy the Asics 2100 series shoes, which are around $100, but a pair will last me a year and a half to two years. And then for dress shoes or heels, I just get them from Payless. I do the occasional splurge - I bought a pair of Ugg boots three or four years ago and take really good care of them.
Contributor: TameTemptress TameTemptress
When I was younger, I'd buy shoes to match an outfit and it didn't really matter to me if they only matched one outfit. Now, I have pretty basic shoes that match lots of things....and lots of fun colored flip flops.
Contributor: Highmaintenancegirl916 Highmaintenancegirl916
I only buy a few pairs because I have 2 replace them often
Contributor: Teacookie Teacookie
Originally posted by LoveDove
Well, I have this shoe thing. I'm a woman, what do you expect?! But I'm considering buying this pair of $100 boots, like riding boots, and I consider them an investment - I'll probably have them for 5 years or more. But for other shoes, I ... more
i Hate shoe shopping, HATE IT! 7.5 wide wide shoes in womans is hard to find and I'm a size 5 in mens. when I buy shoes they last for a long time and I try to buy multiple of the ones I like. oh yeah means size 5 not easy to find but more comfy then womans. fact most mens items last longer.
Contributor: Love Perpetua Love Perpetua
I used to buy cheap shoes, but I realized I had to replace them so often that I a) might as well have just bought the expensive ones to begin with and b) was creating a lot of unnecessary waste. So now all the shoes I buy are long-term shoes, and I try to buy high-quality ones that I know will last. I still do try to get them on sale, though!
Contributor: GONE! GONE!
Depends. If I know they'll last a long time I'll splurge.
Contributor: rom323 rom323
I have over 180 pairs of shoes, and the most expensive are Christian Leboutans which cost over $800. Shoes to me are an investment and I plan on wearing all of them for many years. Expensive shoes are like buying mercedes over a chevy. They both provide transportation, but the repairs on a mercedes are minimal and will last along time.
Contributor: ViVix ViVix
Originally posted by LoveDove
Well, I have this shoe thing. I'm a woman, what do you expect?! But I'm considering buying this pair of $100 boots, like riding boots, and I consider them an investment - I'll probably have them for 5 years or more. But for other shoes, I ... more
A shoe is a shoe. I would never spend over $40 for a matter what!
Contributor: CindyH CindyH
i buy cheap shoes cause i am not good at taking care of them
Contributor: KyotoAngel KyotoAngel
Most of the shoes I buy are cheap and meant for general walking (walking around stores or around the block usually) but I do tend to pay a bit more when I see a really cute pair of heels or boots.
I never buy any shoes on a whim though, I make sure I've considered them for at least a week or two so there's less chance I'll regret buying them.
Contributor: Incendiaire Incendiaire
I've always hated buying shoes. Comfort is always paramount with me, so when I find a good pair I stick with it.