
Contributor: Envy Envy
No snow here, but I'd like it snow just once so i can see what it's like.
Contributor: Anne Ardeur Anne Ardeur
Originally posted by DeliciousSurprise
I do get snow, but I don't have snow right now... Which is the poll about?
I was asking about right now, but you can vote whatever you want
Contributor: Jessica Elizabeth Jessica Elizabeth
LOL I grew up in the Upper Midwest, so I've been hearing all about the snow back home! Here in San Francisco we have rain.
Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
Originally posted by Envy
No snow here, but I'd like it snow just once so i can see what it's like.
It's WAY better than 90+ degrees!
Contributor: Chilipepper Chilipepper
Originally posted by El-Jaro
It's WAY better than 90+ degrees!
I agree!
Contributor: Alicia Alicia
I don't have snow, we live in NC and usually only see some light snow once or twice a year since we're so near the coast. I am from NJ originally though, and I miss the snow..though not the driving in it part!
Contributor: Kinkyquing Kinkyquing
We have snow, and right now I really don't want it because we're due to get more which is complicating travel plans.
Contributor: ToyTimeTim ToyTimeTim
Originally posted by Chilipepper
I agree!
Me too!
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by Anne Ardeur
Snow - who has it, and who wants it?

And does anyone want to come shovel my driveway?
I am dreading the snow, it makes my joints ache and it's cold...I hate being cold!
Contributor: Red Vinyl Kitty Red Vinyl Kitty
I adore the snow! It has snowed here a couple of times, but it always melts by the next day.
Contributor: Jobthingy Jobthingy
Originally posted by Emma (Girl With Fire)
Not to mention about a billion times more likely to be stepped in. gah.
Or when your child slips on mushy poo.. thank god for splash pants
Contributor: Shumway Shumway
Don't have yet.. although we had about 4 inches of snow the night before Hallowe'en which made things really damn cold in our costumes! Luckily it melted within a couple days, and has stayed away since.. which is good because I can't afford to put the snow tires on yet!
Contributor: cherryredhead88 cherryredhead88
Originally posted by Anne Ardeur
Snow - who has it, and who wants it?

And does anyone want to come shovel my driveway?
The only reason I even want to see a touch of snow around here is that it will be my son's first winter (not technically, but when he was born he didn't know what the hell was going on!) so I want to see him experience it. But then it can go away... lol
Contributor: Sammi Sammi
You can come and take all my snow away .
Contributor: Darling Jen Darling Jen
Where I live in the south, we very very very rarely get snow. And even then we only get about an inch or two. So I'd love to see some this year. But it's hardly possible when we're have 75-degree (Fahrenheit) weather here. *sigh*
Contributor: Lady Venus Lady Venus
Originally posted by fghjkl
Living in New Brunswick sucks in the winter. We get way too much snow and I heard that this year is going to be bad. We've already had two mini snow storms Every winter, I always wonder why I don't live in Florida.
I feel ya, I live in Nova Scotia, (howdy neighbour!) I know all about Maritime winters. Like said, I belong in the South!! LOL!
Contributor: fghjkl fghjkl
Originally posted by Lady Venus
I feel ya, I live in Nova Scotia, (howdy neighbour!) I know all about Maritime winters. Like said, I belong in the South!! LOL!
I was living in Halifax for "White Juan". That was a treat! I can definitely say that ns always gets more snow than we do. So good luck this winter!
Contributor: ZenaidaMacroura ZenaidaMacroura
It hasn't snowed in my part of Indiana yet, but it's coming. I love it to be snowy until about New Year's Day, and then I'm over it. I hate being cold.

Normally, we get about two weeks of spring, then around five months of ungodly hot summer weather, two weeks of fall, and five months of ungodly cold evil weather. Fall's actually lasted a while this year. It's kind of awesome. And I know, I'm missing about a month of weather in there somewhere.
Contributor: joja joja
Snow is great. It's like sculpture material falling from the sky! I'm from Chicago and live in Cleveland, so it's been snowy from November to February my entire life.
Contributor: Miss Morphine Miss Morphine
I like snow as long as it doesn't come attached with an ice storm.
Contributor: CheerfulLoner CheerfulLoner
I have some and I want some more!

I love snow and cold weather!
Contributor: Boredum Boredum
snow snow snow, i love snow.
Contributor: JEM JEM
Being a teacher I LOVE snow days...but being a Florida transplant I HATE the cold and wet that always accompanies these snow days!!
Contributor: Naughty Student Naughty Student
Originally posted by fghjkl
Living in New Brunswick sucks in the winter. We get way too much snow and I heard that this year is going to be bad. We've already had two mini snow storms Every winter, I always wonder why I don't live in Florida.
I'm in Quebec and we got lots of snow also!

We don't have any yet but I can't wait, I love going on snowshoeing expeditions with friends in the mountains.
Contributor: ToyTimeTim ToyTimeTim
What a great morning! This was the first thing I saw outside.

Contributor: Chilipepper Chilipepper
Perfect way to start the holiday, Dwtim!
Contributor: Avant-garde Avant-garde
I LOVE snow cant wait for it to start!!!
Contributor: Sir Sir
Originally posted by ToyTimeTim
What a great morning! This was the first thing I saw outside.

Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.
Contributor: SexyTabby SexyTabby
Originally posted by ToyTimeTim
What a great morning! This was the first thing I saw outside.

I'm jealous!
Contributor: Darling Jen Darling Jen
Originally posted by ToyTimeTim
What a great morning! This was the first thing I saw outside.

Gorgeous! That's a sight I definitely won't be seeing down south.