The Free Thread : Post Whatever's on Your Mind

Contributor: XxFallenAngelxX XxFallenAngelxX
Post what you feel like talking about tonight. There is no set theme, just whatever is on your mind.

I just finished the bubble thriller review and I want to work on another but I'm pretty tired tonight and EF seems to get my attention when I am most tired. This happen to anyone else?
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Contributor: Gone (LD29) Gone (LD29)
I'm half paying attention to the Walking Dead reruns my husband is watching on demand. He's getting caught up on season 2 before season 3 starts in a few weeks.

I'm getting kind of tired too. Maybe time for bed soon?
Contributor: XxFallenAngelxX XxFallenAngelxX
Originally posted by Gone (LD29)
I'm half paying attention to the Walking Dead reruns my husband is watching on demand. He's getting caught up on season 2 before season 3 starts in a few weeks.

I'm getting kind of tired too. Maybe time for bed soon?
I am SOOOO excited for The Walking Dead!!! I wish the season lasted longer.
Contributor: Gone (LD29) Gone (LD29)
Originally posted by XxFallenAngelxX
I am SOOOO excited for The Walking Dead!!! I wish the season lasted longer.
It's a really interesting show. I'm looking forward to the new season too!

Lots of good TV this season. Watching Grimm and Doctor Who right now too.
Contributor: Sodom and Gomorrah Sodom and Gomorrah
I think I've lost the thrill of being on EF for the most part. I'm on here trying to get it back but right now I'm not feeling it.
Contributor: Gone (LD29) Gone (LD29)
Originally posted by Sodom and Gomorrah
I think I've lost the thrill of being on EF for the most part. I'm on here trying to get it back but right now I'm not feeling it.
I know how you feel. I seem to go through phases with it.
Contributor: XxFallenAngelxX XxFallenAngelxX
Originally posted by Sodom and Gomorrah
I think I've lost the thrill of being on EF for the most part. I'm on here trying to get it back but right now I'm not feeling it.
It will come back to you, take a break for about a week or two and you will come back full force.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
I'm sad, because my 12 year old doesn't seem to have much of a social life and doesn't seem to care. I want her to have friends. Everybody needs friends. She says she has friends "at school" but I never see them, they don't come over, she doesn't get invited anywhere (or if she does she doesn't tell me) and it breaks my heart.

I see other kids hugging her when she comes to school. She stiffens up but allows the hug some of the time. She doesn't usually start conversations. She has Asperger's and it is heart breaking to see my baby like this.

I also hurt ALL OVER. I've had a migraine for days. Fibromyalgia. It sucks. It doesn't kill you, but sometimes I want to feel GOOD, and I rarely do. Right after an orgasm. The only time I don't feel like shit.

I'm going to shut up now.

Things really suck at the moment. If I've been volatile lately, it's because things suck. I'm sorry. Truly.
Contributor: XxFallenAngelxX XxFallenAngelxX
We ALL go through rough times and it is good to get it off of your chest and to talk about it, even if we are semi strangers...

My son was like that for a while but it was right in the midst of him hitting puberty. This could be the case... Their emotions take hold of them for a little while but things should change....I think Pen pals used to be fun when I was growing up. Does your daughter like to write? Maybe get her a pen pal...I know it sounds lame but my daughter is almost 11 and she has expressed that she would enjoy writing to a pen pal. We used to do that in school and I absolutely enjoyed it. I couldn't wait to receive my letters.
If you thought she would like it, maybe we could exchange addresses.

As for the fibromyalgia, how long ago were you diagnosed? What were your main symptoms?
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by XxFallenAngelxX
We ALL go through rough times and it is good to get it off of your chest and to talk about it, even if we are semi strangers...

My son was like that for a while but it was right in the midst of him hitting puberty. This could be the case... ... more
Thank you for caring. Yeah, puberty hit this kid hard. She also has Tourette Syndrome (which is really different than most people think, no swearing or things like that, it's mostly muscle tics and quiet vocal sounds) as does my husband and our oldest daughter.

She does have a web site that she goes to that is a Discussion group about a weird online comic book that she is into (Homestuck) but it drives me crazy, because she is SO into it.

I'd have to talk to her about the pen pal thing. She answers everything lately with, "Uh, MOOOM, I don't know!"

Puberty. I've been through 3 girls with it, and this is hard.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Oh, the Fibro; I was dxed about 6 or 7 years ago, maybe less. But, my neuro thinks I have had it for a lot longer than that. My main symptoms are severe fatigue (especially after exertion, which I why I work part time, because I'm a nurse and I hustle at work!) and pain in nearly all the trigger points, plus plantar and heel pain. Then some GI symptoms, menstrual pain, and lots of exhaustion. Plus migraine disease (that's what call it now.)

It's not the end of the world, but I'm in a lot of pain right now, and just got online because I was too anxious to sleep.

Thank you for caring.
Contributor: XxFallenAngelxX XxFallenAngelxX
Originally posted by P'Gell
Thank you for caring. Yeah, puberty hit this kid hard. She also has Tourette Syndrome (which is really different than most people think, no swearing or things like that, it's mostly muscle tics and quiet vocal sounds) as does my husband and our ... more
I can only imagine.. my 10 year old already has big boobs... freaks me out to say the least..
Contributor: XxFallenAngelxX XxFallenAngelxX
Originally posted by P'Gell
Oh, the Fibro; I was dxed about 6 or 7 years ago, maybe less. But, my neuro thinks I have had it for a lot longer than that. My main symptoms are severe fatigue (especially after exertion, which I why I work part time, because I'm a nurse and I ... more
No problem, I always like to lend my ear and shoulder...I know that I've needed one many times before.

I get tired a lot and have joint pain quite often but never any headaches.... menstrual pain and exhaustion, yes.... I wondered before if I had any of those symptoms...any meds help you?
Contributor: *Camoprincess* *Camoprincess*
Originally posted by P'Gell
Oh, the Fibro; I was dxed about 6 or 7 years ago, maybe less. But, my neuro thinks I have had it for a lot longer than that. My main symptoms are severe fatigue (especially after exertion, which I why I work part time, because I'm a nurse and I ... more

Sorry to hear all this
I feel you on the pain and all that wonderful stuff it sucks. I haven't been diagnosed with Fibro an hope not to be but have tons of medical issues already that I deal with. I hope your daughter opens up soon. I like XxFallenxX's idea maybe your daughter would like it too. I have made good friends with XxFallenxX She is always willing to listen. I love knowing that some people care even if they are complete strangers.

As for my open thoughts well there are tons and too much to go into detail about life is crazy here to say the least.
Contributor: Sodom and Gomorrah Sodom and Gomorrah
Originally posted by P'Gell
I'm sad, because my 12 year old doesn't seem to have much of a social life and doesn't seem to care. I want her to have friends. Everybody needs friends. She says she has friends "at school" but I never see them, they don't ... more
I'm so sorry to hear about your daughter and all you go through. If it's not bothering your daughter then it's all good. She may just do things and enjoy things differently. Maybe encourage to invite over a good friend instead of lots of friends. As for you, I hope you have less pain darling.
Contributor: Chilipepper Chilipepper
Today would have been my 12th wedding anniversary. I'm glad I got rid of him, but the date and stuff ...

And an online Dom couldn't handle my shyness about porn, so that ended abruptly a few days ago.

Oh, and last week was former-Master's birthday - the only things that got in the way were his health and the distance.

Guys are not worth it. Totally, totally not worth it.
Contributor: SneakersAndPearls SneakersAndPearls
Originally posted by P'Gell
I'm sad, because my 12 year old doesn't seem to have much of a social life and doesn't seem to care. I want her to have friends. Everybody needs friends. She says she has friends "at school" but I never see them, they don't ... more
((Hugs)) My mom was the complete opposite of you. I was not allowed to go anywhere or do anything outside of school, phone calls were extremely limited, no one was allowed over, I was not allowed to visit friends, and I had very strict rules I had to abide by...or else. Holy crap is it great to be an adult and thousands of miles from my parents!

I hope all goes well with your daughter. Our son's GSP teacher thinks he may have a slight form of Aspergers (not enough to do anything about, but enough that he can get emotional and is very specific about some things). He has a rough time in regular class ("Why, exactly, do we have to do this? I understood it the first time") and GSP once a week is his outlet to be among his peers. He has been picked on a lot and it hurts to see it.

And as someone that gets tension headaches almost daily, I'm so sorry about your migraine.
Contributor: Trysexual Trysexual
Want sleep...bad
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by XxFallenAngelxX
No problem, I always like to lend my ear and shoulder...I know that I've needed one many times before.

I get tired a lot and have joint pain quite often but never any headaches.... menstrual pain and exhaustion, yes.... I wondered before ... more
I can't take Lyrica, it knocks me out. My migraine meds help, (antidepressants and Fioracet as well as strong pain killers on really bad days.)

I know a lot of doctors don't believe in it. I remember when I was diagnosed (and I'm a nurse) I was shocked. My Neurologist said that he thought I had fibro. I said, "Is that a real thing?" He said, "You're damn right it is. And you have it!" He palpated my Trigger Points and asked me a LOT of questions, and he said he got a clue when I said I "pay for it" when I exert myself too much.

A good, open minded Neurologist is probably the best doctor to diagnose and treat you. There isn't a lot of treatment available, but I hope there will be more in the future.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by *Camoprincess*

Sorry to hear all this
I feel you on the pain and all that wonderful stuff it sucks. I haven't been diagnosed with Fibro an hope not to be but have tons of medical issues already that I deal with. I hope your daughter opens up soon. I ... more
Thank you for caring.

I can't remember a time when life wasn't crazy, y'know? It's hard.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by Sodom and Gomorrah
I'm so sorry to hear about your daughter and all you go through. If it's not bothering your daughter then it's all good. She may just do things and enjoy things differently. Maybe encourage to invite over a good friend instead of lots ... more
Thank you.

I have tried to encourage just one friend and maybe it happens once every few months. I was told by her Ped when she was a toddler "This one will be different. She won't care about social things and won't even notice." I hate to sound weird, but my little girl is.... a genius. (My Ped has a daughter who is a genius, got accepted to MIT and just finished Med School about 4 years ahead of when most people do it, she recognized this in my baby when she was 2 or 3 and she was right. I KNEW the kid was smart, (started talking at 7 months, could do math at 16 months, was reading before her 3rd birthday etc.) No, I mean it. Her I.Q. is so high the school tests can't measure it (and they top out at 138) I have a fairly high IQ, as do my husband and my other daughters, who are all "Gifted" but I KNOW hers is higher than any of ours. She has beaten her father at Chess at the age by 8 or 9. He's an Engineer and really good at Chess. She breezes through Advanced Placement classes with no effort and her test scores say she is doing "12+" work, which means above a Senior in High School work, since she was in 4th or 5th grade.

I love that she's so smart. She came in the other day and was unusually talkative and said "Explain to me how the Executive Branch of the government works and how it differs from the others. And WHY don't our votes count and WHO is on the Electoral College? How do they pick those people, and how do I get on that panel?" Most girls her age are worried about Justin Bieber, and make up and fashion and normal little Tween girl stuff. This kid is worried about the way our government runs and is learning into to Calculus. *sigh* I can't do the kind of Algebra that is required to learn Calculus, but luckily her father can.

She's like a little Sheldon. Y'know from Big Bang Theory? She's the original "That does not compute!" kid.

I'm not bragging, really. It's just that she's a difficult child to raise. The mind of an adult but the EMOTIONS and hormonal issues of a nearly 13 year old.

She's just so different than most other kids. I've raised 2 girls before. They are damn smart, but NOTHING like this.

Thank you for caring. We had support for Profoundly Gifted kids in the Grammar School, but there isn't much support (aside from the AP classes) in the Middle School. I get so stressed I cry myself to sleep over this child. I just LOVE her so much and I want her to be HAPPY!!!!

Thank you all again for being so supportive. I can get snippy when I'm in a lot of pain, and I apologize for that and I DO appreciate everybody being so kind.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by Chilipepper
Today would have been my 12th wedding anniversary. I'm glad I got rid of him, but the date and stuff ...

And an online Dom couldn't handle my shyness about porn, so that ended abruptly a few days ago.

Oh, and last week was ... more
Aw, honey.....
Contributor: spineyogurt spineyogurt
So much pain..
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by SneakersAndPearls
((Hugs)) My mom was the complete opposite of you. I was not allowed to go anywhere or do anything outside of school, phone calls were extremely limited, no one was allowed over, I was not allowed to visit friends, and I had very strict rules I had ... more

I think we are in the same boat.

I remember her getting very upset about having to "show your work" in math. "I KNOW how to do this, I never get any wrong. WHY do I have to do the silly busy work?"

Is GSP a Gifted Program? In our schools the kids aren't supposed to talk about being in the Gifted Program and they call it something else. The parents in the Grammar School begged to let the "LEAP Kids" be in the yearbook, as their own group (like the soccer team, and the softball team, and the cheerleaders etc) and it never happened.

I think the whole "Gifted" thing is better than I was a kid (I spent many a day sitting in the hall, just reading whatever I wanted, because I was so far ahead, and then "tutoring" the little kids, because they didn't know what to do with the 4 or 5 of us who were that far ahead. NO Gifted Program at all when I was in school.) But, there isn't enough for the kids and they don't get the EMOTIONAL support or recognition from the school that they should. It makes no sense. The athletes get to wear a special outfit on Game Days, as do the Cheerleaders, but the Mathletes and kids who are reading at a grade 12 + level aren't supposed to talk about their achievements.

It's so frustrating, isn't it?

I hope things get better for your son. One good thing about our schools they have recently instituted a "Zero Tolerance" policy for bullying and teasing, so it's easier for the smart kids. (Halla better than when I was 12. And better than when her older sisters were 12.) But, they could be doing more.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by spineyogurt
So much pain..

I hope you feel better. It sucks to hurt and hurt and hurt.
Contributor: kitty1949 kitty1949
I wish I had cookies to go with these chocolate chips
Contributor: XxFallenAngelxX XxFallenAngelxX
I wish the storming here would stop!!! Rain, rain, raaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiin !
Contributor: XxFallenAngelxX XxFallenAngelxX
I hope everything works out for all of us... who knows..... a miracle could happen to one of us and the pain could be gone one day.... we can only hope...

Thanks C, I have found a good friend in you.
Contributor: travelnurse travelnurse
Cookies sounds good
Contributor: travelnurse travelnurse
I have a new porn movie sitting in the bedroom waiting for hubby to hurry up!!