Vicodin VS Percocet

Contributor: Jamesey Jamesey
I had my wisdom teeth out last month and I had Vicodin 5/325. It worked great, took pain away immediately and made me pass out.

I just had surgery on my sinuses and deviated septum and they gave me Percocet 5/325 and Promethazine for nausea and it makes me itchy, doesn't help the pain and i'm irritable. I also can't sleep at all.

I want to call and ask my DR to change it to a higher dose of Vicodin but I don't want him to think I just want more pills. Im so itchy!

What do you prefer? Have you had the same experiences? Which is stronger?
Answers (private voting - your screen name will NOT appear in the results):
11  (22%)
7  (14%)
Don't like taking pills
12  (24%)
Other (please comment)
21  (41%)
Total votes: 51
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Contributor: shySEXXaddict shySEXXaddict
Originally posted by Jamesey
I had my wisdom teeth out last month and I had Vicodin 5/325. It worked great, took pain away immediately and made me pass out.

I just had surgery on my sinuses and deviated septum and they gave me Percocet 5/325 and Promethazine for nausea ... more
i dont like taking pills but will if i need too. I know a couple people that can take one and not the other.Your itchness is a side effect of percocet that alot of people get. Vidodin isnt as strong so thats why your not itchy with that. As far as taking pain away just know that pain med. doesnt actually take the pain away ,it sends a message to a certain part of your brain SAYING the pain is gone. Call your doctor though..your asking for a pain med thats not as strong. Your Dr. will realize..besides most people that are pill seekers go after stronger pills..not weaker ones!
Contributor: Jamesey Jamesey
Originally posted by shySEXXaddict
i dont like taking pills but will if i need too. I know a couple people that can take one and not the other.Your itchness is a side effect of percocet that alot of people get. Vidodin isnt as strong so thats why your not itchy with that. As far as ... more
I know it isn't actually gone, but it is almost unbearable without the pills. I usually hate taking any kind of pills or medicine because I'm afraid of what it might do to my body. I was going to ask for a higher dose of vicodin, since I was prescribed 5/325 when I had my wisdom teeth out. He gave me Percocet 5.325 too, so if that's a stronger one it makes sense to give me a stronger vicodin right?

Percocet also makes me mean :[
Contributor: Jamesey Jamesey
I guess I didn't think about it that way. I didn't even know what Percocet was when he asked me if I wanted it, he kind of laughed at me and called it the strong stuff. I've never had surgery before so never taken it. But it doesn't seem to take away much pain at all compared to the Vicodin.
Contributor: shySEXXaddict shySEXXaddict
Originally posted by Jamesey
I know it isn't actually gone, but it is almost unbearable without the pills. I usually hate taking any kind of pills or medicine because I'm afraid of what it might do to my body. I was going to ask for a higher dose of vicodin, since I was ... more
Ya it can make people irritable...its the opiate in it thats doing all that to you. And theres nothing wrong with you taking them..if i had that done then Id want them too!lol! I would call and ask them..yes you would think but i think vidodins highest is 7mg thats not much.If you have any left then when you call tell them if they will switch it you will bring in the remainder of perc. Im sure they wont have you do it but so that way they no its not just to get more pain opills...they are very sceptical now days which is crazy for the ppl that need them for stuff!
Contributor: shySEXXaddict shySEXXaddict
sorry cant spell this early i guess!
Contributor: Jamesey Jamesey
Originally posted by shySEXXaddict
sorry cant spell this early i guess!
I was thinking about doing that actually! 7 would probably be perfect for me. Two 5's are too much when it comes to Vicodin for me. When I had swine flu I had to cut them in half lol.

but the Percocet I can take two 5's and not feel anything. As in, not better at all.

Thanks for the advice!
Contributor: ViVix ViVix
Originally posted by Jamesey
I had my wisdom teeth out last month and I had Vicodin 5/325. It worked great, took pain away immediately and made me pass out.

I just had surgery on my sinuses and deviated septum and they gave me Percocet 5/325 and Promethazine for nausea ... more
I was given pain pills in the hospital after I had my daughter...I got rid of them. I don't like pills.
Contributor: PropertyOfPotter PropertyOfPotter
After my knee surgery they gave me Percocet and it made me itch like crazy too! Vicodin never works for me, so I stopped taking them and just took ibuprofen instead.
Contributor: Kat and Aaron(aaron) Kat and Aaron(aaron)
Ibuprofen is all I will take.
Contributor: Voir Voir
Originally posted by Kat and Aaron(aaron)
Ibuprofen is all I will take.

Both of those pain killers are extremely addictive, Percocet has some negative draw backs too if you take it for too long and if you're itching I'd say that's a valid reason to switch if Vicodin helps.
Contributor: js250 js250
CALL YOUR DOCTOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Itchiness is one sign of a drug allergy! Also redness, rash and an 'odd' feeling.

I am deathly allergic to Codeine and ended up in the hospital, almost dead from the allergy. All I did was itch, then pass out.
Contributor: amazon amazon
Yeah, you definitely need to talk to a Dr about the side effects
Contributor: Curiouscat Curiouscat
I'm on vicodin for back pain, and it is wonderful. It only sucks because you HAVE to eat when you take it or it rips the shit out of your stomach. So when I wake up with back pain in the night I have to eat something before I take it or it adds to the pain.

I have not tried percocets so I can't really say which is better though everyone feels them differently and will find one may work better than the other.

Also I do get itchy when I take vicodin, so it's funny you get the opposite. I've heard that being itchy after taking meds like than means liver damage or allergic reaction, but idk how true that is. I would for sure mention that to your doctor. Could just be your body's reaction to the med.
Contributor: Jamesey Jamesey
Originally posted by ViVix
I was given pain pills in the hospital after I had my daughter...I got rid of them. I don't like pills.
What? They didn't give me anything after I had my son. But then again, I was up and walking around and felt completely normal the same day. I DID enjoy the sleep medicine they gave me at nights though
Contributor: Mikemanz Mikemanz
percoset works best for me
Contributor: Bignuf Bignuf
Originally posted by Jamesey
I had my wisdom teeth out last month and I had Vicodin 5/325. It worked great, took pain away immediately and made me pass out.

I just had surgery on my sinuses and deviated septum and they gave me Percocet 5/325 and Promethazine for nausea ... more
I have some "clinical" more then personal experience with these both. Like all medication, some things work better on one patient then another. If the one pills work for you, and the others don't then please do tell your doctor. All they can say is "no" or make a different suggestion, however, if they know you, and you are not a "pill seeker", then you have nothing to worry about. I hope you feel better soon.
Contributor: PeaceToTheMiddleEast PeaceToTheMiddleEast
I don't like to take pills but I have never had a reaction to any at all. If I did not have to take them I would not have but some surgery calls for certain medicine. I would call your DR and see what they say.
Contributor: kitty1949 kitty1949
Vicodin does nothing for me... I' rather take Percocet. I hope you feel better.
Contributor: - Kira - - Kira -
Percoets don't do anything for me. I had to be increased to 3x the original dose when I had my C-section just for them to work. Vicodin works well on me, but it does make me feel ill if I don't eat food with it.
Contributor: KissTheSkyBaby KissTheSkyBaby
Loritab and Vicodin make me itch and restless. Percocet messes with my other meds when I'm on em and I can't sleep at all. When I have to resort to high strength pain meds I have to use Darvocet.
Contributor: ghalik ghalik
Anything but naproxen; I'm mildly allergic.
Contributor: Rod Ronald Rod Ronald
Can't do pills. All of them make me sick
Contributor: sXeVegan90 sXeVegan90
I don't like taking pills.
Contributor: *Camoprincess* *Camoprincess*
Percocets made me itch from head to toe. I only take Vidoden/Hydrocodone and Loratabs. If you are itching you need to call the doctor. Mine wasn't a side affect mine was an allergic reaction that landed me in the ER
Contributor: Intrepid Niddering Intrepid Niddering
I've never had Percocet, but I've had both Darvocet and Vicodin.

Before I got my wisdom teeth out, my dentist had me take Darvocet to help with the pain. It made me so incredibly sick. No matter how many crackers I ate before or after taking it, I was sick. With Vicodin, as long as I eat a few crackers when I take it, I'm fine. After two days on Darvocet, I called my dentist and had him get me Vicodin.

If the Percocet doesn't work for you, it doesn't work for you. I'd just ask for the Vicodin. Asking for a medication you know works for you over a medicine that doesn't work doesn't automatically make you someone just looking for a fix.
Contributor: Anne Anne
vicodin doesn't do anything for me.
Contributor: Inkkythesquid Inkkythesquid
Vicodin Helps More For Me
Contributor: kdlt kdlt
Itchy sounds like a mild allergic reaction! I hope you get it sorted.
Contributor: ARPKasso ARPKasso
I've never had Vicodin, but I've had Percocet. Percocet made me feel itchy but it didn't bother me much since it knocked me out in a matter of minutes.