Would you rather talk or fuck?

Contributor: FVWhitechapel FVWhitechapel
I'm merely curious based on my own marriage lately: What would you rather spend a quiet evening doing together?
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
Talking about an interesting topic we can both get passionate about.
PassionQT , AU , JayBack , Missmarc
4  (5%)
Having lots and lots of incredible sex.
sweet sally , Yesenia
2  (2%)
Why is this even a question? I want both, in no specific order!
FVWhitechapel , twilightsun , SexyySarah , Gunsmoke , kck , asdfg , Lady Venus , Miss Cinnamon , LikeSunshineDust , Waterfall , Darling Jen , Coralbell , twistedheartsx , ToyTimeTim , Not here , Trashley , DeliciousSurprise , Liz , Alicia , Airen Wolf , Envy , Kindred , Owl Identified , usmcwife99 , Sammi , UrNaughtyaAngel , Chilipepper , jakjak , onehotmomma , Selective Sensualist , Liz2 , 00 , Jenn (aka kissmykitty) , verbalized , gone77 , smartbabi92 , Victoria , Sapphire Pet , Persephone Nightmare , lamira , tits only , Madeira , Shellz31 , Yiggi , Ajax , ToyGeek , Pandahb , Danielle1220 , wondertoes , BluePixi , buzz , Angel deSanguine , Jul!a , mama2007 , PussyGalore , leatherlover , ~LaUr3n~ , BadassFatass , Elliotstar , Morganna , Pixel , married with children , Naughty Student , XxFallenAngelxX , Jobthingy , C4ss , dv8 , IndependentlyHappy , darthkitt3n , DreamWolf , Errant Venture , mpfm , zracer , Checkmate , Kithara , Sex Positivity , bayosgirl , potstickers
78  (93%)
Total votes: 84
Poll is closed
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Contributor: SexyySarah SexyySarah
I like both
Contributor: Gunsmoke Gunsmoke
The answer is obvious - both. But there is a subtle difference between my wife and I, she wants to talk first - I want the sex first!
Contributor: LikeSunshineDust LikeSunshineDust
I love doing both and rarely have to choose one over the other.
Contributor: Not here Not here
Both, of course. I think if you only wanted one or the other, there may be something wrong with the relationship. If you only want sex, it's merely lust. If you only want to talk, then it sounds like a friendship. I believe a good relationship is a healthy balance of lust and friendship.
Contributor: Trashley Trashley
Fucking is first and foremost!! :]
Then I want to talk, but usually not to the person I fuck haha
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
One and then the other is my preference...sometimes both simultaneously.
Contributor: Sammi Sammi
If it's really a nice quiet evening, with no kids present, then definitely fuck. But we talk a lot too
Contributor: UrNaughtyaAngel UrNaughtyaAngel
I say one day fuck then talk,and then the next say talk then fuck . Got to break up the monotony
Contributor: Chilipepper Chilipepper
My marriage was nothing but talking. My affair was nothing but fucking. Maybe third time's the charm and I'll get both. (Right now I get neither.)
Contributor: onehotmomma onehotmomma
In no specific order I like both.
Contributor: PassionQT PassionQT
I like both, but since we talk more than fuck, I'll be the oddball out for now. We can really get in to some great conversations!
Contributor: Liz2 Liz2
I want and need both. If my partner only wanted to fuck...It would be the end for me. Obviously a balance is needed.
Contributor: gone77 gone77
Both are a must.
Contributor: smartbabi92 smartbabi92
For a relationship to really work for me there has to be both. There has to be a little bit of both for me to be happy.
Contributor: Victoria Victoria
Originally posted by LikeSunshineDust
I love doing both and rarely have to choose one over the other.
Ditto... luckily
Contributor: AU AU
I have come to feel talking is more important, but of course, sex is important, too.

I like when we have nights where we can go on for hours talking and laughing about stupid things. That is one of the best things ever! He agrees. We are best friends.
Contributor: lamira lamira
I like both. I talk a lot (which my partner hates) and I fuck a lot (which my partner loves).
Contributor: tits only tits only
I not much of a talker but I do like to know whats on my parter mind. Sometimes things my parter say make me want to fuck
Contributor: Shellz31 Shellz31
Has to be both!
Contributor: Yiggi Yiggi
Definitely both. Preferably with cuddling thrown in as well.
Contributor: Pandahb Pandahb
I want dirty talk and sex
Contributor: Danielle1220 Danielle1220
I want both for sure!!!
Contributor: sweet sally sweet sally
Originally posted by FVWhitechapel
I'm merely curious based on my own marriage lately: What would you rather spend a quiet evening doing together?
Well, i must be a nypho! lol
No, not really, simply answering the question in the context is was asked. My bf and I work together, so we are together 24/7 basically and talk all the time about everything.
So, when the kids are gone and we are "spending a quiet evening" together, we like to fuck. It's that simple.
Contributor: wondertoes wondertoes
Both for sure!
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
I like a nice balance of the two
Contributor: mama2007 mama2007
Originally posted by SexyySarah
I like both
both. i like to talk to hubby
Contributor: Yesenia Yesenia
Well we work different hours we talk all the time even when we have sex so I can't pick one. But when my house is kid we must take advantage pulling all our tricks out the bag lolo We like to fuck
Contributor: BadassFatass BadassFatass
I prefer a little of both, really.
Contributor: Elliotstar Elliotstar
Both ( at the same time? ;D ).