Originally posted by
married with children
why do you despise the free market? Does greed not exist in every country on this planet? Greed is not a result of the free market, nor is the free market a result of greed. Greed has been around from day one. Greed will always be here. Lets not
why do you despise the free market? Does greed not exist in every country on this planet? Greed is not a result of the free market, nor is the free market a result of greed. Greed has been around from day one. Greed will always be here. Lets not embrace it with open arms.
Do I not deserve my pay check? Should the high school drop out next door be making the same as me? Someone who has gone to college and learned a highly skilled job skill. Someone who goes to work every day. Someone who is professional on the job. So because he chose to smoke dope and take the path of least work, I should donate a portion of my paycheck to him? That is the progressive agenda. Take a look at Europe, a highly progressive society. They have had money problems for decades. Take a close look, that is the path our country is on.
You should look up and read THE FEDERALISTS PAPERS. It will give you some good in site as to why our forefathers created the federal government they way they did, and why we need to fight to get it back to their original plan. Our government was not just thrown together haphazardly. It took years of thought and planning to create a limited government. One that was unlike the over controlling governments the original settlers came from.
I despise the free market, in this case Wall Street, the Banks, and the top wage earners of the country who really don't have to work to get their money.
Wall Street - The financially minded people only interested in getting more money. It's a support system for...
The Banks - Yeah, there was that whole bank bail out that got pushed on a very new president after his predecessor... well, that's a different topic. Just look at who worked on the board of people on the bank bailout. At least the car companies (except Ford) paid back their loans. Good thing we didn't have another S&L issue! What about credit unions, not a one needed a bail out to my knowledge. If I'm wrong, please let me know. I'd rather be wrong and in then informed, rather than working on half facts.
Top wage earners who really don't have to work to get their money - Glad you came from a rich family. Good thing the Bush tax cuts are helping you out, capital gains are great right? Isn't this like winning the lottery, but you pay less taxes and the element of chance is dictated by your birth?
Sure you deserve your paycheck! But isn't the government running because of the taxes we pay? We can't decide who/what/where our taxes go to, that's just not feasible. If the person living next to you is a drop high school drop, smoking pot all day, and makes the same as you...either ask for a raise or figure out his scam.
Looking to Europe - so much history... No way Americans can compare their government to Europeans ones except on topics of money! That health care system...wow. I hate how most of the EU has a better health care system than we do! It must suck not having to consider bankruptcy vs. surgery!
The direction I see our country going is continued stagnancy and ineptitude until the special interests of big business finally start taking over the legislative branch overtly. I'm starting to wonder how long it'll take before we see a situation like in
shudder "RoboCop". When the city can't afford to run its police force, it gets out-sourced to a large corporation with the money to run it.
I've read bits and pieces of the Federalists Papers. Very interesting stuff. The forefathers of the country were definitely a forward thinking progressive bunch of guys. Ben Franklin is one of my faves in that group.
Seriously though...turn off Glen Beck and Fox News. Ignore their rhetoric and venom and see it for what it is...a Rupert Murdoch company that's known for their honesty, integrity, and unflinching eye in the site of a cream pie.