Article 1
Article 2
A District Court judge has ruled that the "morning after pill," or emergency contraceptive, known as Plan B, must be made available without a prescription to women under the age of 17, as the FDA recommended. What do you think?
My reasoning on this is that, much like regular hormonal contraception, this would help prevent unwanted teen pregnancies (which are costly to the teen mother and to all of society in many ways), and would not "encourage irresponsible sexual behavior" because in general, a teen's decision to have sex does not depend on the availability of birth control--it depends on what kind of sex education they've had, whether they've developed good decision-making skills, and on their self-esteem.
Article 2
A District Court judge has ruled that the "morning after pill," or emergency contraceptive, known as Plan B, must be made available without a prescription to women under the age of 17, as the FDA recommended. What do you think?
My reasoning on this is that, much like regular hormonal contraception, this would help prevent unwanted teen pregnancies (which are costly to the teen mother and to all of society in many ways), and would not "encourage irresponsible sexual behavior" because in general, a teen's decision to have sex does not depend on the availability of birth control--it depends on what kind of sex education they've had, whether they've developed good decision-making skills, and on their self-esteem.