What political party are you?

Contributor: HollisJ HollisJ
Originally posted by El-Jaro
i'm actually surprised at the # of female republicans...just surprised.
I second this.
Contributor: YouPutThatWhere? YouPutThatWhere?
I was born and raised Republican. Mostly because I'm originally from the Deep South. Once I broke free of my parents ideas and thought for myself, I began voting Dem. And I'm not saying Reps. don't think for themselves. That's just my personal experience and it could have been vice-versa.
Contributor: IndependentlyHappy IndependentlyHappy
I generally dislike labels, but most would classify me as a liberal Democrat. I'm more liberal when it comes to social issues than fiscal ones, though.
Contributor: kawigrl kawigrl
i'm basically the same
Contributor: Redboxbaby Redboxbaby
It really doesn't matter to me as long as the government stays the hell off my property and out of my business (my checkbook, my health, my family, my hunting, and my home).
Contributor: Xavier7 Xavier7
Originally posted by Two Loves
Since this is a sex and politics forum I was curious what political party mix does Eden Fantasy's have?
Contributor: Yoda Yoda
I'm a male Canadian. Here I vote Liberal party (also known as grits).
Contributor: PussyGalore PussyGalore
I do not vote down party lines. Smaller government (really? you're going to tell me a happy meal can't have a toy in it because it makes kids fat? Go fuck yourself and the white horse you rode in on.), less taxes, complete overhaul of social programs and repeal of a good portion of the drug and decency laws.

That's it. That's all I want, and I'm not going to get it out of any of the parties.
Contributor: Stephanie Marie Stephanie Marie
I voted, Republican. I lean more towards beings a Conservative/Republica n. Though a bunch of people I know and myself on a political page took a test to see where we all fell. Fell according to political areas..Conservative,Li beral..and so on. For some reason it said I was closest to being put near Stalin. Though still I consider myself a "I lean republican"
Contributor: Sparfitt08 Sparfitt08
Originally posted by Two Loves
Since this is a sex and politics forum I was curious what political party mix does Eden Fantasy's have?
I lean toward Republican, and never vote Democrat, but do view all sides and all candidates before voting. I would consider myself more Independent than anything.
Contributor: skatman91 skatman91
Originally posted by Sir
Neither. I do not like the political system. I identify as a humanitarian, a communist, an environmentalist, and open-minded. That fits none of the parties, really.
I like that answer, but I voted cause I am active in politics.
Contributor: skatman91 skatman91
Originally posted by P'Gell
I consider myself more of a Socialist, but am a Registered Democrat, so I can vote in primaries. I live in Illinois, and due to rampant corruption in our government, I have voted for myself in two Gubernatorial elections. (Where did they get THAT ... more
Im a very very strong Democrat, so I guess i'm a light socialist/communist.
Contributor: jfree jfree
Contributor: Fuck it. Fuck it.
While I was living in the Bible Belt I considered myself Democrat, but I might change that now that I'm living somewhere more liberal. I got beliefs that aren't necessarily in line with the party, it was just easier to call myself that and vote that way there. I had less options.
Contributor: zeebot zeebot
Originally posted by Red
None of the above, as I am Canadian
Me too!
Contributor: sexyintexas sexyintexas
Originally posted by Two Loves
Since this is a sex and politics forum I was curious what political party mix does Eden Fantasy's have?
Republican...center right
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by Sparfitt08
I lean toward Republican, and never vote Democrat, but do view all sides and all candidates before voting. I would consider myself more Independent than anything.
I have a question, really because I have heard other people say thing like this. If you "never" vote Democrat, how can you view "all sides and all candidates" if you know you will "never vote" for the Democrat?

I'm a damn Socialist and I have actually on an occasion or two voted for a Republican I felt would do the best job.

I don't believe in "never voting" for an entire party.
Contributor: Mr.RightNow Mr.RightNow
Contributor: LavenderSkies LavenderSkies
Originally posted by LikeSunshineDust
I don't identify with a party. I'm a social liberal and fiscal conservative, hence I find myself unsatisfied by most politicians.
Contributor: aBeastlyLittleThing aBeastlyLittleThing
Originally posted by Two Loves
Since this is a sex and politics forum I was curious what political party mix does Eden Fantasy's have?
i fall somewhere between A Libertarian, and an Anarchist. not that bs looting, no laws no rules do whatever tf we want all the time crap, that people think of when they hear anarchy, but the real anarchy. no the people are the government, and no one person has power over another person. "Anarchy means no Leaders, not No Order." as Alan Moore put it[in V for Vendetta, the book]
Contributor: Cream in the Cupcake Cream in the Cupcake
I voted "female republican" because im a registered republican but my ideologies are definatley libratarian.
Contributor: Cream in the Cupcake Cream in the Cupcake
Originally posted by El-Jaro

"Why vote for the LESSER of two evils?"

I'm an idealist communist, communism in its truest form. Everyone works together and no one is more important than anyone else. This will never exist on Earth as ... more
communism doesnt exist that way.
Contributor: cobiffle cobiffle
I just vote for who i think is the best canidate.
Contributor: Cream in the Cupcake Cream in the Cupcake
If you want freedom, we need a Libratarian president. Thats freedom in its truest form. Liberals are taking too many rights from the people and conservatives arnnt doing shit about it.
Contributor: magicmac magicmac
I use to be a die-hard liberal democrat in my teen years, later I decided to go conservative but now I am on the fence and do not necessarily agree or disagree with either side.
Contributor: big b big b
Contributor: Maeby Maeby
Originally posted by LikeSunshineDust
I don't identify with a party. I'm a social liberal and fiscal conservative, hence I find myself unsatisfied by most politicians.
Thank you! Same here. I hate how the Democrat/Republican dichotomy means you basically have to choose the issue that's most important to you, then take everything else that comes along in that party's bag.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by aBeastlyLittleThing
i fall somewhere between A Libertarian, and an Anarchist. not that bs looting, no laws no rules do whatever tf we want all the time crap, that people think of when they hear anarchy, but the real anarchy. no the people are the government, and no one ... more
How do you prevent the bullies from taking over? My issue with "anarchy" is that there are always going to be selfish assholes in society, and if given free reign, they will take advantage of others.

How does anarchy deal with the selfish, the lazy and the bullies? No one has ever been able to explain to me, other than "When they have their freedom, they won't act like that." That isn't reality.

I just wonder how anarchy will deal with mean people. They exist.
Contributor: Gunsmoke Gunsmoke
Originally posted by aBeastlyLittleThing
i fall somewhere between A Libertarian, and an Anarchist. not that bs looting, no laws no rules do whatever tf we want all the time crap, that people think of when they hear anarchy, but the real anarchy. no the people are the government, and no one ... more
Interesting fantasy - seems like an off shoot of utopian thinking. In the US we probably have more freedom from our rulers than anyplace in the world. Peoples abuses of their freedoms are precisely why limits to freedoms are necessary.

Your definition of anarchy assumes that all people have honorable intentions - nothing could be farther from the truth.

We all start out as young idealists - you're entitled to that idealism. Once you've circulated in society long enough, reality will slowly shape a different point of view.

For most of us - up to about 20 years old, everything we have has been given to us by our parents (basic sustenance) or the government (our safety and freedoms). When you have to start providing for yourself (which you may be doing now) and participating in setting societies priorities (voting and other activities) you'll have to face the reality of the ill intent of many of those around us.

Enjoy your idealism - we'll welcome you into the real world soon.
Contributor: SexyLilPixi SexyLilPixi
Originally posted by Rayne Millaray
I'm not really sure I am any one specific party. My opinions on the issues are all over the place.
Same! Though, I have always considered myself a liberal democrat in the past.