Dating requirements...

Contributor: Badass Badass
Here is a list, what do you need to have from your potential spouse to start a relationship with them

In order to become your spouse, he or she MUST...
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
be the same religion as me.
~LaUr3n~ , js250 , ddd masturbator(bye all!) , K101 , Beck , married with children , wetone123 , SparklyGlitter , bayosgirl , Ahatmadeofshoes12 , Deeder , lacybutton , jennifur77 , B2 , sweetpea12 , CaliGirl
have money.
~LaUr3n~ , Coralbell , Taylor , MR Chickhabit , MrWishyWashy , OhMy! , FemmeFlo , BobbiJay , js250 , JessCee , darthkitt3n , DeliciousSurprise , P'Gell , Beck , voenne , Squeaky , loveshocks , wetone123 , SparklyGlitter , bayosgirl , Redboxbaby , llellsee , Kush , AU , GirlOnGirl , Mistress Sassy , pootpootpoot , gloomybear , xilliannax , Mwar , Isola , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , Allison.Wilder , sweetpea12 , dhig , SecretKinksters , peachmarie
be broke.
have a vehicle.
Nazaress , ~LaUr3n~ , Taylor , MR Chickhabit , MrWishyWashy , Highmaintenancegirl916 , OhMy! , Tori Rebel , BobbiJay , EvilHomer , js250 , El-Jaro , JessCee , slynch , darthkitt3n , Airen Wolf , P'Gell , Beck , Eliyahu , voenne , loveshocks , wetone123 , link82 , bayosgirl , Redboxbaby , OroNomi , eeep , amandaco2011 , sassyNsensual , llellsee , AU , GirlOnGirl , GonetoLovehoney , Geogeo , gloomybear , xilliannax , Isola , Allison.Wilder , dhig , SecretKinksters , lillmiss5054 , peachmarie
live within a 20 minute drive.
Ryuson , FemmeFlo , El-Jaro , Airen Wolf , K101 , voenne , Llahsram , Howells , Ahatmadeofshoes12 , llellsee , ghalik , Mistress Sassy , xilliannax , Allison.Wilder , hall5885 , Incendiaire , hem
have their own place.
~LaUr3n~ , Ms. N , MrWishyWashy , Tori Rebel , FemmeFlo , BobbiJay , js250 , El-Jaro , Airen Wolf , P'Gell , Squeaky , Llahsram , wetone123 , InNeedOfABuzzzz , link82 , bayosgirl , Redboxbaby , Ahatmadeofshoes12 , sassyNsensual , llellsee , GirlOnGirl , Geogeo , Mistress Sassy , xilliannax , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , dhig , SecretKinksters , lillmiss5054 , CaliGirl
like things that go VROOM.
Nazaress , Peggi , ~LaUr3n~ , Coralbell , Taylor , MrWishyWashy , OhMy! , Shellz31 , Tori Rebel , FemmeFlo , BobbiJay , js250 , Sapphire Pet , TitsMcScandal , Airen Wolf , DeliciousSurprise , P'Gell , Beck , voenne , Squeaky , Llahsram , loveshocks , Graniteal , SMichelle , bayosgirl , GONE! , Howells , Redboxbaby , winterseve , Nkev , OroNomi , eeep , Ahatmadeofshoes12 , amandaco2011 , sassyNsensual , llellsee , Kush , Lily Night , Hibangel , GirlOnGirl , GonetoLovehoney , ghalik , Mistress Sassy , HannahPanda , gloomybear , Mwar , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , dhig , SecretKinksters , Lydia Quinn , lillmiss5054 , hall5885 , hem
be in prime physical condition.
Ms. Spice , OhMy! , FemmeFlo , SparklyGlitter , InNeedOfABuzzzz , AU , ghalik
have a couple extra pounds.
be able to read.
Peggi , ~LaUr3n~ , Ms. Spice , Coralbell , Taylor , MR Chickhabit , Ms. N , MrWishyWashy , Highmaintenancegirl916 , OhMy! , Shellz31 , Tori Rebel , Ryuson , FemmeFlo , BobbiJay , EvilHomer , js250 , mm098 , El-Jaro , Sapphire Pet , slynch , Kimmie1980ca , interestingstuff , ThoughtsAblaze , ddd masturbator(bye all!) , TitsMcScandal , darthkitt3n , Airen Wolf , K101 , lilly555 , DeliciousSurprise , P'Gell , Beck , Eliyahu , voenne , SiNn , Squeaky , married with children , Llahsram , loveshocks , wetone123 , thelittlestdoc , SparklyGlitter , InNeedOfABuzzzz , Graniteal , link82 , SMichelle , BlooJay , bayosgirl , GONE! , jeangel246 , angel142stx , Redboxbaby , winterseve , Nkev , OroNomi , eeep , Ahatmadeofshoes12 , amandaco2011 , sassyNsensual , llellsee , Kush , AU , Lily Night , Llewey , Hibangel , GirlOnGirl , ksparkles16 , oneeyedoctopus , GonetoLovehoney , Sci , ghalik , Mistress Sassy , Stinkytofu10 , Terri69 , Darklyvan , Khanner , gloomybear , xilliannax , Deeder , Mwar , Isola , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , Allison.Wilder , lacybutton , jennifur77 , nanamondoute , thisisadeletedaccount , elli , sweetpea12 , dhig , SecretKinksters , Lydia Quinn , lillmiss5054 , , CaliGirl , Incendiaire , peachmarie , hem
be affiliated with the same political party as me.
winterseve , Ahatmadeofshoes12 , hall5885
be a NON smoker.
Coralbell , Ms. N , OhMy! , Shellz31 , Tori Rebel , Ryuson , BobbiJay , EvilHomer , slynch , Kimmie1980ca , interestingstuff , ddd masturbator(bye all!) , darthkitt3n , Airen Wolf , voenne , Squeaky , married with children , Llahsram , thelittlestdoc , InNeedOfABuzzzz , Graniteal , BlooJay , bayosgirl , Howells , Redboxbaby , Nkev , Ahatmadeofshoes12 , amandaco2011 , sassyNsensual , llellsee , AU , Lily Night , Hibangel , GirlOnGirl , oneeyedoctopus , GonetoLovehoney , ghalik , Mistress Sassy , pootpootpoot , Darklyvan , Khanner , gloomybear , Mwar , lacybutton , jennifur77 , nanamondoute , thisisadeletedaccount , sweetpea12 , dhig , Lydia Quinn , hall5885 , , Incendiaire , peachmarie , hem
be a smoker.
not do drugs.
Nazaress , ~LaUr3n~ , Coralbell , Taylor , Ms. N , MrWishyWashy , Highmaintenancegirl916 , OhMy! , Shellz31 , Tori Rebel , BobbiJay , EvilHomer , mm098 , El-Jaro , Sapphire Pet , JessCee , slynch , Kimmie1980ca , interestingstuff , ThoughtsAblaze , ddd masturbator(bye all!) , Jon S , Airen Wolf , K101 , DeliciousSurprise , voenne , Squeaky , married with children , thelittlestdoc , InNeedOfABuzzzz , Graniteal , BlooJay , bayosgirl , jeangel246 , Howells , angel142stx , Redboxbaby , winterseve , Nkev , eeep , Ahatmadeofshoes12 , amandaco2011 , sassyNsensual , llellsee , AU , Lily Night , Llewey , freda , Hibangel , GirlOnGirl , ksparkles16 , oneeyedoctopus , GonetoLovehoney , Sci , Mistress Sassy , Stinkytofu10 , Terri69 , pootpootpoot , gsfanatic , Darklyvan , gloomybear , xilliannax , Deeder , Mwar , Isola , lacybutton , jennifur77 , nanamondoute , sweetpea12 , Lydia Quinn , hall5885 , , CaliGirl , peachmarie , hem
do drugs.
MR Chickhabit , FemmeFlo , Beck , Kush
not have a drinking problem.
Nazaress , ~LaUr3n~ , Ms. Spice , Coralbell , Taylor , MR Chickhabit , Ms. N , MrWishyWashy , Highmaintenancegirl916 , OhMy! , Shellz31 , Tori Rebel , Ryuson , FemmeFlo , BobbiJay , js250 , mm098 , Sapphire Pet , JessCee , slynch , NarcissisticLust , Kimmie1980ca , interestingstuff , ThoughtsAblaze , ellejay , ddd masturbator(bye all!) , Jon S , darthkitt3n , Airen Wolf , K101 , lilly555 , DeliciousSurprise , voenne , SiNn , Squeaky , married with children , Llahsram , loveshocks , thelittlestdoc , Graniteal , SMichelle , BlooJay , bayosgirl , jeangel246 , Howells , angel142stx , Redboxbaby , OroNomi , eeep , Ahatmadeofshoes12 , amandaco2011 , sassyNsensual , llellsee , AU , Lily Night , Llewey , Hibangel , GirlOnGirl , ksparkles16 , oneeyedoctopus , GonetoLovehoney , Sci , ghalik , Mistress Sassy , Terri69 , pootpootpoot , gsfanatic , Darklyvan , Khanner , gloomybear , xilliannax , Deeder , Mwar , Isola , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , Allison.Wilder , lacybutton , thisisadeletedaccount , elli , sweetpea12 , dhig , SecretKinksters , Lydia Quinn , lillmiss5054 , peachmarie , hem
have a drinking problem.
be marriage and family minded.
Peggi , ~LaUr3n~ , Coralbell , MR Chickhabit , MrWishyWashy , OhMy! , BobbiJay , js250 , mm098 , El-Jaro , JessCee , Kimmie1980ca , ddd masturbator(bye all!) , darthkitt3n , K101 , P'Gell , Beck , Eliyahu , voenne , Squeaky , married with children , loveshocks , SparklyGlitter , InNeedOfABuzzzz , bayosgirl , jeangel246 , angel142stx , Redboxbaby , winterseve , Nkev , eeep , amandaco2011 , llellsee , Hibangel , Sci , ghalik , Mistress Sassy , pootpootpoot , gloomybear , xilliannax , Mwar , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , lacybutton , jennifur77 , nanamondoute , Lydia Quinn , , CaliGirl , peachmarie
be close with their family.
MrWishyWashy , Highmaintenancegirl916 , js250 , mm098 , slynch , married with children , InNeedOfABuzzzz , bayosgirl , Nkev , eeep , amandaco2011 , Mistress Sassy , hillys , Lydia Quinn , CaliGirl , peachmarie
be an only child.
have grown up with siblings.
Lily Night , hall5885
have a child.
not have any children.
Nazaress , ~LaUr3n~ , FemmeFlo , EvilHomer , mm098 , El-Jaro , darthkitt3n , lilly555 , voenne , Squeaky , married with children , wetone123 , link82 , SMichelle , bayosgirl , Howells , OroNomi , Ahatmadeofshoes12 , llellsee , AU , GirlOnGirl , GonetoLovehoney , ghalik , Geogeo , Mistress Sassy , lacybutton , nanamondoute , sweetpea12 , SecretKinksters
have graduated high school/GED.
Nazaress , Peggi , ~LaUr3n~ , Ms. Spice , Coralbell , Taylor , MR Chickhabit , Ms. N , MrWishyWashy , Highmaintenancegirl916 , OhMy! , Tori Rebel , FemmeFlo , BobbiJay , El-Jaro , Sapphire Pet , JessCee , slynch , NarcissisticLust , Kimmie1980ca , ThoughtsAblaze , ddd masturbator(bye all!) , TitsMcScandal , darthkitt3n , Airen Wolf , K101 , bsgs , lilly555 , DeliciousSurprise , Beck , voenne , Squeaky , married with children , Llahsram , loveshocks , wetone123 , thelittlestdoc , SparklyGlitter , link82 , SMichelle , BlooJay , bayosgirl , Howells , Redboxbaby , winterseve , Nkev , eeep , Ahatmadeofshoes12 , amandaco2011 , sassyNsensual , AU , Lily Night , Llewey , Hibangel , GirlOnGirl , ksparkles16 , oneeyedoctopus , GonetoLovehoney , Geogeo , Mistress Sassy , pootpootpoot , pitona , hillys , Darklyvan , gloomybear , xilliannax , Deeder , Mwar , Isola , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , Allison.Wilder , lacybutton , jennifur77 , nanamondoute , thisisadeletedaccount , elli , dhig , SecretKinksters , Lydia Quinn , lillmiss5054 , , CaliGirl , peachmarie
have graduated from college.
~LaUr3n~ , Taylor , Ms. N , MrWishyWashy , Highmaintenancegirl916 , OhMy! , Shellz31 , FemmeFlo , EvilHomer , mm098 , El-Jaro , ThoughtsAblaze , lilly555 , DeliciousSurprise , P'Gell , voenne , Llahsram , bayosgirl , Ahatmadeofshoes12 , sassyNsensual , Lily Night , oneeyedoctopus , hillys , Darklyvan , lacybutton , nanamondoute , sweetpea12 , SecretKinksters
dress well.
MR Chickhabit , Shellz31 , FemmeFlo , js250 , ThoughtsAblaze , darthkitt3n , Airen Wolf , K101 , voenne , Squeaky , loveshocks , InNeedOfABuzzzz , BlooJay , bayosgirl , OroNomi , eeep , amandaco2011 , Kush , AU , GirlOnGirl , ghalik , Mistress Sassy , xilliannax , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , nanamondoute , SecretKinksters , lillmiss5054 ,
have a job.
Nazaress , ~LaUr3n~ , Ms. Spice , Coralbell , MR Chickhabit , Ms. N , MrWishyWashy , Highmaintenancegirl916 , OhMy! , Shellz31 , Tori Rebel , FemmeFlo , js250 , mm098 , El-Jaro , Sapphire Pet , slynch , Kimmie1980ca , ellejay , ddd masturbator(bye all!) , TitsMcScandal , darthkitt3n , Airen Wolf , K101 , bsgs , lilly555 , DeliciousSurprise , P'Gell , voenne , Squeaky , married with children , Llahsram , loveshocks , wetone123 , InNeedOfABuzzzz , link82 , SMichelle , bayosgirl , jeangel246 , Howells , Redboxbaby , winterseve , eeep , amandaco2011 , sassyNsensual , Kush , AU , freda , GirlOnGirl , GonetoLovehoney , Geogeo , Terri69 , pootpootpoot , pitona , gloomybear , xilliannax , Mwar , Isola , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , Allison.Wilder , lacybutton , jennifur77 , nanamondoute , dhig , SecretKinksters , Lydia Quinn , lillmiss5054 , , CaliGirl , peachmarie
be unemployed.
love sex.
~LaUr3n~ , Coralbell , MJisfreaky , Taylor , MR Chickhabit , MrWishyWashy , Highmaintenancegirl916 , OhMy! , Shellz31 , Tori Rebel , FemmeFlo , BobbiJay , EvilHomer , js250 , El-Jaro , jay28 , Sapphire Pet , JessCee , ThoughtsAblaze , ellejay , TitsMcScandal , darthkitt3n , Airen Wolf , bsgs , lilly555 , DeliciousSurprise , Beck , Eliyahu , SiNn , Squeaky , married with children , Llahsram , loveshocks , thelittlestdoc , SparklyGlitter , InNeedOfABuzzzz , Graniteal , link82 , SMichelle , BlooJay , jeangel246 , Howells , angel142stx , Redboxbaby , winterseve , Nkev , OroNomi , eeep , Ahatmadeofshoes12 , amandaco2011 , sassyNsensual , Kush , Lily Night , Llewey , Hibangel , GirlOnGirl , GonetoLovehoney , Sci , Mistress Sassy , hillys , Darklyvan , Khanner , gloomybear , Mwar , Isola , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , Allison.Wilder , lacybutton , nanamondoute , thisisadeletedaccount , sweetpea12 , dhig , SecretKinksters , Lydia Quinn , lillmiss5054 , hall5885 , , CaliGirl , peachmarie , hem
OTHERS. (*please note below*)
Peggi , FemmeFlo , js250 , NarcissisticLust , ThoughtsAblaze , aliceinthehole , DeliciousSurprise , P'Gell , Beck , married with children , link82 , bayosgirl , Nkev , amandaco2011 , sassyNsensual , AU , Hibangel , ghalik , Stinkytofu10 , gsfanatic , Allison.Wilder , Dixiemomma , Lydia Quinn
Total votes: 932 (119 voters)
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Contributor: Peggi Peggi
He also has to accept all of my quirks and love food!
Contributor: Nazaress Nazaress
I don't have many criteria. I'm no catch myself (at least when it comes to money and the like). There are a few things I will NOT stand for: Drugs and alcoholism, especially drugs. He/she can drink but not be an alcoholic. Unfortunately, they have to have a job and a car because otherwise, how would we see each other? They don't have to be rich or anything but enough so that they have the money to do the driving and bread-earning. I don't work but I provide services at home. I will not date anyone if they have children (though I found out not long ago that my boyfriend might have one from years ago -_-"). I don't like kids and I HATE anyone else's. I might have one or so of my own one day but that's a very small "might". They have to at least have graduated from high school or have a GED. I'm so tired of being surrounded by ignorant people and I can't stand having stupid conversations. I'm smarter than the average person in my area so I don't expect them to be more intelligent than me but I'd like for them to at least have common sense and a reasonable amount of knowledge. Finally (and I never used to care about this until I became part of the community), they must be sex-positive and accepting (and possibly even like) sex toys. It's silly and stupid to be jealous of them and they can make your sex life better. They don't have to have as big of a sex drive as me (I say this only because my boyfriend doesn't) but they have to be open-minded about things that go VROOM.

Oh, and this isn't a make-or-break criteria but I like when they have a little extra meat on their bones. My boyfriend is quite the fluffy guy and I love every inch of him. I like to sink my hands into him. Mmm mmm.

EDIT: I didn't check "be able to read" because I wasn't paying attention. I thought it said "like to read". Obviously, they have to be able. That ties in with the intelligence thing. I'd LIKE if they liked reading but I won't deny a relationship with someone if they don't. Just like I'd like if my significant other loved video games as much as I do. That's ALMOST a "make-or-break".
Contributor: Ms. Spice Ms. Spice
My absolute requirements for men that I date is that he must enjoy books because I refuse to have a relationship with an ignorant person; he must be in shape, dress well, and at least be graduated from high school.

I could care less if he has a car because I don't have one myself, and I really don't care if he has money. Again, I'm broke myself, so it would only be hypocritical if I ask him to be the rich one of the two of us.

As for sex, I want him to be compatible. He has to at least tolerate the sex toys. My sex drive can be on and off sometimes, so he needs to be understanding of that.

I don't really care if he has kids or not; however, I would prefer that he didn't. It wouldn't be a deal breaker though.
Contributor: MrWishyWashy MrWishyWashy
Wow, that was a long list of options!
Contributor: Highmaintenancegirl916 Highmaintenancegirl916
im not 2 picky so long as he has a car,job and is close with a family im set.
Contributor: Ryuson Ryuson
While religion isn't a requirement, I think that it really helps build a more solid foundation of a marriage. Smoking and alcoholism is a major turn off, though.
Contributor: FemmeFlo FemmeFlo
I'm really picky. I checked almost everything. I have high standards.

Although I do have to say that that my pickiness applies to someone I'd consider marrying. Not someone I would consider dating, since dating doesn't always lead to marriage in my mind. Someone can just be a fun part of my life for a while without wanting a future together.
Contributor: BobbiJay BobbiJay
He also has to accept my crazy family, that are too opinionated and nosy, but still care. I don't mind if he thinks they are crazy but he cannot bad talk them.
Contributor: js250 js250
He would need to: be kind-tolerant of other people's opinions-be affectionate-sense of humor-ride dirt bikes-be forgiving-accept my family-and be willing to have sex, more sex, and even more sex.
Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
Originally posted by js250
He would need to: be kind-tolerant of other people's opinions-be affectionate-sense of humor-ride dirt bikes-be forgiving-accept my family-and be willing to have sex, more sex, and even more sex.
Similar for me.

I also prefer non-religious people in general. I also prefer people who have had some education passed high school. Foodies are welcome. Someone who is aware of the world around them and knows where to find Moldova on a map (or even Bolivia).
Contributor: Sapphire Pet Sapphire Pet
What about sweet, caring, loving and all that mushy stuff??? And to date me you have to love animals... I live and breath rescuing critters so it's a MUST!
Contributor: NarcissisticLust NarcissisticLust
Originally posted by Badass
Here is a list, what do you need to have from your potential spouse to start a relationship with them

In order to become your spouse, he or she MUST...
Someone who treats me well, makes me happy, and makes every day an adventure.
Contributor: ThoughtsAblaze ThoughtsAblaze
I would also add:

1] Creative. I'm a writer and like someone who's equally creative minded to both work with as well as to encourage me. I'd especially like a guy who is creative in areas where I have zero talent: visual arts, acting, music (plus, guitarists are effing sexy).

2] Sensitive. I don't mean emotional here, but rather aware of other's feelings, compassionate, and considerate. I'm a stoic, so I love the balance of my man's sensitivity; plus, his awareness that I don't share things easily makes him patient and devoted to finding out how I feel instead of prying.

3] Confident. Or at least actively seeking confidence. I don't care of his Mr. American Dream or a bum, if he's traditionally successful or not. What I care about is how he views himself, his life, and his future.

4] Science fiction/fantasy fan.
Contributor: Ms. Spice Ms. Spice
Originally posted by Ms. Spice
My absolute requirements for men that I date is that he must enjoy books because I refuse to have a relationship with an ignorant person; he must be in shape, dress well, and at least be graduated from high school.

I could care less if he has ... more
I just realized that it said "in order to become your spouse..." I'm actually not interested in getting married at all. However, these are my requirements for a long term relationship.
Contributor: aliceinthehole aliceinthehole
Originally posted by Badass
Here is a list, what do you need to have from your potential spouse to start a relationship with them

In order to become your spouse, he or she MUST...
none of these are requirements for me. they can all be made exceptions for. for example, say i meet someone who's grown up in a remote afrikan village. with the travelling i've done, it's not unlikely. he/she wouldn't be able to read, possibly. this would not be a deal-breaker for me. none of these things would.

if i'm going to date someone, we are required to be madly attracted to one another, and they are required to treat me and others with kindness and respect. that's the basis of it, really.
Contributor: ellejay ellejay
Not having a drinking problem and having a job are the ones I most agree with.
Contributor: ddd masturbator(bye all!) ddd masturbator(bye all!)
Originally posted by MrWishyWashy
Wow, that was a long list of options!
Being MrWishyWashy I bet it was hard to choose any
Contributor: K101 K101
Originally posted by Badass
Here is a list, what do you need to have from your potential spouse to start a relationship with them

In order to become your spouse, he or she MUST...
I definitely wouldn't be with my partner if he had had a drug or drinking or pornography problem, not have a job, not know how to read, graduate or have GED and be clean, hygenic. We got together 5 years ago and were both VERY young, but he definitely meets my standards! I didn't know if he shared my beliefs back then, but I was only a teen and didn't actually have some of the strong beliefs that I do now. However, we thankfully share the same beliefs, are both christian and have about the same strong feelings on certain matters so it really works out wonderfully! I would not date someone who didn't share the beliefs that I'm really strong on like being Christian. I wouldn't know how to be with someone who wasn't.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
I have a spouse and I did have "requirements& ; ; ;quo t; although I never talked about them with the men I dated.

They needed to have a job, be well educated with either a college degree or working on a college degree (and I mean NOW, not "Welllll, I might go back to school when.....")

They needed to have the ability to be articulate and to be able to commit, if I was the right person for them. I need a man who is willing and able to support a family and who wants a family. A man with good hygiene, although he doesn't have to be a fashion plate, is necessary. Also, he needs to be able to be polite and kind (My Man needed some work in that area, he was raised by two people with no manners whatsoever.) Loving me is, obviously, a necessity.

A vehicle was obviously necessary (as I lived in the suburbs and going our required a car.) One of my first boyfriends, I found out after starting to date him, had no car, no job, was a high school drop out and loved to snort Angel Dust. (Thus, NO money.) He was summarily dumped, as nicely as I could do so. Good looking alone (and, WOW, he was a good looking boy) doesn't do it.

After breaking up with this boy, I realized I needed some standards. I realized I didn't want to end up living in a broken down trailer, with drug leavin's and roaches all over the place, working the midnight to 8 AM shift at a convenience store, to support our kids, while he laid around, got high and played video games... which is where I would have been if I had stayed with this first boy.

I have a friend who married a young man who dropped out of HS, didn't have a job and who was always "gonna" do something new and fantastic (at one point he wanted to be a Jet Pilot. No training, no experience, just wanted to be a "Jet Pilot." WTF?" and she ended up in the preceding nightmare, midnight to 8 AM job, trailer, kids who ran rampant, filthy and unsupervised while she was at work or sleeping what little she could, while her husband slept off his drunk or his high, and no money and everything. Nightmare. I cried at her wedding, and not because I was happy.

She got married right out of High School (and was a very pretty, well put together and intelligent woman) her looks went down the drain (as he prevented her from wearing make up or pretty clothes) and she ended up in a living hell. A man needs to step up and be a man, IMO. Yeah, it's old fashioned, but unless he was actually really fully disabled, through no fault of his own, I'm NOT supporting a man under any condition.

I wanted a family and a traditional home life. It took work to find the right man, but they are out there, you just have to be discriminating and careful and know what to avoid.

OOOOPS, I forgot to vote "must love sex." Obviously, that's a deal breaker. I didn't realize it at the time I started dating, however.
Contributor: Beck Beck
I have a spouse, but here are my requirements.

The same religion is important to decide how your family is raised and if you have different beliefs than there could be added strain on your relationship. I am an atheist who wants to be with atheist, someone who is a different might not want to even consider what I want for my family, so that was a huge key factoring to picking for me.

Having money is important to preparing a home for your family, so they need to at least have a job or some source of money. I don't mean rich though.

Have a car is important to get to work and the store, so it is a must have. Although I don't have a license or a car, but that is why it is important to have a man with one.

Having a place to live is a requirement, but if it isn't their own that doesn't matter, however if they aren't trying to get out of there then NO.

They have to like my collection!VROOM!

They have to be able to read! They have to have some intelligence.

I picked does drugs, because I want to be with someone who smokes pot just like me. (My state is in the works for medical.) However no hard core drugs, since I don't want to be with an addict.

I want a family (which I have), so if they don't then bye. You need to want similar things.

I started dating my hubby when he was in the process of getting his GED, which he did get. However there are certain ages were graduation/GED's were not required, nor were college, so if I am dating older and they are established that would not be a requirement, but if I am dating someone who is similar age to me, that is a requirement, since it gets you a better job than Mc D's now, but it didn't use to matter so much and time in your field counted as a degree. Technically my hubby is suppose to have a college degree to work his job, but it wasn't that way when he started and now he has 27years experience doing it, so it counts as a degree to the companies hiring. This is the kind of situation I meant.

Having a job or some other source of income is a requirement. It could be disability or a pension though, so doesn't have to be a job.

They have to want sex just as often as I do or close.

Others: They have to like Animals, they have to like my mom and dad, they have to deal with my crap, they can't be abusive, they have to be willing to listen to me, and they have want to better their life(if need be.)
Contributor: voenne voenne
In addition to everything checked above: Must love cats, because I'm stuck with mine for the next 15-18 years.
Contributor: SiNn SiNn
Originally posted by Badass
Here is a list, what do you need to have from your potential spouse to start a relationship with them

In order to become your spouse, he or she MUST...
never thought of it before
Contributor: thelittlestdoc thelittlestdoc
Generally if I like your personality/we can carry on a conversation/have chemistry and you're not a bum you've met my requirements. Drugs/smoking really tend to put me off, but I'm not sure they're absolute dealbreakers unless you have a problem.
Contributor: link82 link82
my list could go on for days...
Contributor: BlooJay BlooJay
Good list to choose from.
Contributor: bayosgirl bayosgirl
My requirements would be: a fellow born again, bible-believing Christian; has a job; college educated; NO KIDS; is willing to wait for sex until marriage but is interested in sex and having fun with it (this would involve lengthy conversations, I imagine); wants a family; loves animals; lets me be free to be my own person, NOT controlling; takes care of himself as I do (exercise, eat well, dress, etc); intelligent, likes to read; soft spoken and gentle (my dad is a yeller and so is my current husband.)
Contributor: GONE! GONE!
I have low standards apparently. I just want them to agree with my beliefs regardless of what religion they identify as (I.e. if they think homosexuality is a sin, they aren't gonna be compatible with me at all.), get along with me really well both in bed and out of bed, and not smell bad.
Contributor: Howells Howells
Does it count as a job if someone makes money (2-3x average wage) without a job (freelance or trader or blogger etc) (technically unemployed). What would you do with that?
Contributor: Nkev Nkev
Originally posted by Badass
Here is a list, what do you need to have from your potential spouse to start a relationship with them

In order to become your spouse, he or she MUST...
be able to tolerate MEEEEE lol