Do you like background noise during sex?

Contributor: BuckeyeGal04 BuckeyeGal04
If so, what do you like?
Answers (private voting - your screen name will NOT appear in the results):
Yes, always
5  (8%)
Yes, sometimes
44  (72%)
No thanks
12  (20%)
Total votes: 61
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Contributor: Moein Moein
I just like my wife sounds, turn me on.
Contributor: bayosgirl bayosgirl
Music is nice sometimes. I cant stand hearing the television while we're having sex, though.
Contributor: Gracie Gracie
I like music, a cd is nice but the radio will do.
Contributor: wetone123 wetone123
Music definitely!
Contributor: ~LaUr3n~ ~LaUr3n~
Sometimes, but it can also be distracting.
Contributor: Stinkytofu10 Stinkytofu10
If the "noise" is actually pleasant and structured, such as music, then yes. If the "noise" is white noise of a TV or some really terrible irritating noise, I will be frustrated and be turned off.
Contributor: TheCleansing TheCleansing
Music is okay. Not a fan of like... white noise.
Contributor: Gunsmoke Gunsmoke
We use the TV to cover up our sexual activity. When the kids aren't around we listen to music.
Contributor: PassionateLover2 PassionateLover2
Originally posted by Moein
I just like my wife sounds, turn me on.
I AGREE. When oral or otherwise, I want to hear her cryin' out 'Oh my, Oh my God, Oh my God, or I'm not doin' it right. That turns me on!!
Contributor: jedent jedent
nah, need to be able to listen for the kids coming down the hall or something.
Contributor: Breas Breas
Originally posted by TheCleansing
Music is okay. Not a fan of like... white noise.
I'd have to agree lol
Contributor: bdvnt bdvnt
I like some music in the background. Music can be great to set the mood. Most of the time we don't have anything, but I think I prefer a little music.
Contributor: SexyStuff SexyStuff
Music or a crackling fire can be a nice addition.
Contributor: married with children married with children
I like my wife making noise. or maybe a porn in the background.
Contributor: MeliPixie MeliPixie
We sometimes have the TV or some porn on, but I like to hear the sounds he makes, and they're so quiet I need no background noise to hear them, so often I'll turn it off if I'm the one driving ^_~
Contributor: BuckeyeGal04 BuckeyeGal04
Originally posted by MeliPixie
We sometimes have the TV or some porn on, but I like to hear the sounds he makes, and they're so quiet I need no background noise to hear them, so often I'll turn it off if I'm the one driving ^_~
Listen to you, woman in control! LOL I agree with many of you though. I LOVE hearing him moan and expressing his satisfaction. Low volume music in the background is still nice to me though.
Contributor: SadoMas SadoMas
Contributor: TiffyPixie TiffyPixie
Depending on the mood, I like music or a video playing in the background to hear their moans, not to really watch.
Contributor: Shayla Shayla
tv is very distracting, we always have the fan on, pointed the other way, I like hearing the sounds he makes and he loves hearing the sounds I make
Contributor: edeneve edeneve
I love sensuous music all the time.
Contributor: Badass Badass
I generally like music or a fan on...
Contributor: Rory Rory
As long as it is just background and not something that would require my attention.
Contributor: heather-mooney heather-mooney
Originally posted by BuckeyeGal04
If so, what do you like?
i guess it really depends. usually it's fun!
Contributor: Supervixen Supervixen
Sometimes music is nice, but in general, we are so tuned into our own dirty bedroom banter/moaning/screami ng/begging/laughing/cr ying, that everything else fades away from our ears...
Contributor: Lioncub Lioncub
We always have music playing in the background.
Contributor: RedKyuubi RedKyuubi
sometimes yes
Contributor: joolie joolie
My husband is so quiet during sex that I don't want any sounds to muffle him.
Contributor: konicaguy konicaguy
Originally posted by BuckeyeGal04
If so, what do you like?
Usually the TV. I have teens who come and go as they please, so sometimes we need it to drown out our love-making...
Contributor: Honeymuffin33 Honeymuffin33
It depends sometimes music is good but I really don't like the TV being on because it gets distracting >_>