Where can you two can be together? Where do you stay/live?

Contributor: Howells Howells
I'm curios where people can be together. For those that live together already, I'm interested how you do that. And for those who are a bit earlier in the relationship, usually which partner is the 'host'? Where do you spend time together more often?

In my first relationship I was mostly going to the girl's house, and we were rarely here. In my current one it's the other way around. Both places are with parents. We are still young.

There was a How I Met Your Mother episeode when they were talking about the "reacher" and the "settler". Where somebody could currently get better than their partner, they are the settlers. Then if somebody reaches out and the other party is of higher league (okay it sounds bad), then they are the reachers. I find some truth in this but it's not so trivial. Can this play a role in where you stay at more often?
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
We live together and...
AAAToyGirl , Joie de Cherresse , BBW Talks Toys , k3 , newlady , Kilgorescowboy , padmeamidala , Jul!a , Diabolical Kitty , ZenaidaMacroura , ToyingCouple , P'Gell , Ajax , ac0313 , darthkitt3n , kelaaa33wish , Red Vinyl Kitty , sexyk515 , Eden C. , Naughty Student , Redboxbaby , liilii080 , sexygoddess , Airen Wolf , Miss Anonymous , Kdlips , Fuck it. , badnewsbaby , LennaKieran
we own a home. (Have you paid it in full, received as a gift, or paying installments?)
padmeamidala , married with children , ToyingCouple , P'Gell , kelaaa33wish , Teaser , Redboxbaby , liilii080
we rent a home.
AAAToyGirl , Joie de Cherresse , BBW Talks Toys , k3 , newlady , SoBlue , Diabolical Kitty , Ajax , ac0313 , darthkitt3n , Red Vinyl Kitty , Airen Wolf , Miss Anonymous , Fuck it. , badnewsbaby , LennaKieran
We don't live together and...
Jobthingy , uu , ToyGurl , MaryExy , Howells , Persephone Nightmare , Lily Night , pinkcupcakes , toxie m , Mary-Anne-Xun , Judas Iscars , Lolla Munz , Lady Marmelade , Illusional , Nando , sbon , A Closet Slut (aka nipplepeople) , Coralbell , PiratePrincess , LittleBoPeep , Airen Wolf , Pablo F Lleras , potstickers
We stay at the man's place usually.
Howells , Persephone Nightmare , pinkcupcakes , toxie m , Lolla Munz , Nando , Coralbell
We stay at the woman's place usually.
Jobthingy , ToyGurl , Lily Night , Illusional
We stay in both places, kind of equally.
sbon , PiratePrincess , LittleBoPeep
It's complicated / other.
uu , MaryExy , Jul!a , ZenaidaMacroura , Mary-Anne-Xun , Lady Marmelade , sbon , LostBoy988 , Eden C. , sexygoddess , Airen Wolf , Pablo F Lleras , kinksters , potstickers
Total votes: 104 (56 voters)
Poll is closed
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Contributor: Jobthingy Jobthingy
We stay here. I have my own place and a daughter. It is just easier to be here.
Contributor: AAAToyGirl AAAToyGirl
We live together in a town home we rent together. We've been married just over three years. When we were first dating we flew back and forth to see each other, but eer since we got engaged we've lived together.

I'm the housewife and he's the breadwinner.
Contributor: BBW Talks Toys BBW Talks Toys
We're married, so we live together. But we've just about always lived together as we were LDR before we were together.

How do we do that? Are you referring to where we live? Rental? Own? We rent right now but hope to own in the next 3-5 years.

If you mean, "How do you do that?" Like how do we get along? We, like every couple, have our seasons of good and bad. We just "do it." *shrugs*
Contributor: ToyGurl ToyGurl
I wasn't sure if you were referring to where we make love or where we hang out usually. If you mean where do we make love, it is usually at my place. my fiance and i are not living together until after the wedding. he had and apartment, but is moving in with his parents temporarily until the wedding. his parents and mine as well are both against sex before marriage. i'm sure they both know we have sex regularly, but it seems to be more accepted if it is outside of his home. he comes to my apartment and stays with me quite often.

but if you mean where do we hang out, i guess you could say both places equally. i enjoy spending time with his family, and visiting my parents, and just staying in at my place.
Contributor: k3 k3
We rent a room in a three-bedroom house from a couple who we have also become really good friends with. Everyone in the house is very sexually-open, and no one really has to hide anything, but we also get as much privacy as we need. It's a really nice atmosphere to live in; we love it. <3
Contributor: Howells Howells
Originally posted by ToyGurl
I wasn't sure if you were referring to where we make love or where we hang out usually. If you mean where do we make love, it is usually at my place. my fiance and i are not living together until after the wedding. he had and apartment, but is ... more
Yeah I was referring to both It's good that you still hang out where you can't have sex.

BBW Talks Toys: I referred the technical side, if you rent or own stuff like that. Here many many people are paying installments on houses/apartments in a foreign currency and getting close to getting broke because of the other currency rising and the installments growing bigger and bigger..
Contributor: Kilgorescowboy Kilgorescowboy
Originally posted by Howells
I'm curios where people can be together. For those that live together already, I'm interested how you do that. And for those who are a bit earlier in the relationship, usually which partner is the 'host'? Where do you spend time ... more
we live together and its always fun
Contributor: padmeamidala padmeamidala
Originally posted by Howells
I'm curios where people can be together. For those that live together already, I'm interested how you do that. And for those who are a bit earlier in the relationship, usually which partner is the 'host'? Where do you spend time ... more
We own our own townhouse.
Contributor: SoBlue SoBlue
Originally posted by Howells
I'm curios where people can be together. For those that live together already, I'm interested how you do that. And for those who are a bit earlier in the relationship, usually which partner is the 'host'? Where do you spend time ... more
well, i have kids i was raising alone, so truthfully he spent more time at my place till we moved in together, now its horrible, we"re together all the time!!!! lol
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
We're married and have been living together for a few years now. We live with my mother and don't pay rent as we're saving money for our own home, but this time next year, we should have our own house.
Contributor: Diabolical Kitty Diabolical Kitty
We live together with a bunch of people. 3 which are my kids.
Contributor: toxie m toxie m
We live separately and we usually stay at his place just because there's more privacy there
Contributor: Howells Howells
How many of you still hang out where you can't have sex?
Contributor: Lady Marmelade Lady Marmelade
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
We have our own home, don't really want to go into the financial and debt details of it, though. Years ago, he had an apartment and I would live there on weekends until I finished University. We moved into our first home, which we bought, a few months before we got married.

Many years ago, when he was living with his parents for a time to save money for a house, and I was young and living at home during the summer, we'd wait until my mom left for work to get together for morning sex. I actually had PIV sex the first time in his parents' house in his childhood bed. Weird. (By him, of course.)

He did used to visit me at University, and sometimes stay overnight, but I went to a Catholic University and men were not allowed on our floor after midnight, so we'd have to sneak him in, or go upstairs early and stay in the room.
Contributor: Ajax Ajax
We live together, but when we didn't he came to my house more often because there was more to do. I lived in the middle of the city and he lived on the outskirts with nothing around.
Contributor: Illusional Illusional
We don't live together, and before we went to a hotel like mostly every weekend. Sometimes we'd stay at his friend's place, but blah. We had no privacy. Hotels every weekend got costly, but he still lives at home and his parents... it's complicated there. We're an interracial couple. So, now that I've moved back.. I have an apartment and he usually stays the night here.
Contributor: Illusional Illusional
Originally posted by Howells
How many of you still hang out where you can't have sex?
We do, we hang out at friend's places and such.
Contributor: Kilgorescowboy Kilgorescowboy
Originally posted by Howells
I'm curios where people can be together. For those that live together already, I'm interested how you do that. And for those who are a bit earlier in the relationship, usually which partner is the 'host'? Where do you spend time ... more
live together
Contributor: sbon sbon
We don't live together. He visits me at my apartment at school most weekends. When I'm at home we stay more at his house, but also sometimes at mine.
Contributor: ac0313 ac0313
She just moved into my apartment last week. I got the apartment since I moved out of my prior home and relationship ealier this year.
Contributor: darthkitt3n darthkitt3n
We just got an apartment together a little over a month ago. Before that, we both lived with our parents. Usually he came over to my parents house, though some times I would go over to his.
Contributor: A Closet Slut (aka nipplepeople) A Closet Slut (aka nipplepeople)
His place. Always. I live with my parents.
Contributor: kelaaa33wish kelaaa33wish
We just bought a home and are paying it off.
Contributor: Red Vinyl Kitty Red Vinyl Kitty
We're married, but we live together too. We used to own a condo, but we sold it to move out here to Colorado, and are renting for the time being.
Contributor: LostBoy988 LostBoy988
Contributor: Liz2 Liz2
We recently moved to a small rental house, formally a "caretakers cottage". Prior to that we each had our own place more out of convenience for our jobs,school and independence.
Living together is a learning experience but so far, no complaints and it is so less expensive.
Contributor: sexyk515 sexyk515
he stay wit me
Contributor: Eden C. Eden C.
For a while, my girlfriend and I rented with another couple. The lease is up, so we're both staying in my parents' house until we move in a few months. My parents are really cool.