Personally I only ever enjoyed it when I was drunk/high, and I had to make sure that the sheets were clean.
Do you like doing the "Deed" in other peoples beds?
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Are we talking about having sex in our sexual partner's bed, or having sex in a third party's bed?
I don't mind the former, but the latter grosses me out. It's also why my bedroom gets locked when there's a party in this house.
I don't mind the former, but the latter grosses me out. It's also why my bedroom gets locked when there's a party in this house.
It's awkward and I feel guilty after
Once my hubby, then fiance, and I were house sitting and of course we got it on during that time. When I truly think about it it's weird, but in the heat of the moment, it's just a bed. Especially when it has clean sheets. Depending on the people, it's probably a whole lot cleaner than a hotel bed!
It depends. If the bed is a guest bed, then no, I have no problem with it. If it is the bed they normally sleep in, then yes, it would be weird. However, my husband says no, even then, it would not stop him. He would ensure the sheet were clean before and afterwards though.
Haven't tried it yet and no idea whether or not I'd like it.
Guest bed and friend's futon. It felt a lot like having sex anywhere else, but they weren't anyone's primary sleeping locations. I'd probably feel bad for staining someone else's regular bed.
Sex anywhere is fine with me, sometimes it makes it a little better.
I would never do that to someone. I am very protective of my bed and wouldn't want anyone doing it in there, so personally, I would never do it in someone else's.
Umm, I wouldn't do that because I wouldn't know when the last time they changed their sheets was. That is nasty. I don't want to fuck in other people's bodily fluids. (Sweat, skin cells, hair, cum... I'm grossed out just thinking about it.)
It even took me a while to warm up to having sex in the guest beds at my parent's house. I don't care any more though. We always put clean sheets on and we're usually staying for a couple days anyway. We might as well enjoy our stay
I NEVER want to have sex in the guest bed at my grandma's house. My mom told me one of my brothers was conceived in that bed.
It even took me a while to warm up to having sex in the guest beds at my parent's house. I don't care any more though. We always put clean sheets on and we're usually staying for a couple days anyway. We might as well enjoy our stay
I NEVER want to have sex in the guest bed at my grandma's house. My mom told me one of my brothers was conceived in that bed.
I'd feel bad. I wouldn't do it.
What if they found out, they'd be so mad at me.
I just don't think its respectful.
What if they found out, they'd be so mad at me.
I just don't think its respectful.
It depends, I won't leave a mess for someone else to clean up. So only in places where I can wash the sheets afterwords.
I'd only do it when visiting family, and where we would clean the sheets when we leave.
I feel weird about doing it in other people's bed.. you don't know what's on their sheets.. but I've had sex on other peoples' couches and in some one's bathroom during a party!
This. I'd feel too bad leaving a mess for someone else.
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I'd only do it when visiting family, and where we would clean the sheets when we leave.
This is mainly no for me because I think it would be a good excuse to try and do it in other places =)
Originally posted by
Personally I only ever enjoyed it when I was drunk/high, and I had to make sure that the sheets were clean.
My boyfriend and I have borrowed a former friend's bed and his truck. He gave us the ok to do it, though. Although we took a little longer than he expected once and he started knocking on the door because he was bored.
I've never done it... it could be weird.
It can be naughty, but it's not something we actively look to do.

I have had sex in other peoples beds and never really gave it much thought....Now if it were like someones parents bed that might be creepy?!
I used to live with my best friend Heather when my husband and I were first dating. She and I would often sleep in her bed together because it was a one bedroom apartment. (She and I never did anything sexually just to be clear). When my man would stay over we let him sleep in the bed with us but the order was him, me in the middle then her always. I would always sleep totally naked or in only a thong so I was always the midnight cock tease by accident cause my butt would always nestle up to his cock - though he wore shorts or underwrar. Well one night he was naked...and as guys do he had a raging sleep hard on that woke me up poking me in the ass and back. I managed to get my legs open enough and my ass stuck out to get him in my pussy from behind but obviously woke him in the process. Good for me cause obviously I wanted to fuck him so we super slowly rocked against each other. About the time he was going to pop inside me Heather clicks on her bed table light and rolls over towards me. Looking straight in my eyes she says "Are you guys really fucking in my bed?" Now both if is are totally still but my left leg is obviously up and wrapped back over him with my legs spread. All I could say was "Um... maybe" in a meak voice. She surprised the crap out of me by rolling back over and turning off her light...the whole time muttering "you better believe bitch your wasing my sheets tomorrow cause I know neither of you likes condoms and hurry the fuck up so my bed stops shaking". Funny shit! Im not certain but I am pretty sure when she got up a little later to go pee she fingered herself off in the bathroom. Good for her cause she hadn't gotten any for a month or two. XOX. Love ya Heather! Miss you!
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Personally I only ever enjoyed it when I was drunk/high, and I had to make sure that the sheets were clean.
Guest beds are one thing. Personal beds, though, strikes me as a violation. I have no desire to be involved in other people's sex life, and I would be very angry if someone involved me in theirs in this manner. My bed is my bed.
Ew no, I couldn't do that in a bed that's not my own!
In other people homes, yes. In other people's beds, no. The floor will do.
Its not anything I would plan for, or get anything out of most likely, but if say... I was at my boyfriends parents house and it just happend it wouldn't bother me.
Not in the slightest.
Originally posted by
Personally I only ever enjoyed it when I was drunk/high, and I had to make sure that the sheets were clean.
No I'm a squirter and I wouldn't want to taint someone else's bed. Couldn't do it
Originally posted by
Personally I only ever enjoyed it when I was drunk/high, and I had to make sure that the sheets were clean.
Naw, not my thing. Seems kinda filthy...meaning I would have a hard time not thinking about who else had done the same thing, then my germ phobia would kick in.
No, I think that's gross.
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Personally I only ever enjoyed it when I was drunk/high, and I had to make sure that the sheets were clean.
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