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I'm content with my partner. If there were a magic button, though? Sure. Mainly because the few changes I'd be interested in are changes that he'd like to make himself, and if there were a way to make it easier, go for it. I also know
I'm content with my partner. If there were a magic button, though? Sure. Mainly because the few changes I'd be interested in are changes that he'd like to make himself, and if there were a way to make it easier, go for it. I also know there are changes that he'd like in me, and I'm comfortable with that.
This is my answer too because the things we'd change in each other are things we've already begun working toward. I love him so much, and I recognize that neither of us is perfect. The thing I'd change about him, though, is to make him less sensitive. He's an HSP (Highly Sensitive Person), which is great because he's great at reading emotions, very patient and understanding, really great at expressing himself and being intimate. But there are days when I want him to be the more traditional guy: take the reigns, make decisions, be assertive, be tougher among other guys.
I know he'd answer this question by wanting to change me into a more sensitive, emotionally open person (I'm a stoic). But like I said, we've already begun working together on our communication skills, so hopefully we won't need a magic change button!