Biggest turn-off on a first date?

Contributor: link82 link82
What is your biggest turn-off when you are on a first date?
When your date:
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
Shows up late
slynch , Miss Morphine , Mary-Anne-Xun , sexygoddess , daniel and frances , teeny <3 , SaraU29 , padmeamidala , Bex1331 , VelvetDragon , Boyfriend
11  (8%)
Talks too much
toys=love , sarki , breakfastonpluto
3  (2%)
Chews with mouth open
jnd091020 , SoBlue , sasweetheart89 , Persephone Nightmare , SexyLilPixi , Shellz31 , Airen Wolf , wdanas , hall5885 , Incendiaire , Kiwi Green , kittenfacery , theavocadopit , KrissyNovacaine , SneakersAndPearls
15  (10%)
Talks with mouth full
Ansley , legna , Daofan
3  (2%)
Doesn't respond when the bill comes/ Expects you to pay
Kdlips , MaryExy , wetone123 , Rachel Nunez , K101 , ViVix , NAV , Sinfully , aliceinthehole , Voir , bayosgirl , princessss , NawlinsDawlin , amazon
14  (10%)
Uses cell phone or has it out and available
Crash , potstickers , Enchantedkitty , MsGoosie , Emma (Girl With Fire) , Daniel & Brittany , ellejay , darthkitt3n , barrettbn2 , sheree1 , cobiffle , Nothere , kelaaa33wish , She's Got The Jack , Bunnycups , Gigi128 , duff , mpfm , LavenderSkies , Vegan Silk , Lover of Leather , anonkitty , Beck , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , madpupalex0 , SJ88 , Sohotdinosaur , marrythenight , Paint , The Geek , Crystal1 , Fleurs Violettes , Missmarc , roskat , WhoopieDoo , Mwar , Jenny Smith , Rawr4483 , CollegeFun2014 , lustylusty , Mistress Sassy , sexxxkitten , Terri69 , Azule , Jennysweets , Allison.Wilder , BadassFatass , *Camoprincess* , Melan!e , WD40watcher , frisky069 , gsfanatic , cheesewizz , CadmiumKitty , michael scofield , Tork48309 , shoutitout87 , kitty1949 , humpday , Phosphorous Tick , zaftigzoo , Chilipepper , SilverIsis , bettle590 , ksparkles16 , AliMc , SadoMas
67  (46%)
Other (please explain)
bunny love , Rossie , Noira , null , Ms. Paprika , Steve of Eden , KyotoAngel , All His , Sir , Interesante , Falsepast , pootpootpoot , Zombirella , CuteDee , corsetsaurus rex , connies7388 , Ms. N , Beezlebud , meezerosity , ejrbrndps , ghalik , Freckles , Geogeo , solitudinarian , pixxie87 , laflauta , Stinkytofu10 , Woman China , aluminummm , Breas , Thumper Logic , tami , shielaray
33  (23%)
Total votes: 146
Poll is closed
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Contributor: jnd091020 jnd091020
Originally posted by link82
What is your biggest turn-off when you are on a first date?
When your date:
There are so many terrible things in this list to choose from haha, but I remember very clearly being on a date with a guy who talked with his mouth full and chewed with his mouth open and it was all I could do to refrain from asking him to keep his food to himself. So uncomfortable and awkward :/
Contributor: Enchantedkitty Enchantedkitty
The cell phone is my biggest turn off
Contributor: Daniel & Brittany Daniel & Brittany
Originally posted by link82
What is your biggest turn-off when you are on a first date?
When your date:
If a chick keeps pulling out her cell phone while were out thats the only or last date she would get from me since i would assume

!. shes texting other guys that she wants to think shes still at home Ie. A playa

2. shes texting her friends and your probably never going to be able to compete with them if she won't give you any face time without talking to them.

or 3. she is checking the time too much and apparently not having a good enough time with me to want to again, so she wont be bored by me again lol
Contributor: CarmenGore262 CarmenGore262
Originally posted by link82
What is your biggest turn-off when you are on a first date?
When your date:
To try so hard to have sex with me.
Contributor: barrettbn2 barrettbn2
Being on the phone constantly is annoying
Contributor: Kdlips Kdlips
all of above
Contributor: sheree1 sheree1
if you want a phone call that bad i can go home without you and you can call me....... whos to say i'll answer tho
Contributor: sheree1 sheree1
but all of them tho come ready for just me
Contributor: sheree1 sheree1
Originally posted by CarmenGore262
To try so hard to have sex with me.
right! come over kick it at least for a week....... dependin' on how bad i want cha,lol
Contributor: MaryExy MaryExy
For me there are SOME excuses for having the phone ready-to-answer, but not even discussing the bill is irritating to me. I don't mind paying or at least splitting, but I don't want the other person to decide that I'M paying for everything without consulting me. I'd never just ignore the bill and expect a guy to pay for me! It's nice if they do, but I'd offer to at least split.
Contributor: Miss Morphine Miss Morphine
It's a toss up between lateness and the cell phone use.
Contributor: toys=love toys=love
Talking too much. Seriously we went on a date to get to know each other not just you.
Contributor: Emma (Girl With Fire) Emma (Girl With Fire)
I saw a couple on a date the other day. the guy had his cell up in front of his face texting away and the girl was sitting there looking totally pissed. I mean, he literally had the phone between them, between their faces. If that isn't a turn off I don't know what is.
Contributor: cobiffle cobiffle
Cell phone by far
Contributor: bunny love bunny love
Other. I hate it when someone acts like a jerk. Do not be rude to the waitstaff!

Homophobia, transphobia, racism, and other unsavory views are an absolute turn-off.

My area has some of the worst traffic in the USA, so I don't really mind if someone is running a little bit late. Just let me know.
Contributor: Rossie Rossie
This should be a multiple choice question, they're all turn-offs for me!
Contributor: sexygoddess sexygoddess
Either shows up late or expects me to pay
Contributor: sarki sarki
Both talks too much or with mouth full
Contributor: Rachel Nunez Rachel Nunez
makes me pay
Contributor: Noira Noira
I dunno, I find racist/discriminatory/ anti-sex-positive behavior to be a much bigger turn-off than someone talking on the phone.
Contributor: K101 K101
Several of those were turn offs to me, but I don't mind the phone thing much if I know they're only doing it out of nervousness. Now, after a while, it gets old. I would hope they would have the decency to put the phone away and focus on me. I also HATE when people are sloppy eaters. I wouldn't like them to act like a starved opposum. I don't mind a little noise, but smacking has always been one of my biggest pet petes (as I call it.) My twin is the same way. She slaps her man if he smacks! Lol it is hilarious.

Anyways, also if a guy is attempts to have sex with me after I've made it clear that I am not doing that, then he'll probably be dumped asap. & I haven't dated in a long time because my partner and I got together 5 years ago, but before that, I had a guy who I'd just met and every day he would text me and say "ask me personal questions" I would finally ask something personal, but not too personal and he'd answer and say "ask me more personal questions." I finally quit texting him or talking to him altogether after 3 days of that shit. I was like wtf do you want to tell me something? I couldn't stand it. That is seriously the only thing he texted! When I quit texting him he said "Do you want to ask me how big I am?" I said no, I DO NOT. If I wanted to know that I'd have already asked. It seemed like he was extremely selfish and self absorbed. It also came off as immature and I will NEVER speak to him again.

If a guy is rude to others or talks nastily about people a lot on a first date, I'd stop him immediately. I hate when people down others or point out everything wrong with strangers. I also hate when people think others are below them and that's just nasty. Actually, one of the things that turned me on most (and still does!) about my partner is that he goes out of his way to help others. He's always stopping to give old ladies a ride. Just a month ago he stopped to give an old lady a ride to the grocery store. We had plans, but she was very old and had a hurt leg & stayed in the store for an hour and he never complained. He waited and helped her load her groceries and then we took her home, but on the way home her hat flew out the window and landed on the side of the road. HE STopped, turned around and walked to get it and brought it back in the truck to her. It was a huge turn on! I never told him how attractive it was to me until that day and we've been together for 5 years!

I love the kind of heart he has. He spends so much of his time helping others. Acutally, just tonight we had gotten home late around 10:30 pm and an older male friend of ours lives on my road and he called needing a long ride to chatt which is a good hour away not including the time we had to spend waiting and he done it. Even after working all day long, he said let's go and we didn't get home until nearly midnight. It was nice though.

That's one of the biggest turn offs to me is when a guy doesn't respect others. or me! Or when he thinks he's too good to stop and help people.
Contributor: Rhazya Rhazya
All of them are annoying, but I'd say texting on the cell nonstop would be the worst. I've had both friends and dates to that to me. I tell them, "You aren't really paying attention to me at all." They of course proclaim that they are. So then I usually quiz them on something I just spoke about, and they have no idea what it was. "See, clearly you aren't, and even if you were it's disrespecting me and our time together. Enjoy the rest of (insert whatever here) by yourself."

And I wonder why I don't text. I don't even answer my phone when it rings when I'm with someone else, I only grab it to silence it. The only exception to that is when I've let the person know I'm expecting a call I need to take in advance (I never make an excuse up.), and I ask them if they want me to step away from them or are they willing to to stand there until I'm done.
Contributor: null null
I can't stand it if the guy has nothing interesting to say...'Mmhmm' will only get you so far >.<
Contributor: Shellz31 Shellz31
I can't stand it when ANYONE chews with their mouth open. It's just plain rude! My parents raised me with manners and I expect the same from a date.

It would pissed me off a little too if he was late. Any longer than 20mins and I would just leave. I'm impatient.
Contributor: Bunnycups Bunnycups
I voted for using cell phone and having it out because I think that shows a disregard for the person you're on the date with. But chewing with your mouth open is obnoxious and would also be a turn off.
Contributor: Ms. Paprika Ms. Paprika
All of them, but texting while on a date is very annoying.
But anything that's intentionally rude I can't stand. I had one guy actually start throwing his spare change at me. It took me two minutes to explode at him and call him an "a-hole", at which point he grinned and said, "Glad you noticed."
Contributor: daniel and frances daniel and frances
Originally posted by link82
What is your biggest turn-off when you are on a first date?
When your date:
I hate lateness.
Contributor: Gigi128 Gigi128
I hate when they have there cell phone out & are texting. Like what the hell?
Contributor: Steve of Eden Steve of Eden
I hate when guys are sooo full of themselves and come off comepletely arrogant... I mean of course they need to be confident but please find a balance in there...