Jasper, Emmett, Riley, Demetri.
Twilight: Would you Do Edward or Carlisle ?
Idk if it's totally true to say pretty boys aren't my thing, but I'm not a fan either. Give me a man. I'm not attracted to any of them.
Originally posted by
I don't find any of them attractive. Strange, I know...but it's the truth. Pretty boys aren't my thing
I'd do Carlisle , but I am team Jacob so that is my answer... Jacob!
Originally posted by
kinky girlfriend
don't own this yet but looks like the perfect vampire dick you'd imagine on Edward or Carlisle,do you think? Well I'd do edward,but if I could only have Carlisle I'd do him he's hot too.
I wouldn't do him... but I may have turned his plastic commemorative Burger King cup into a portable glory hole a few times.
I like Jasper. Edward's a stalker!
Originally posted by
kinky girlfriend
don't own this yet but looks like the perfect vampire dick you'd imagine on Edward or Carlisle,do you think? Well I'd do edward,but if I could only have Carlisle I'd do him he's hot too.
I would have to say here that it depends. Based on the movies only...Emmett, but if we are going by the books, then totally Edward as well. Sorry, I just think that Robert Pattinson is totally unattractive.
As for True Blood...Eric, hands down.
But I do own the Vamp, and I love it.
As for True Blood...Eric, hands down.
But I do own the Vamp, and I love it.
Originally posted by
I wouldn't do him... but I may have turned his plastic commemorative Burger King cup into a portable glory hole a few times.
Well personally, I am not into guys, but that Bella, I'd go for her any day of the week at any time, even if I was having dinner in the church with my pastor and his family! well.. that might be going to far but you get the drift.
Shiny Twilight vampire cock FTW
I want to be the Bella in a Carlisle n' Jasper sammich.
I want to be the Bella in a Carlisle n' Jasper sammich.
Oh Eric from True Blood all the way ^^
I like manly men with trimmed beards...so none of these guys do it for me.
I agree completely. But if we're going off the books instead of the movies then I'll go with Edward. My imagination makes him look so much better than the actor that plays him.
Originally posted by
I don't find any of them attractive. Strange, I know...but it's the truth. Pretty boys aren't my thing
Jake should be an option. Give me hot and virile over cold and aloof any day.
Originally posted by
kinky girlfriend
don't own this yet but looks like the perfect vampire dick you'd imagine on Edward or Carlisle,do you think? Well I'd do edward,but if I could only have Carlisle I'd do him he's hot too.
Eric for sure
Originally posted by
I'd go for Bill or Eric (True Blood) instead
Twilight vamps? No can do. My fantasy vamps would be Lestat (Stuart Townsend, not Tom Cruise), Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and... Hmm. I'm sure there are more. I just can't think of any at the moment.
Alexander Skarsgard is quite tasty looking, but if I had to pick a twilight vampire I'd stick with the blonde theme and go with Carlisle.
Originally posted by
I'd go for Bill or Eric (True Blood) instead

I'm surprised no one mentioned The Vampire Diaries? I know they don't sparkle or not as pale as Edward, but.. i have to say i love Stephan and Damon<3
Haha, that's what I thought when I first saw Twilight. Coop!
Originally posted by
Carlisle is cute but I can't get past the actor's character on Nurse Jackie to really find him attractive lol
If I have to choose a twilight vamp it'd be Edward or Emmett I guess, but I'd much rather have Eric from True Blood!
If I have to choose a twilight vamp it'd be Edward or Emmett I guess, but I'd much rather have Eric from True Blood!
I'm old enough that the vampire trend has already come and gone like twice before in my lifetime, so I'm kinda over it at this point. (Not to mention Twilight being unoriginal & what's-her-name being a terrible writer... but anyway... *gets down from soapbox*)
If I have to pick a vamp, I'll go with Spike from Buffy, thank you.
And maybe Lestat from the Vampire Chronicles: the my-imagination version, not Tom Cruise *barf* or Stuart Townsend. Eh, Stuart had the look kinda right, but didn't have the charisma. Nawh, you know, actually... I'll just stick with Blondie Bear. LoL
If I have to pick a vamp, I'll go with Spike from Buffy, thank you.
And maybe Lestat from the Vampire Chronicles: the my-imagination version, not Tom Cruise *barf* or Stuart Townsend. Eh, Stuart had the look kinda right, but didn't have the charisma. Nawh, you know, actually... I'll just stick with Blondie Bear. LoL
HAHAHAHAH. There are tentacle dildos, vampire dildos, zombie fleshlights ... I've seen it all on this site.
Originally posted by
kinky girlfriend
don't own this yet but looks like the perfect vampire dick you'd imagine on Edward or Carlisle,do you think? Well I'd do edward,but if I could only have Carlisle I'd do him he's hot too.
I would have to say that Eric from True Blood is the vampire I would do. I would do him HARD.
Not a Twilight fan. I only read the first half of the first book, and at the time I enjoyed it, but when I went back to try again... I put it down like five minutes later. When you get down to it, I prefer my vampires to be glitter-free, despite the awesomeness of a sparkly dildo.
So neither, really. Can't remember Carlisle, and Edward just came off as being too creepy (and this is coming from someone with kidnapping fantasies - does that make me a hypocrite???). It's been a long time, so I can't remember many names, but Amelia Atwater-Rhodes had some vamps I wouldn't mind doing.
So neither, really. Can't remember Carlisle, and Edward just came off as being too creepy (and this is coming from someone with kidnapping fantasies - does that make me a hypocrite???). It's been a long time, so I can't remember many names, but Amelia Atwater-Rhodes had some vamps I wouldn't mind doing.
Carlisle, only because Edward is a virgin and I would want the one with hundreds of years of experience. But, can we talk vamps in general? Because I would kill for Eric from True Blood. That man is yummmy
So hard to choose, If I am going with Twilight definitely Edward. Aside from twilight Eric from True Blood or Spike from Buffy.
Ahhhh really, if I HAD to choose between the two, I guess carlisle. Not a big edward fan. Otherwise, I feel like Emmett is more my type.
But really twilight vampires are sort of outside my normal realm of sexy anyway =P
But really twilight vampires are sort of outside my normal realm of sexy anyway =P
Totally Jasper all the way.
Originally posted by
kinky girlfriend
don't own this yet but looks like the perfect vampire dick you'd imagine on Edward or Carlisle,do you think? Well I'd do edward,but if I could only have Carlisle I'd do him he's hot too.
But the toy looks great. It's one of the few semi-realistic all-silicone toys in my preferred size range!
But the toy looks great. It's one of the few semi-realistic all-silicone toys in my preferred size range!
Alice and Pam please! Yummy...
I have it now but it's kinda too hard for me. The head hurts a little.
Originally posted by
kinky girlfriend
don't own this yet but looks like the perfect vampire dick you'd imagine on Edward or Carlisle,do you think? Well I'd do edward,but if I could only have Carlisle I'd do him he's hot too.
true that!!
Originally posted by
I'd go for Bill or Eric (True Blood) instead