Are you the type of person?

Contributor: Pandahb Pandahb
Are you the type of person to skip over all the dildos and go straight for the ones that vibrate?
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
Sex toys come without vibration?
EndlessFrost , SingingStarr , Rhazya , PuplePleasures , lucymalfoy , RubenesqueAna , Taylor , livingadnauseum , wrmbreze , gloomybear , J5ive , Lilith Bealove
YESSSS I love vibrations!
Lady Venus , Adriana Ravenlust , buzzvibe , Peach Girl , Jenniae09 , LittleBoPeep , PassionQT , softkkisses , Alicia , usmcwife99 , SexyySarah , sexysweetieshan , SexYnCute Couple , sophie2229 , Lavender*Moon , ~LaUr3n~ , scosgurl , bzzingbee , Tisbury , MEL , DeliciousSurprise , XXXXXXXXXXXXX , mllebeauty , Destri , Love Buzz , null , Blu , JPito , SweetestAngelGoneBad , Skelis , Sohotdinosaur , Lonewolf , MsAng , SingingStarr , Yiggi , Pandahb , Rhazya , J's Alley , sasweetheart89 , Victoria , crazyvix , Twist , PuplePleasures , AVDisco , Brand , TexasFire , Stujen , xxxxxxxxxxx , I'll Miss You EF :( , lucymalfoy , Lady Neshamah , Im'DLytFull , pfoof , mrs.mckrakn , C4ss , Spring , misslady , SparklingReviews , zeebot , indiglo , teeny <3 , ❦Angel Of Music❦ , *HisMrs* , LadieWithSwagg , wetone123 , sixfootsex , Willis2011 , unfulfilled , domsub1993 , LadyDarknezz , Pink Jewel , Illumin8 , Gallowraven , SeX69Y , dude , sweetart , Liz123 , Cherrylane , purple579 , LavenderSkies , Seventeen , - Kira - , allybee , PaleBeauty6 , Breas , livingadnauseum , DreamWolf , wafflewendy , Missmarc , Gracie , miss-miss , wrmbreze , Lindina , Thomas90 , silverdragonfly9 , All His , gloomybear , bayosgirl , CRAZYSEXYONE , SkinFlute , Undecided , Bpmrn86 , Lady Bear , ghent529 , MaeGal , yarii , Gemstone , BG529 , MissBre , AHubbyof2SexualMinds , AshMegYo , mpfm , Mwar , Lilith Bealove , Melan!e , lia ayala , kittychilla , xOhxSoxScandalousx , Lildrummrgurl7 , CadmiumKitty , sexytileena / absolutely love sex , purpledesert , ginnyluvspotter , Cowgirl-Cutie , Martiniman , JennSenn , padmeamidala , edeneve , DawnStar , BiJess , DigitalSweety , FlashFuchsia , FLIPxMODE , PeaceToTheMiddleEast
I don't only make sure they vibrate, I make sure they have different levels of vibrations
Jenniae09 , LittleBoPeep , Gunsmoke , YvetteJeannine , LovinStilettos , Trashley , DeliciousSurprise , lamira , Fun Lover , DarkxAngelxV , Teaser , Danielle1220 , DustBunny , sasweetheart89 , flamefire , PuplePleasures , lil ladybug , mariah , OhMy! , lucymalfoy , Lady Neshamah , swf , mrs.mckrakn , Harlequin , Spring , misslady , RemusHalifax , KnK , zeebot , indiglo , Karero , Hot 'N Sexy TexasMama , livingadnauseum , SilverIsis , wrmbreze , Stinkytofu10 , Owl , treefrog88 , All His , gloomybear , humpday , kitty1949 , bh253 , Undecided , Lady Bear , ghent529 , MaeGal , epiphanyjayne , MissBre , AshMegYo , Lilith Bealove , BurntToast , purpledesert , Vanille , edeneve , DawnStar , qwertys191 , DigitalSweety , Marie Hanna , toffee
I'm half and half
deadpoet , onehotmomma , Sera , BJismyname , TheSexista , Gunsmoke , kcordie , Alicia , Liz , Midway through , usmcwife99 , ToyTimeTim , Andromeda , FrenchKisser , Airen Wolf , Envy , asdfg , Sammi , Hannah Savage , Pleasure Piratess , Tisbury , Trashley , Persephone's Addiction , Liz2 , Naughty Student , RadRach , cherryredhead88 , karenskink , Darling Jen , Alegria , Persephone Nightmare , Miss Naughty Kitty , SomewhatSomewhere , thatonegirl , Mr. E , Jobthingy , tits only , ReadyAllTheTime , jursa008 , ToyGeek , The Girl With No Name , hollie87 , Sebmissive , joja , Lif3sambiguity , PuplePleasures , ZenaidaMacroura , Lavendar Menace , leatherlover , SexyTabby , dv8 , Loganomic , Raggedy Andie , lovehurts , fghjkl , PussyGalore , Scension Earthbound , Lummox , removedacnt , RemusHalifax , KnK , toxie m , Totogrl , Drifter86 , potstickers , MaryExy , chidoll , Linga , *HisMrs* , Miss T , Buttercup Green , LQ , Rin (aka Nire) , Ansley , ss143 , carenautilus , Piña Colada , NaughtyButterfly , Katastophy , meganthomas , The Curious Couple , l'amour , Toys in Love , PaleBeauty6 , jenn g , acessorie , Doah , eeep , dezzydezire , miss-miss , Gimme More , MissCandyland , Ms. N , SMichelle , roskat , pootpootpoot , Jake'n'bake , Sam I Am , Girly Juice , sexxxkitten , dhig , bh253 , haley730 , pasdechat , MissManners , ciderspider , Peggi , Lilith Bealove , Melan!e , ichwillwaffels , Toy Fiend , bog , AliMc , ashboo32 , Eugler , karenm , wrecklesswords , DawnStar , souviet , butts , Trysexual , shorejen9 , FlashFuchsia , joiedejouets
I like vibrations but I prefer dildos
Waterfall , sarahbear , SydVicious , Selective Sensualist , gone77 , Shellz31 , Bunnycups , MR Chickhabit , Tuesday , CS2012 , Cream in the Cupcake , Neurogasm , ily , McTavishes , caligaliber , ghalik , Love Obsessed , MistressDandelion , noway , Entropy , llellsee , transboy
Total votes: 352 (301 voters)
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Contributor: onehotmomma onehotmomma
I don't like have a preference really. If I havea limited amount of time I go for the vibrator (for example the kids are both asleep at the same time-rare occasion)
Contributor: Waterfall Waterfall
I find that I prefer dildos, I'm not sure why, but I think it has something to do with the fact that when I want to use a toy vaginally, the vibrations take away from the sensations that I feel upon insertion. However, when I want to use a toy clitorally, it is almost always a vibrator.
Contributor: Tori Rebel Tori Rebel
You need an 'other' I'm more 70/30 vibrators to dildos.
Contributor: Sera Sera
I think I like both, more than I would prefer just one over the other. It also depends on the product.
Contributor: buzzvibe buzzvibe
I like things that vibrate, however I am trying to expand my horizons, so I've been trying more toys that don't.
Contributor: TheSexista TheSexista
I generally go for the vibrating toys 75% of the time.
Contributor: Gunsmoke Gunsmoke
We started out with only vibrators - all multi-speed and most waterproof. However once we started using dildos, we're firmly 50-50 - and almost always use them in combination.
Contributor: softkkisses softkkisses
I only like the Vibrators..
Contributor: Alicia Alicia
I have more vibrators that non vibrating toys, but I do sometimes like the dildos and other type toys.
Contributor: Liz Liz
I have a little bit of everything, but I do prefer vibrating toys.
Contributor: Midway through Midway through
I prefer vibrators but I have a bit of both.
Contributor: SexyySarah SexyySarah
I prefer vibrators, but I do have a favorite dildo, and I'd like to try out Randy!
Contributor: sarahbear sarahbear
I enjoy vibrations occasionally, but most of the time they make me go numb or get itchy before I am able to climax from them. I much prefer the texture, girth and variety of the squishier dildos.
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by Pandahb
Are you the type of person to skip over all the dildos and go straight for the ones that vibrate?
I do like a good vibrator and have reviewed mostly vibrators, but I do love a nice dildo as well.
Contributor: kcordie kcordie
i much prefer vibes
Contributor: ~LaUr3n~ ~LaUr3n~
It's like 80% vibes and 20% dildos.
Contributor: Sammi Sammi
It depends what I'm using it for . I have a preference for vibrators, but there are some non-vibrating toys that I really enjoy.
Contributor: Selective Sensualist Selective Sensualist
I have found that my most favorite toys do not vibrate (though I do love the vibrators that I have!). My most highly favored toys are the VixSkin dildos, the Vibratex Silky, and my NobEssence Romp. And I love my glass and metal toys, too. But that doesn't mean I don't also have my favorite vibrators though! I just don't use them as often, it seems.
Contributor: Trashley Trashley
Originally posted by Tori Rebel
You need an 'other' I'm more 70/30 vibrators to dildos.
Same here! :]
Contributor: Liz2 Liz2
During most solo sessions, I use both a vibe and a dil. I have more dils then vibes and I choose a dil based on how I feel but a vibe is usually ready to either warm me up and/or deliver an awesome finale.
I am also a VixSkin fan, I just love their texture and the ease on manipulation.
Contributor: Naughty Student Naughty Student
I'm half half, meaning I need both at once.
Contributor: twistedheartsx twistedheartsx
I actually always go for vibrators, but only because I feel like it'll be a waste to invest in a dildo. I'm a girl who needs clitoral stimulation, so I've been debating!
Contributor: RadRach RadRach
I love dildos but also love vibrators. Im half and half bc i feel like vibrators are best for clit stimulation.
Contributor: gone77 gone77
I prefer dildos, but I do enjoy some vibrating toys. I've been using my Hitachi the past couple nights, so yeah, some vibes are good. But if I had to choose between the two I'd go for a dildo.
Contributor: cherryredhead88 cherryredhead88
When I first joined this place I was scared of anything that didn't have batteries. Now I am in love with both! I mainly use vibes for clitoral stimulation anyways, vibrations inside of me don't do a whole lot to my experience.
Contributor: FrenchKisser FrenchKisser
about 75% vibe and 25% dildo... and i like strong vibes... but the outlaw is the king of my toy chest
Contributor: lamira lamira
I love vibrations. I always get vibrators.
Contributor: Shellz31 Shellz31
Im not a massive fan of vibrators...personally prefer dildos but from time to time a good vibrator does come in handy. LOVE my bullets though!
Contributor: Miss Naughty Kitty Miss Naughty Kitty
i usually do pick a vibrator over a dildo but i have a few things that don't vibrate, and a few that do but i don't use the vibration.