What do I do with my ex's vibrators?!

Contributor: aussielover aussielover
OK, a question from a clueless guy here...
I recently broke up with my girlfriend, who left several of her vibrators at my place when she moved out. They are not cheap ones, and include a Gigi.
She doesn't want them back and told me to keep them.
They are sterilized and look close to new. My simple question is, what do I do with them??
Is it acceptable to use them with the next girl I date, or would that freak a girl out?
Or do I try to sell them? Is there even a market for this?
Any insight would be welcome!
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Contributor: Sir Sir
Well, I would suggest giving them to her to keep, or keeping them for yourself. If they are high quality ones, then why not use them with another partner? Nothing wrong with that, really. Of course, I find it to personally be a bit sleazy, but not everyone thinks the same.

You can sell them, yes. Some people would happily take sanitized vibrators off of your hands for a low price.
Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
Originally posted by Sir
Well, I would suggest giving them to her to keep, or keeping them for yourself. If they are high quality ones, then why not use them with another partner? Nothing wrong with that, really. Of course, I find it to personally be a bit sleazy, but not ... more
ya might want to check the legalities on that first, selling used toys

I'd hold on to them, you never know...
Contributor: ~miss.heather~ ~miss.heather~
Well I myself being the first female to post on this, I would wait till things cool down from the break up and offer to give them to her again. She may have just said keep them to avoid having to see you with emotions being so raw from the break up. As far as saving them and using them with your next partner, I personally would be turned off and offended and slightly appalled if someone I was dating used his ex girlfriends toys on me. If it were something like restraints I could justify that, but anything else I would have an issue with. Again that is just me personally, if you do end up keeping them for use with a future partner I would let her know prior to use that these were from your last relationship. As far as selling them I again personally would not buy a used sex toy. I asked my fiance his opinion on what he would do, and he said that he would offer to give them back again and if not he would throw them out. But this is just our opinion.
Contributor: Beneath The Bed Beneath The Bed
Originally posted by ~miss.heather~
Well I myself being the first female to post on this, I would wait till things cool down from the break up and offer to give them to her again. She may have just said keep them to avoid having to see you with emotions being so raw from the break up. ... more
I agree, this won't go well either way: if you tell the new gf the truth and ask her if she minds using your ex's toys...she'll be offended | Or you dont tell her...that would be wrong OR worse she might to see the box for details about the toys and then you'll be REALLY screwed!! And not in a good way.

Dump them or return them, those are your two best options from the looks of things.


you could use them yourself...always fun to experiment with toys!!
Contributor: aussielover aussielover
Originally posted by Beneath The Bed
I agree, this won't go well either way: if you tell the new gf the truth and ask her if she minds using your ex's toys...she'll be offended | Or you dont tell her...that would be wrong OR worse she might to see the box for details about ... more
Thanks all. I suspected that reusing them with another girl would come across as sleazy, but wanted to get a girl's take on that to be sure.
I think my ex didn't want to take them since I had bought them for her and the feelings from the breakup are still a bit raw.
But I know she loved her Gigi (!) so I'll give it a couple of months and ask again. I'm sure she'll be missing it
Contributor: Kynky Kytty Kynky Kytty
Originally posted by aussielover
Thanks all. I suspected that reusing them with another girl would come across as sleazy, but wanted to get a girl's take on that to be sure.
I think my ex didn't want to take them since I had bought them for her and the feelings from the ... more
And if she does not take them back, you can send them to a recycling facility instead of putting them in the trash.
Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
bargaining chip if she "accidentally" grabs something of yours?
Contributor: Phallicity Phallicity
Did the relationship end well? You could always mail them to her parents or post "Found" pictures all over her school campus. Just a few not so innocent ideas.. =p
Contributor: aussielover aussielover
Originally posted by Phallicity
Did the relationship end well? You could always mail them to her parents or post "Found" pictures all over her school campus. Just a few not so innocent ideas.. =p
Haha. It ended well, so no need for that!
The sex was amazing. Would love to transition it to an FWB arrangement in time, although that is fraught with danger...
Contributor: Juliettia Juliettia
If they are sanitize-able you could make a page at ToySwap Network and see if anyone would want to trade you something for them, or if you're just looking to get rid of them without anything in return offer them up for just the price of shipping.

And if my Husband would have asked me about using an ex's toys, I would not only be offended and hurt, but grossed out.
Contributor: Backseat Boohoo Backseat Boohoo
I would send them back or throw them out. It's one thing if I put my stuff up for swap, because it's mine and I know exactly what's going on with my body and my stuff. To be quite honest, I would be grossed out if somebody was selling off their S/Os stuff without their knowledge.
Contributor: ShercockHolmes ShercockHolmes
GIVE THE WOMAN BACK HER VIBRATORS! don't just keep them, that's just cruel man. she's obviously going to need them if you guys just broke up. i'd be so mad if i forgot something like that at an ex's and they just kept them or used them with the next girl. ew. do the right thing. i know you will lol
Contributor: ShercockHolmes ShercockHolmes
Originally posted by ShercockHolmes
GIVE THE WOMAN BACK HER VIBRATORS! don't just keep them, that's just cruel man. she's obviously going to need them if you guys just broke up. i'd be so mad if i forgot something like that at an ex's and they just kept them or used ... more
and to be honest, i just checked out gigi vibrator because i'd never heard of it. looks promising. 429 votes and still at a fairly high rating. must be a good one. maybe i'll buy one when i have the money. lol
Contributor: ScottA ScottA
What do you think she'd say if you offered to reuse an engagement ring?

Roughly the same idea - it's not so much a physical issue as an emotional one.

Vibrators can be fun for guys, too - use them on and around your penis, use them anally, use them around your breasts, anywhere it feels good.

The downside with returning them to her is that they'll carry some emotional baggage as well. Perhaps mailing them to her without a note?
Contributor: Fun Lover Fun Lover
Give them to the homeless to enjoy. I have thrown some in the trash and the homeless people dig them out and it puts a smile on their faces. You would think they have found a gold nugget. My only problem now I have tons of homeless people digging in my trash I guess the word is out.
Contributor: Pandahb Pandahb
I don't really understand the fear of resusing sex toys. Especially if they are nice ones. I also wouldn't "give" them to your next girlfriend. Just plainly state that they are yours and are sterile. They are just something used to spice up the love life, not an engagement ring or anything!!!

However I do agree that perhaps your ex was a bit hasty to say she didn't want her toys back. Perhaps after feelings have cooled she may rethink her decision.

Good luck!!
Contributor: Victoria Victoria
Originally posted by ScottA
What do you think she'd say if you offered to reuse an engagement ring?

Roughly the same idea - it's not so much a physical issue as an emotional one.

Vibrators can be fun for guys, too - use them on and around your penis, use ... more
I agree - mail them to her without a note and be done with it.
Contributor: Victoria Victoria
Originally posted by ScottA
What do you think she'd say if you offered to reuse an engagement ring?

Roughly the same idea - it's not so much a physical issue as an emotional one.

Vibrators can be fun for guys, too - use them on and around your penis, use ... more
I agree - mail them to her without a note and be done with it.
Contributor: LikeSunshineDust LikeSunshineDust
Originally posted by Victoria
I agree - mail them to her without a note and be done with it.
Exactly. What's she gonna do, go through the trouble of mailing them back?

Or, check out a program like this one link
Contributor: xsapphirexangelx xsapphirexangelx
i would be interested in toy swap but its invite only =[

as long as they're sterilized i dont think id have an issue w/ a ex's toys
Contributor: Liz2 Liz2
Send them back to your ex's, why would you want to answer what are you doing with a Gigi? I would be totally turned off by my man if I found out he was offering his ex's used toys. Ugh!!
Contributor: Red Red
I would never let a breakup get between me and my Gigi. That girl is CRAZY.

I third ScottA's mail with no note. Done and done.
Contributor: Splendwhore Splendwhore
Something like that is an extremely personal object. I don't believe it would be right to use them with another partner, let alone sell them to some stranger. Send them back to her via mail, as others have said, that way she has her toys and you avoid a possibly awkward or abrasive situation.
Contributor: Lucky Luna Lucky Luna
Maybe there is some girl out there who wouldn't be terribly bothered about the toy having been your ex's, but I can't think of anyone I know. I was pretty happy to know the toys my boyfriend and I use are new - with the exception of the ropes - but I think there is a different connotation involved. While the ropes are an accessory to sex, the toys have been more intimately involved in the act.

The return with no note idea would totally work if you two didn't plan to keep in touch, but if you plan on still being friends, potentially with benefits, then that might not be a good method.
I'd probably just wait until things calm down, reoffer, and explain that if she doesn't want anything returned, you'll be disposing of or recycling them. Maybe that would provide some incentive on her part to actually take them back.
Contributor: kcordie kcordie
doesn't ebay have a section for adult toys?
Contributor: onehotmomma onehotmomma
She's crazy if she doesn't want them back lol! I agree with the wait for a while until she calms down and reoffer suggestion. I'm sure she really does want them back, she may just be in an "I'm so mad I don't want anything that has to do with you" moment.
Contributor: Fanny Fanny
Originally posted by aussielover
OK, a question from a clueless guy here...
I recently broke up with my girlfriend, who left several of her vibrators at my place when she moved out. They are not cheap ones, and include a Gigi.
She doesn't want them back and told me to ... more
ahhhahaha. this made me laugh. What a strange situation!
At first I was going to suggest keeping them, and that some future girlfriend would be stoked about it,
but then i thought about it and I would definitely not be OK with using a boyfriend's ex's sex toys. Even if its a (gulp) gigi.
i can't believe she doesn't want them back!
Contributor: Envy Envy
Originally posted by kcordie
doesn't ebay have a section for adult toys?
It does, but never heard/seen anyone selling used toys on there. Maybe used DVDs/CDs, but not toys, that's just ewww.

And yes I have bought toys off Ebay. NEW.
Contributor: VanillaFreeSex VanillaFreeSex
Originally posted by Juliettia
If they are sanitize-able you could make a page at ToySwap Network and see if anyone would want to trade you something for them, or if you're just looking to get rid of them without anything in return offer them up for just the price of shipping. ... more
i tried the link, it says by invitation only?