Teens and condoms..

Contributor: Girly Girl Girly Girl
16 or more why let kids feel free to have sex at such a young age ,, we have to teach them that sex it´s not a game and they can get std´s also sex it´s normal but in the right age
Contributor: Chirple Chirple
I see "the talk" as an ongoing process that can start when one is very young - having questions about how the body works and where babies come from.

I'd read about sex in books by the time I was 13, at least. And other kids at school know. I think it's better to start young and expose them to safe, accurate, and trustworthy information than have them turn to a friend and urban legends.

Even though it's "squick" to a lot of people, pre-pubescent kids can and do experience sexuality and I think there's nothing wrong with trying to make things just a little easier.
Contributor: Lindsey123 Lindsey123
As young as needed, but 13 would be a good age to say something about condoms. I'm 27 and have never had "the talk."
Contributor: meezerosity meezerosity
I think age appropriate sex education while growing up is invaluable. 13-14 is a good time to start the serious talk because that is when most young teens get curious. Around the age of 16-17 they will be well prepared to make the right choices and protect themselves. I wish I had better sex ed growing up. My parents told me nothing and I had "abstinence (ignorance) only" education at school
Contributor: Squidget Squidget
Originally posted by NarcissisticLust
I do not know you or your children and, as a mother, you know that you communicate with each of your children differently but when I am a parent I would like to approach sex how my mother did with me. In first grade we had a very casual chat about ... more
This is how I'd like to approach my children with this topic, whenever I have any. I know people still who treat sex like a taboo topic. These are usually the people that are the most unsafe when it comes to condoms, STD prevention, birth control, etc. as I've seen.
Contributor: The Curious Couple The Curious Couple
I think 13-14 is good, but I voted for any age. I feel it depends on the situation and what the child is exposed to. That could be 14 years old, or that could be 10 years old.
Contributor: longhairmexman87 longhairmexman87
u should give them a comdom at 16 just to be safe anything lwer then that is ridiculous
Contributor: Do-Re-Mi Do-Re-Mi
Having the talk young is great. I think condoms should be given out when the person starts high school.
Contributor: LAndJ LAndJ
I would talk to 13+, but wouldn't necessarily offer condoms until around 16
Contributor: samanthalynn samanthalynn
Originally posted by sexyintexas
I have 4 kids aged 16, 15, 13 and 7. I have had the "talk" with and offered condome to the two older and will as well soon with the 13 yr. old. What age do you think is age appropriate?
13 or so
Contributor: Kirill1171 Kirill1171
Contributor: melissa1973 melissa1973
Originally posted by 7Miles
I'm a little jealous of all the kids with very open parents like some of the ones who commented in this post. I'm 19 and still haven't had "the talk." I learned everything I know from the internet and through experimentation.
7, I hear ya there, I haven't hasd "the talk" I started having sex at 17 had a baby at 18, so experementation was the only way to find things out. My parents wouldn't let me take sex education in school, I was a kid way before the internet hell we didn't even have a phone. Now that I'm 39 I have a 12 year old I've been giving her the talk since she was 7-8. I agree with you Man From Mars: 13 is way to soon for kids to be having sex that's just bad parenting on their part.
Contributor: MeliPixie MeliPixie
I started puberty when I was eight years old and had my first period at ten. I was ashamed of my body because I didn't know what was going on and wished my mom would have told me sooner. I had to ask HER. I had taken a vow of chastity, and she knew I would keep it until I was mature enough to decide what was right for me, so she didn't give me condoms or anything, though when I was 14 I was dating a 16-year-old guy and she said if we needed some she could get them. I was grossed out, haha.
Contributor: Shiouri Shiouri
I'd say any other age. With the fact that 11-13 year olds are having babies like mad, the younger you give "the talk" the better.
Contributor: richsam richsam
Originally posted by sexyintexas
I have 4 kids aged 16, 15, 13 and 7. I have had the "talk" with and offered condome to the two older and will as well soon with the 13 yr. old. What age do you think is age appropriate?
Any age
Contributor: JunexMommy JunexMommy
I think any age if fine, usually it goes bothw ays you dont say nothing they find out on there own or you say something and they just do what they want anyways!
Contributor: blondie blondie
I think condoms should be easily available to high school kids. My mom never gave me any sort of talk and would throw out my condoms in high school
Contributor: badk1tty badk1tty
Originally posted by sexyintexas
I have 4 kids aged 16, 15, 13 and 7. I have had the "talk" with and offered condome to the two older and will as well soon with the 13 yr. old. What age do you think is age appropriate?
As soon as I feel they're able to understand it. No age is too young.
Contributor: sweetpea12 sweetpea12
Originally posted by sexyintexas
I have 4 kids aged 16, 15, 13 and 7. I have had the "talk" with and offered condome to the two older and will as well soon with the 13 yr. old. What age do you think is age appropriate?
In sweden children are taught about the responsibility of sex at the age of seven, and are gradually introduced to the subject totally. Because of this progressive education Sweden has the lowest teenage pregnancy rates in the world. It is important to teach children the responsibility of sex through comprehensive sex ed. Not abstinence only sex ed, it's counter productive and reinforces negative gender and sexual stereotypes.
Contributor: einad einad
my parents sheltered me like CRAZY
Contributor: thisisadeletedaccount thisisadeletedaccount
While you don't need to offer condoms to a toddler, I really feel like my parents did me a great service by talking about sex and sexuality honestly without making it be a big "let's sit down and have a Talk" sort of deal - made it far less awkward and didn't impart any sense that sex was scary or shameful.
Contributor: Falsepast Falsepast
12 and up. Definitely no younger than 12.
Contributor: hybridinsurge hybridinsurge
When they hit puberty.
Contributor: Danneh Danneh
Considering two girls in MY 6th grade class got pregnant that year... I'd probably talk with my kids asap. Parents thinking that 'keeping a leash' on their child- and especially if they do this via fear tactics- are probably going to end up with bad results.
Contributor: SkylarrStarr SkylarrStarr
If kids are curious at any age, they should be given proper information. I have a cousin who is going to be 15 next month and I very much doubt her parents have talked with her about anything. There is still so much misinformation floating around, especially on the internet it's scary!
Contributor: Zandrock Zandrock
When they become sexually active. The offer is good at a young age, but when they actually start and have questions I think it is good to offer again.
Contributor: MK434 MK434
you don't want to run the resk of waitting untiil it's already happened The sooner the better!
Contributor: KrissyNovacaine KrissyNovacaine
access to contraceptive I think should be available from puberty on.
Contributor: Peggi Peggi
Originally posted by sexyintexas
I have 4 kids aged 16, 15, 13 and 7. I have had the "talk" with and offered condome to the two older and will as well soon with the 13 yr. old. What age do you think is age appropriate?
Any age, really, but I think that it should be done absolutely NO later than 10 in todays day and age.

A younger cousin of mine disclosed to me when she was 7 all of her wealth of knowledge on sex (most of which was filled with myths and such) which she had gotten from friends at school and her older sister. She has been having sex unprotected since just before her 10th birthday, and most of her friends were teasing her for being a virgin at that point.

A close friend's younger brother has been having sex since he was 11, unprotected, and now he is 14 with a 16 year old pregnant ex-girlfriend.

Things like this which are SO close to home, because I KNOW these kids, really scares me! If little 10 year olds and younger are having sex I feel they should know what they're doing.

It's even more scary because you don't want to put those thoughts and concepts into young minds, but if they go to public school, have friends who may be talking about this with them, or see things in TV or hear them in music, chances are, it's going to lead to nowhere good.

I am dreading the day my goddaughter is 9 or 10, because her mom and I are a bit unsure about when she should talk to her! She wants to wait until she is closer to puberty but doesn't want her daughter making her mistakes as well, so it's such a tough call!
Contributor: sexykiss sexykiss
ive never ever had the talk with my parents ever but i think its never to early now a days