Menstrual Cups. Do you? Would you?

Contributor: hyacinthgirl hyacinthgirl
I don't think they would work for me. I'm very narrow, and I can barely get tampons in without a lot of discomfort. And if I get a tampon in, it can stay in for about two hours before I'm in pain - if it's a narrow one. For the regulars, I can't have them in for even five minutes.

I have several friends who swear by them, but I don't think I could stand having something inside me for that long.
Contributor: PiƱa Colada Piña Colada
I've heard a lot of good things about them and am interested in trying them out one of these days.
Contributor: RedGoddess RedGoddess
Anyone using a menstrual cup while using the Nuvaring?
Contributor: hermia hermia
Originally posted by hyacinthgirl
I don't think they would work for me. I'm very narrow, and I can barely get tampons in without a lot of discomfort. And if I get a tampon in, it can stay in for about two hours before I'm in pain - if it's a narrow one. For the ... more
They make smaller ones for those with smaller body sizes. I love mine and can't imagine living without it now. Several manufacturers, including MeLuna (made in Germany) make size ranges rather than the 2-option cups available here in the States. I recommend checking them out and trying it.

I found tampons painful as well, but the cups are non-absorbant so they don't dry out your vagina like tampons do. I pretty much set it and forget it until I need to empty it. It's like not being on my period at all.
Contributor: Rarity Rarity
Originally posted by RedGoddess
Anyone using a menstrual cup while using the Nuvaring?
I don't have any experience with the Nuvaring, but perhaps you can find some helpful information here!

I adore my Lunette. I have a small Lunette and am thinking of upgrading to a size 2 due to my heavy period. While there aren't any issues with leaking, I have problems with leftover fluid that comes from taking my cup out/reinserting it. Is there anything else I can do besides using pantyliners?
Contributor: The Curious Couple The Curious Couple
I've suggested the idea to my fiancee, but I don't think she's interested.
Contributor: True Pleasures True Pleasures
I'm on my period now, so I have my DivaCup in. I almost always use it, unless I feel too bad to put it in.
Contributor: DreamWolf DreamWolf
Fantastic invention it is indeed!

Though I just find it better to let out what wants to go out, as your Moon cycle is the unique function of the female body, in which many unwanted things (whatever your body wants to get rid of) get cleaned out of your system with the blood... I feel more comfortable knowing that whatever my body wants to say bye-bye to it gets out when my body wants it to go, and it is also a kind of getting rid of all the "bad things" inside you, as it is said that blood is the soul of the body... In your blood there is everything, all the energies of yours, your entire self in liquid version... So I let all the bad leave me, such a fine and sensitive system of ours always knows what is best for us... Unless we train it differently with improper habits like eating crappy food, and stuff like that...

(Pay no attention to my ramblings, I just wouldn't want to hold on to that blood if possible... ^^)
Contributor: LoveDove LoveDove
Sorry, but no. It hurts me to put a tampon in, let alone a cup. ehhh.
Contributor: FemmeFlo FemmeFlo
I have several friends who use them and love them. I don't really have a period any more, now that I have an IUD, or I would probably try one out myself.
Contributor: PDXlady PDXlady
I have a Keeper Cup and I love it! I'll never go back to disposable pads and tampons.
Contributor: karay123 karay123
I'm a Diva!
Contributor: bayosgirl bayosgirl
I had a Diva cup and loved it until it started leaking.
Contributor: MissCandyland MissCandyland
I've wondered about these. But I hate putting things in me unless it's for something sexual. :/
Contributor: Liz123 Liz123
Curious and willing to try!
Contributor: garnet garnet
They're great!
Contributor: Do emu Do emu
I swear by my Diva Cup. Although apparently they're only good for a year, I've had mine for three and it hasn't given me any troubles.
Contributor: Khanner Khanner
Kind of curious. I've used the today sponge so insertion can't be much worse than that. As for now, though, I have about 5 boxes of tampons so I might as well just use those.
Contributor: ellejay ellejay
I've never tried one, but I'd like to.
Contributor: dragonn dragonn
I use a Diva Cup and I very much appreciate it especially on heavier days. I was planning on traveling and that seemed like a perfect thing to bring instead of packing boxes of tampons for a trip. By the second cycle, I had gotten the hang of it. It's weird to learn at first. Amazon reviews provide some good tips and detailed reviews - it's where I purchased mine. It's definitely easier to change and deal with at home but since you can wear it for while longer than tampons/pads (depending on your flow), I can go out with it and be back home to change and clean up properly. Considering that I don't have to buy as many disposable products and that I don't have as much waste, I'm very happy with the diva cup.
Contributor: dks210 dks210
Menstrual cups are AMAZING.
Contributor: Tammi Longbottom Tammi Longbottom
I would think about it, but my birth control keeps my period in check
Contributor: Fluffy Snuggles Fluffy Snuggles
It was neat at first and saved money in tampons, but it just became too much of a hassle to empty and clean. Especially at work!
Contributor: Robespierrethecat Robespierrethecat
I use disposable menstrual cups and I love them.

The main lure for me is that you can leave them in for 8 hours and have sex with them in.
Contributor: llellsee llellsee
I use a Mooncup and love it.
Contributor: Rin (aka Nire) Rin (aka Nire)
I've used a Diva Cup for my last two periods, and I shall say this: to hell with pads and tampons!!! Seriously, I'm never going back ever! Not even if you paid me!

Pads chafed and got the blood all over my crotch, legs, and butt and tended to give me rashes towards the last days. Tampons made me feel dry and bumped up against my cervix so that I could barely stand walking with one in. Thusly, I dreaded the coming of my period.

I can't feel the cup at all once it's in, and I no longer feel dried-out or chafed. I can sleep comfortably with the cup, I'm saving an insane amount of money, it's healthier for my body, and the cleaning doesn't feel like a hassle at all to me. And I don't hate my period anymore... Wonder of wonders, I actually like my period! Never imagined I would ever say that, but there you go.
Contributor: LavenderSkies LavenderSkies
Originally posted by Elaira
I searched through the forums and haven't really found the info I wanted about these. What better place to ask than here?

I'm curious about them. I have an insane flow and I'm tired of tampons and pads and all that. Why not try ... more
It's definitely not for me.
Contributor: Feisty Feisty
I have not used them.
Contributor: novanilla novanilla
LOVE my divacup.

It's great for days too heavy to afford all those tampons, too light to use one safely, and every flow in between.
Contributor: Melan!e Melan!e
I've tried the single use cups but I'm not a big fan so far. I have a hard time removing them and it takes an hour or so before I get comfortable wearing it each time I put in a new one. I'll keep trying though cause I love the convenience and safety of them.