On a scale of 1-10, rate your PMS

Contributor: LavenderSkies LavenderSkies
One being not at all inconvenient and ten being truly horrible, rate your PMS! This includes backaches, cramping, moodiness, etc.
Answers (private voting - your screen name will NOT appear in the results):
16  (20%)
2  (2%)
8  (10%)
1  (1%)
5  (6%)
7  (9%)
10  (12%)
16  (20%)
4  (5%)
12  (15%)
Total votes: 81
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Contributor: VioletMoonstone VioletMoonstone
I get every single PMS symptom there is and I get so sore in my muscles. I get so sleepy, my boobs hurt, awful headaches, and I get cramps. It makes me so whiny and tired. Sometimes it feels pretty intense so I gave mine a 6. I feel like PMS pills don't really effect me or help a whole lot, maybe it's because of my birth control pills or something. I usually have to just tough it out and take a lot of naps. It sucks being a girl sometimes.
Contributor: SkylarrStarr SkylarrStarr
1 now...before I had an IUD...probably 8. I have no physical issues now, but before I would have severe cramps and headaches. I would also be a super bitch and get really emotional. Now I just get slightly moody.
Contributor: darthkitt3n darthkitt3n
I'd say mine is a 1. I don't let my anger out very often, so it just kind of builds up until it's PMS time. Then I go into like a rage at the smallest thing if work stresses me out too much. Other than that, I don't really experience any symptoms.
Contributor: Feisty Feisty
I get a few lower back pains, and there are times where I get really moody
Contributor: Beck Beck
I am not really sure what to vote because it depends on the day of my period. It's never less than 5 and goes up to a 9 or possibly a 10. I have really bad period. I get cramps, lower back pain, IBS, headaches, mood swings, very angry, emotional, and even more. I hate my periods.
Contributor: Chilipepper Chilipepper
Everyone knows when I have it ... breakouts, moodiness, acid snarkiness, random food cravings, raging outbursts, cramping, isolation, depression ...

And, strangely enough, when there's a guy in my life whom I have a mutual sexual attraction with, I get intensely flirty and horny. It's freaking weird!
Contributor: Khanner Khanner
About a 1. Never noticed any emotional changes. Actually, I feel like I have MORE energy on my period. My cramps last maybe 1-3 hours. Plus, I break out AFTER my period is done for some reason.

I do bleed very heavily, though, so it's not perfect.
Contributor: MnK MnK
I get pretty bad cramps the day before/first day of my period, but the big thing is moodiness. I don't really notice a change in my mood, but my boyfriend sure does. lol. My belief is that he just gets more annoying, I don't get more angry
Contributor: mdnght mdnght
I get moody, sometimes a bit achy, and that's pretty much it...
Contributor: WhoopieDoo WhoopieDoo
I just said five because sometimes it's pretty much a 10 and other times it's zero.
Contributor: justme23 justme23
Originally posted by LavenderSkies
One being not at all inconvenient and ten being truly horrible, rate your PMS! This includes backaches, cramping, moodiness, etc.
Seems to get pretty bad.
Contributor: MissCandyland MissCandyland
One or two.
Contributor: Kitka Kitka
A nice even 5 because sometimes it's not bad at all and other times I feel like total shit.
Contributor: Petite Valentine Petite Valentine
I'd say 1 or 2, but my husband might beg to differ…
Contributor: XxXxX XxXxX
Originally posted by LavenderSkies
One being not at all inconvenient and ten being truly horrible, rate your PMS! This includes backaches, cramping, moodiness, etc.
I voted 10. I get the worst muscle pains and cramps all over my body and I am practically immobile for atleast 2 or 3 days. When I am in pain... watch out! And the mood swings, oh my!
Contributor: PeaceToTheMiddleEast PeaceToTheMiddleEast
I say about a 8.
Contributor: Missmarc Missmarc
Originally posted by LavenderSkies
One being not at all inconvenient and ten being truly horrible, rate your PMS! This includes backaches, cramping, moodiness, etc.
It used to be a 10, but now it's about a 7.
Contributor: deltalima deltalima
Originally posted by LavenderSkies
One being not at all inconvenient and ten being truly horrible, rate your PMS! This includes backaches, cramping, moodiness, etc.
I don't get it that badly as others I think.
Contributor: Lildrummrgurl7 Lildrummrgurl7
I'd say one or two. I get emotional a few hours before I start and I do get bloated the day I start but that's really it.
Contributor: ksparkles16 ksparkles16
I'd say around 5. I'm pretty lucky because I don't ever get cramps...but I do feel really shitty a lot of the time. Sometimes I just lay in bed.
Contributor: SneakersAndPearls SneakersAndPearls
Really pretty bad. I have about a 6 week cycle, and lately, several days beforehand, it mimics pregnancy with the exhaustion and nausea and the whole shebang.
Contributor: Willowe Willowe
Probably around a 7. I get horrible cramps that make it almost impossible to even get out of bed and leave me completely nauseous, and I get really bitchy and depressed for a couple of days before hand. That's on top of the random food cravings, bloating, breaking out, etc. BUT it's only really that bad every other period or so.
Contributor: chelly411 chelly411
My pms is terrible. I get horrible cramps and headaches.
Contributor: Bex1331 Bex1331
probably a 3, my birth control and DivaCup make my period a breeze these days
Contributor: bayosgirl bayosgirl
8 or so.
Contributor: Chilipepper Chilipepper
How about Post-MS? That's when the emotions get really awful and dark. "Yeah, the flow's gone and all that, but I feel even worse than when I started. FML"
Contributor: Lioncub Lioncub
For the most parts I don't get any PMS Symptoms. I have now started to get headaches that they think are Hormone related as they get worse the week before my period.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by LavenderSkies
One being not at all inconvenient and ten being truly horrible, rate your PMS! This includes backaches, cramping, moodiness, etc.
I get two different kinds of PMS and never both in the same cycle.

Either I get nipple soreness (so bad I almost want to wear a bra to bed) cramps for a week and bad headaches, or I get EVIL bitchy.... and bad headaches. I always have my Fibromyalgia acting up, achy knees and back etc. I get the nausea usually after my period. Go figure. Probably due to my own estrogen rising after the flow.

It's gotten a little better since I got on HRT, but it isn't cured.
Contributor: solitudinarian solitudinarian
Before I got the implant, a 7 or 8. For the first few months after having it fone, about a 1. Now (one and a half years later), a 3 or 4.