when you tell people you're vegetarian/vegan?
Most common thing you hear....
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People usually ask me how I get protein and other nutrients. They seem to think it's near impossible to be a vegetarian. *sigh*
I was just talking about how its so frusterating telling people your vegetarian. Ive been one for about 5 years or so and I mostly keep it a secret. Coworkers and friends know, and its always awkward when they tell someone else that I cant eat something because Im a vegetarian if im out with them. I try to keep it on the DL because Im sick of explaining.
I know the first thing that comes to my mind when a person says they are vegan is that Steak is so good.
I'm usually the one pretending to be impressed, but secretly feeling pity.
I tried it but my parents wouldn't lay off so I finally gave in and got back on the meat wagon.
I met a vegetarian who didn't like the taste of meat and I had trouble believing it.
i agree.
Originally posted by
bunny love
People usually ask me how I get protein and other nutrients. They seem to think it's near impossible to be a vegetarian. *sigh*
I'm usually the one saying these things to vegans/vegetarians -_-;; I'm such a picky eater, I just couldn't do without meat.
well honestly, you should stop. just because you can't do without meat obviously doesn't mean they can't. i'm not trying to be rude, it's just that by saying these things to other people, YOU'RE being rude.
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I'm usually the one saying these things to vegans/vegetarians -_-;; I'm such a picky eater, I just couldn't do without meat.
It's kind of amazing. They always say the same few things. It's like there's some automatic manual of things to say to vegans that comes with people's brains or something...
Yes! LOL!
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It's kind of amazing. They always say the same few things. It's like there's some automatic manual of things to say to vegans that comes with people's brains or something...
I only say things to my close friends, and they don't find it rude at all. We usually get some pretty good discussions out of it. I don't think telling them that I'm impressed with their restraint and I could never be vegetarian is rude. Plus I do honestly wonder what kinds of foods they supplement their diet with to get the protein they need.
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well honestly, you should stop. just because you can't do without meat obviously doesn't mean they can't. i'm not trying to be rude, it's just that by saying these things to other people, YOU'RE being rude.
It would be nice if you didn't jump to conclusions.
everyone seems obsessed with cheese and bacon.
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when you tell people you're vegetarian/vegan?
They tell me they can't be vegan because of those things, but they don't give up anything else either.
I usually get pre-judged for being a pushy animal rights activist, when I really couldn't care less about the animals.
What do you eat? As if meat is the only thing they ever consume. Its humorous really.
I checked, "Oh that's cool." Really though, what I most often hear (if anything) is "Why are you vegetarian?" or perhaps.. "Oh, sorry!" (if at a very meaty dinner party for instance).
The only time I get the "but meat is so good comment" is from teenage boys, usually not from mature adults. I do get the "Good for you! I could never do that though." a lot, and since I have a child that is also vegetarian I'm also asked where she gets her protein... Like she can't get it the same places I am?
I also get "But, you eat meat in bed!" kinds of jokes all the time. I'm not a fan of this! Leave my diet outta the bedroom. My best response is, "Well, I'm actually a full-time canibal and only eat stuff from humans." Of course, I don't really eat human anything (maybe some sex juices but you know what I mean )
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when you tell people you're vegetarian/vegan?
hehe i like that
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I also get "But, you eat meat in bed!" kinds of jokes all the time. I'm not a fan of this! Leave my diet outta the bedroom. My best response is, "Well, I'm actually a full-time canibal and only eat stuff from humans."
I also get "But, you eat meat in bed!" kinds of jokes all the time. I'm not a fan of this! Leave my diet outta the bedroom. My best response is, "Well, I'm actually a full-time canibal and only eat stuff from humans." Of course, I don't really eat human anything (maybe some sex juices but you know what I mean )
"I could never do that!!!"
Have you ever heard this one, about soups and things like spaghetti sauce and chili: "You can eat this--there's only a little meat in it". Or if its a broth with meatballs,"Oh, you can just pick out the meatballs" HELLO: what about the beef juices in the broth--where do they think that goes?
It is also usually a version of , "Well, do you eat eggs, dairy and fish?"
I don't mind vegetarianism. I've never met a vegan who I felt actually knew a lot about nutrition and food or had reasons for their veganism that made any sense to me. Many of them were also wildly self righteous about it, as though everyone who isn't must be stupid and a generally horrible unethical person. I'm all for people doing whatever, and I honestly try to limit meat consumption a fair amount, but ignorance and stupidity goes both ways and whether it's a dirty animal killing carnivore or a quinoa loving vegan, it's always ridiculous, embarrassing, and annoying.
What I REALLY love, though, are the so-called vegans who wear things like, say birkenstocks. I have to work really hard not to say something like "You realize that's a dead cow on your foot, right?" when they scoff at my affinity for cheese.
What I REALLY love, though, are the so-called vegans who wear things like, say birkenstocks. I have to work really hard not to say something like "You realize that's a dead cow on your foot, right?" when they scoff at my affinity for cheese.
I personally think that's understandable and honestly, I find it ridiculous when vegetarian and vegan people get all huffy about it.
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It is also usually a version of , "Well, do you eat eggs, dairy and fish?"
You clearly don't realize how many "vegetarians" ; actually just don't eat beef. Or beef and pork. Or not beef or pork or poultry but okay fish. Or just okay dairy products.
And then there are the vegans. Who are, by and large, not really the same thing. If what you are is someone who doesn't consume any type of animal byproduct, you are a vegan.
I once saw a cooking show with Zooey Deschanel as the guest judge and the chefs were preparing a vegetarian meal for her, as she was a self proclaimed vegetarian. These are professional chefs, mind you. They get to the dinner table and oh, what's this? She pooh-pooh's half their dishes because what she REALLY is, is a vegan and god forbid, some of them dared to use cream.
Now really, MOST people would be perfectly willing to accomodate special dietary needs if it were approached in an open, respectful, clear way. Not in a condescending "you should know better" sort of way. I mean honestly. If a chef shouldn't use cream in your meal, tell them that. Don't just assume they know.
Perhaps it would work better if you compared it to the many sex related subjects we discuss here every god damn day. Labels mean different things to different people. Whatever works, but when someone asks questions about what your label means to you, don't be a jackass. They can't read your mind. Don't close your mind off about the importance of mutual understanding and communication just because you don't get to be all sex positive with it.
Ahh, yes. I get that, but often it is from other vegetarian who are curious if i am a lacto-ovo-vegetarian.
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It is also usually a version of , "Well, do you eat eggs, dairy and fish?"
The one I got from my aunt was "but god put animals on this earth for you to eat so that is a sin"... WTF? lol
I was a vegan for 15 years and most people just said "huh ok" I don't think they cared either way...I couldn't keep it serious health problems, i find it more insulting when veg try to tell me how I must have been doing something wrong or how easy it really is to be veg when they don't know the whole story or how hard I did try.
Ha! Oh?
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The one I got from my aunt was "but god put animals on this earth for you to eat so that is a sin"... WTF? lol
"I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds in the sky and all the creatures that move along the ground—everything that has the breath of life in it—I give every green plant for food.” (Genesis 1:29-30)"
And there are plenty more like this in the bible.
But, Jesus ate fish (and probably other animal products..)
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Ha! Oh?
"I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds in the sky and all the creatures ... more
"I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds in the sky and all the creatures ... more
Ha! Oh?
"I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds in the sky and all the creatures that move along the ground—everything that has the breath of life in it—I give every green plant for food.” (Genesis 1:29-30)"
And there are plenty more like this in the bible. less
"I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds in the sky and all the creatures that move along the ground—everything that has the breath of life in it—I give every green plant for food.” (Genesis 1:29-30)"
And there are plenty more like this in the bible. less
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