Ass Worship 2 Ass Worship 2

Erotic novel

Better Than Average

If you're on the fence about this one, go ahead and buy. The Bella Donna scene alone is worth the purchase price, and this is the kind of DVD you can watch over and over.
Great anal and oral scenes.
Background noise is distracting.
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review
The Ass Worship DVDs are pretty formulaic: each features five girls with disproportionately large asses, each featured in her own scene with one or a few guys doing all sorts of things to her ass. I've now seen several of the Ass Worship DVDs and, while each has its own highlights and drawbacks, I'd say that AW2 is one of the better productions in the series.

I'm not going to go moment by moment for each of the five scenes (hey- don't want to spoil it for you too much!), but I will say that the scene with Bella Donna is worth the purchase price alone. There's a three guy scene that may be the single best scene I've ever watched. The three guys each go into each hole, with multiple DP shots. She looks like she's truly enjoying herself, and I'm pretty sure she has an actual orgasm during the scene.

Here's a breakdown of what you need to know before buying:

Overall Pros:
- The visual production quality is good (especially for a DVD produced in 2002).
- The girls have large and attractive asses.
- The men are more attractive than average male porn stars.
- The scene selection menu is great.

Overall Cons:
- Lots of distracting background noise.
- Dialogue comes off more clinical than erotic. Some of it kind of reminds me of a gyno appointment. ("I am going to be touching your ass now.")
- Two of the girls appeared to have visible STDs (HPV and herpes). (I could be wrong- not a doctor- just easily distracted by lesions.)
- Excessive use of a clear glass butt plug to "look all the way inside you."
- Several ass to mouth scenes are ruined by cutaways.

Also, a few things that may be pros or may be cons depending on how you look at them:
- At least one of the shots features some anal penetration that wasn't as clean as the normal adult film. The actor wipes away some visible brown matter before proceeding. Didn't bother me, but some people may either love or hate that.
- Many of the cumshots are of the guy finishing on the girl's face. I don't mind watching that, but would have preferred more of them cumming in her ass or in her mouth.
- The scenes pretty much all rely heavily upon butt plugs. Kind of a turn off for me- not sure why, but I just don't like the visual of a butt plug base and don't enjoy long shots of women walking around wearing butt plugs.
- Also, there is one scene where a guy cums in the girl's ass, she expels it into a cup, then drinks it. That was a complete mood-ruiner for me but some people may like that or not care.
- This is the first Ass Worship DVD I've seen that focuses on gaping. Major turn on for my husband, didn't really do anything for me.

I have read (I think on Wikipedia) that Jules Jordan considers his Ass Worship series to be masterpieces, and that he puts so much thought into the casting and production that he only produces one Ass Worship title per year. Ass Worship 2 is the third Ass Worship DVD that I've watched, and is also the earliest that I've seen. AW2 was produced in 2002, and it seems that the production quality has steadily increased over time. That said, there is absolutely nothing wrong with the production of this DVD and I think that most will thoroughly enjoy it.
This product was provided free of charge to the reviewer. This review is in compliance with the FTC guidelines.

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  • Contributor: SecretKinksters
    Nice review! I agree its definitely a "con" when the actor/actress have visible STD's. Thanks for sharing!!
  • Contributor: MrGoodTool
    Nice review!
  • Contributor: hotcherry
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