Looking In Looking In

Erotic novel

Looking In Looked Pretty Good

This is a pretty standard plot-based adult film, with mostly mainstream scenes. There are a few interesting tricks that a typical viewer maybe hasn't seen, but there's nothing too out of the ordinary. The performers are all very attractive, scantily clad, well groomed, and for the most part fairly convincing.
Can change the camera angle at some points, chapter menu, DVD features, no region encoding
There are a lot of ads before the menu loads that you can't skip.
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review
I'm not sure how to even write a review for porn, but I have this DVD and quite like it. I chose this title because it was cheap and the story line appealed to me. I didn't want to invest big bucks in a movie I might hate. It's about suburban neighbors who spy on each other shagging, leading to some spouse swapping, and then culminating in a nice orgy at the end.

Now, as for actually reviewing it, I'm not sure how much detail to include or even if anyone is interested in plot particulars. One cool thing is that there is an option to change the camera angle during certain points in a few scenes. I realize some people prefer to just fast forward to the scenes, which is easy on this disc because it has a chapters menu, but I actually like to follow the story. I guess I'm romantic that way. Anyway, I'll talk about the plot and scenes separately.

As mentioned, Looking In takes place on a suburban street where very hot young couples live. The movie opens with a new couple moving in. Apparently, he has a bit of trouble rising to the challenge of sexually satisfying his wife, and they are having some marriage issues.

The couple across the street are exhibitionists, as he soon discovers. As are the couple next door. The new neighbors meet the others, and everyone becomes very friendly and open, although the new husband is reluctant and needs some convincing. They start to play with each other more and more until finally they decide to have fun together as a group.

On moving day hot horny wife tries to seduce her husband, but he's not up for it. This leads into her masturbation/fantasy scene, complete with a large dildo and anal beads. I'd say it's all pretty convincing. During her fantasy, she finds a naked man in one of the moving boxes, and then proceeds to perform oral on him. He returns the favor briefly and then they have sex in various positions.

Now, for the rest of the scenes, voyeurism/exhibitionism is the underlying theme and pretty much sets the mood. Oh, and there is condom use during sex in this movie.

In the next scene, said wife watches the exhibitionist couple that live across the street through the windows. There is some oral play on both sides, involving quite a bit of spit, until they see her watching them and she runs back home. But the couple across the street aren't done. The camera cuts back to them and they get a bit more exuberant than the previous scene, with a little dirty talk, anal play, and a unique trick involving candles.

Later that night, both the exhibitionist couple and another set of neighbors show up on their doorstep. As one couple strips down and starts going at it, the other couple try to entice the new neighbors into getting off on watching them. The husband goes upstairs to bed, and his wife reluctantly follows, leaving behind their neighbors. Here we get to see some athletic positions and a little girl-on-girl as the other woman briefly joins in.

They all get together for a cookout and everybody admits to watching everybody else. And enjoying it. So they start fooling around with each other and themselves. Blow jobs all around! Again, new neighbor goes off in a huff, but this time his wife stays. She soon makes up a threesome with some girl-on-girl, and then moves on to join the other couple in the corner, who had already proceeded to sex. At one point I was sure that lawn chair was going to collapse.

The women neighbors call in a old friend to seduce the new neighbor husband. They lure him over one day while his wife is out shopping, and fun ensues. Here we get plenty of girl-on-girl between two of the women as the other one performs oral on the new neighbor. Until his wife comes over and catches them. But it's cool, because she was wanting to have a little more fun with the neighbor men. So they all end up in an orgy. Here it gets a bit more interesting with a strap-on, toys, and dual penetration. Later that night, new neighbors are having sex, so his failure to thrive is fixed and their marriage problems solved.

The fourth couple finally makes an appearance, and the credits roll as they shag on their back porch while the others watch.
Follow-up commentary
It's not my favorite porn flick, but there are some hot scenes I still enjoy watching. I'm not bored of it yet. :)
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  • Contributor: ~LaUr3n~
    Excellent review!

    Congrats on #25
  • Contributor: buzzvibe
    Thank you!
  • Contributor: Waterfall
    Great review
    Sounds like a good movie to me.
  • Contributor: Selective Sensualist
    Great review!
  • Contributor: Sammi
    I hate when they put ads in - especially when I can't skip over them.
    Good review!
  • Contributor: Kynky Kytty
    Still looks much better than the only movie I ever watched with a partner. Thinking about it still makes me laugh, and I guess that's not a very good sign.
  • Contributor: buzzvibe
    Thank you for the comments everybody!
  • Contributor: Midway through
    Fabulous review!
  • Contributor: TransMarc
    Wow, it seems like an interesting mainstream movie. Being able to change the camera angle is quite original. Great review! Very convincing.
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