The Wicked The Wicked

Erotic novel

Wickedly Mediocre

The Wicked is full of attractive stars and well shot sex scenes. It's sure to please and delight. It's not well acted or story oriented. So much more could have been done with the erotic nature of vampires to entice and seduce.
Well endowed, good looking male actors, hot women.
Bad acting, confusing message regarding safe sex, typical porn.
Rating by reviewer:
useful review
I'm a huge fan of horror movies and sometimes even slightly silly, unrealistic, or quirky horror. Before viewing The Wicked I had notions that this DVD would somehow be a new and exciting fusion of scary, seductive horror, and hot sex. Vampires seducing unwilling victims, making them bend to their will before devouring them. So I was disappointed to find it was nothing of the sort. If your looking for a well acted horror movie with hot sex this is sadly not it! The acting is bad, very bad!

The Wicked is a porno devoid of a well integrated plot. Instead it's a loosely scripted story line about vampires with no real buildup or suspense and a really lousy conclusion. Most of the sex scenes have no real relation to the theme with the exception of a couple of dream sequences. I found nothing super exciting or unusual with the sex acts preformed, with the exception of one scene. The intended plot of the film is about a group of friends on a road trip crossing the desert to reach a party destination. Awaiting their arrival is a band of hungry vampires. Not much attention was paid to building the story and everything is very predictable. There really is no point to this being a vampire movie at all.

The sex scenes are hot enough to get your motor running, but not too focused on a woman’s pleasure. The actors and actresses are good looking and exciting to watch. Kaylani Lei is hot and undoubtedly the leading lady, but she's not my favorite in this picture. I was very turned on by a scene starring Voodoo and Tori Black that transpires in a motel room. Motel rooms aren't particularly hot but Voodoo and Tori Black are on fire! Not to mention they’re both very easy on the eyes. The chemistry between them was great! Tori wanted a good fuck and Voodoo possessed a splendid, hard, large cock and was very happy to oblige her desires. Yummy good!

One aspect of this DVD that I found very confusing was the issue of safe sex and how it was misrepresented. Call me crazy, but if you’re producing a porn film and your going to have the male actors wear condoms during intercourse then don’t allow the female actresses to lick their wet, dripping cocks after removing the condoms. What's up with that? It sends a message of safe sex in one instance, and completely negates it a few minutes later. Even more disturbing, the male is completely covered while the female is exposed to all the dangers of ingesting seminal fluid. Hello, bodily fluids and mucus membranes. I understand a lot of the porn stars nowadays are regularly tested for sexually transmitted disease and infection prior to working, but a novice or someone new to porn may not be, and this just sends a very mixed, disturbing message. I just don’t understand.

All in all The Wicked is not a waste of time; the sex is good, although mainstream and typical. I'll watch it occasionally skipping to my favorite scenes.
This product was provided free of charge to the reviewer. This review is in compliance with the FTC guidelines.

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  • Contributor: Mamastoys
    Nice review..thanks...I'm not in to horror movies but sounds like I could handle this one..LOL Smile
  • Contributor: Oggins
    I LOVE horror movies too and I jumped at this one when it was released. I have to admit that I also found it rather lackluster though. Such a shame too because, I agree with you, it had a lot of potential. The ending especially sucked...

    Great review Minxy!

  • Contributor: Minxy
    Thanks so much Oggins! The ending really did suck.
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