Hard, smelly, and uncomfortable

The Flex-a-pleasure wasn't worth it for me as it was uncomfortable and offered weak vibrations. Plus, I felt it was poorly made and kind of smelly. I wouldn't recommend this product.
Wires are encased in a bendy handle. The dial is easy to grip.
Smelly, too hard, not enough vibe, uncomfortable, poorly made.
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review
I purchased the Flex-a-pleasure anal vibrator about a year ago. I had read some reviews about this toy on some other sites and thought I'd give it a try. It looked like it might be fun to use by myself or with my partner, since we were looking at acquiring more toys for our toy box. Boy, I was wrong.

The first thing I noticed about this toy was that it had an odd odor to it. Kind of plastic-y, kind of rubber-y. The reason I thought this would be good for me is because it's made out of food-grade plastic, which does not (usually) irritate my skin. I also assumed that it wouldn't hold any sort of odor when I took it out of the package, but it did.

I went to the bathroom and, since this toy is waterproof, decided to give it a good scrub with my favorite anti-bacterial soap. Another thing I noticed was the seam that ran right down the side of the plug part. It was not smooth like it should be. Now, I'm not saying that it was so pronounced as to cause serious injury, but I could feel it (and see it) as I'm washing the plug part, so that concerned me a bit. I have very sensitive skin and any seams or strange deformities left after production catch my eye.

After washing off the Flex-a-pleasure anal plug, I decided to see how the vibrations felt. I turned it on and revved up the speed to each level. Not too noisy, but not whisper quiet either. I have to say, I wasn't that impressed with how strong the vibrations were. Then again, I'm a woman who likes a LOT of buzz, so maybe I'm no such a good judge. I thought the bullet inside the plug part was OK, but not great. Could have used a more powerful bullet in my opinion.

Now came the tricky part. I got comfortable and took my time and a lot of water based lube to get this toy in. The hard plastic was something I'm not used to and the bend-y wand also seemed to get in the way. It hurt. A lot. It's not any larger than other plugs I've used in the past, so I think this plug was just too rigid for me. I'm used to softer plugs.

I didn't have a hard time turning the dial on the wand to increase and decrease the speed of the vibe. I thought it would be hard to hold onto because my hands were so slippery, but the raised nubs on the dials help with the fumbling around. Like I stated previously, the strength of the vibe didn't do much for me; I ended up using one of my bullets in conjunction with the vibe on the Flex-a-pleasure plug. But because the plug itself was so uncomfortable, I ended up removing it after a while.

I didn't get a chance to use this with my partner as I felt that it just wasn’t a good match for me. The plug part is way too hard and stiff (and not in a good way), the bend-y part didn't hold its shape, and the vibrations from the bullet cast inside the plastic plug didn't do it for me. Plus, I couldn't stop thinking about the seam that was visible and if it was going to cause me any issues. I ended up "recycling" it at an Earth Day event at my local Sex Shop after using it only one time. It was a shame, but I knew I would not use it again.
This content is the opinion of the submitting contributor and is not endorsed by EdenFantasys.com

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    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Anyone
    • Foreplay
    • Masturbation
  • Where
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    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
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    • Bedroom / on a bed
    • Tub/shower/pool
  • Body / part areas
    [ ? ]
    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • Anal
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  • Contributor: ~LaUr3n~
    It isn't too often that someone comes out with a review of something on my wishlist that they give a bad review to. So...THANK YOU. Now I can remove this and same some money! Good review.
  • Contributor: Sammi
    Sorry this was such a disappointment.
    Good review!
  • Contributor: Cupcake Girl
    Thanks to both of you!
  • Contributor: joja
    Hmm. I usually like Doc Johnson toys, but this sounds disappointing.
  • Contributor: xfairyxtalex
    I'm sorry you did not enjoy this product. Thanks for the review! I was thinking about getting something somewhat like this, now I'm thinking twice.
  • Contributor: Jul!a
    I'm so sorry this didn't work for you. Thanks for the great review tho
  • Contributor: Heartthrob
    Sorry this didn't work out.
  • Contributor: Shellz31
    Cheers for the review. Real shame it didnt work well. Little scary with the seam. Think I would have done the same!
  • Contributor: Zapples
    Thanks for reviewing. Guess I'll think twice about this one.
  • Contributor: pinkzombie
    Thank you so much!
  • Contributor: darkkitty
  • Contributor: Jon S
    ty for the review
  • Contributor: Eucaly
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: lzee
    Thank you!
  • Contributor: Breas
    Thank you for sharing, sorry it was such a disappointing product
  • Contributor: Falsepast
    glad i read this review before adding this to my wish list.
  • Contributor: Allstars316
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: pixxie87
    great review
  • Contributor: SadoMas
  • Contributor: travelnurse
    thanks for the review
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