Door swing review

I would Recommend it for people that like it slow and not for people that like it fast you will lose control. I would also recommend it to try for the cheap price everyone likes different things.
Great price
Get what you pay for. Not very steady or Comfy
Rating by reviewer:
somewhat useful review
Well once I bought this door swing|Door swing I thought it would be great to surprise my man with me in the door way naked but by time i got it hung up and figured what to do i was tried and not really in the mood myself. But as the loving girlfriend I am I decided to go ahead and continue my night. He came in and thought it was great. Not thinking about it but my legs were just hanging and with no blood circulation my legs began to go numb. I'm not very tiny and it held me up just fine. So to continue about my first swing sex ever, he held me up half the time it seemed because my legs had no where to go and hes a leg man.

He was thrusting inside me but sometimes it seemed to fast because I was just moving around and it was hard for him to stay inside me. So if you have a man that can go to fast for his own good then this might not be the swing for you. I would recommend it for the slow sensual couples but not the kinky fast couples. I would recommend a swing thats more steady. The price is great compared to the other sex swings|Sex Swings. So try it out and see if you can figure a different way out than we could.

So by the time we got don he didn't really like it he wanted to continue on the floor so i wasn't swinging everywhere. I then tried to get down without his help and about feel on to my butt not a good way to start out a good sex adventure in a new swing so for the price i would recommend to try and see how it turns out for you but for me I don't use it anymore its hiding in my box of old sex toys and other things... I think tonight I might try it out again to see if we were doing something wrong I'll let you know how it turns out...
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  • Contributor: Cock Wrangler
    How long did you spend in the swing altogether? Any sense of how long it took before numbness started?

    Was he able to hold onto the swing at all to guide where you were positioned and limit movement? 
  • Contributor: Nashville
    Do you think this swing is a "one weight fits all" kind of swing?
  • Contributor: Nobodygirl
    Thank you!
  • Contributor: joeycute
    Thank you!
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