Stormy's slimline junior sex toy review

In all, I gave Stormy's slimline junior 2 stars because it is an all around good toy and great as a travel toy, it just needed more planning when it came to design. It would be a wonderful toy if the vibrations were a little bit more intense and the turn dial didn't have to be tightened each time before using it.
Great travel toy. Small size.
Low vibrations. Turn dial needs to be tightened from time to time. Not very waterproof.
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review
My Experience - This Vibrator is great for travel use because of its small size but you probably wouldn't want to use it for much of anything else. The (Vroom) Vibrations of this vibrator|Stormy's slimline junior are very light which could not get me over that hump to orgasm. With that being said I don't suggest this to anyone who requires intense vibrations directly on the clitoris for orgasm to occur. The (Bee) overall noise level isn't very loud but could be heard through sheets when a new battery is being used. This toy is better suited for a beginner who doesn't require intense vibrations or someone looking for a discrete little toy when traveling. This toy can be used in vaginal insertion and anal insertion but I highly suggest you use a condom because of the tiny crevices around the turn dial if you are going to be doing this.

This toy is extremely smooth and can be inserted vaginally or anally without any pain or discomfort. I myself like to use this toy during foreplay just to get things warmed up a little before actually diving in for the big one. The vibrator has worked great on both me and my partner for body massage and penetration both vaginally and anally.

The turn dial is a great feature with this toy but after prolonged use I have begun to notice that the screw inside of the dial has come loose and needs to be tightened from time to time. (Keep your sex toy tool kit on hand with this one)

Bathtub play Experience - I have used this toy about 12 to 13 times in water. After which I noticed the turn dial was loose and it quit on me. I tightened the turn dial, dried out the toy for a few hours and tried it again. It worked fine. Since then I haven't used it again in water. With that being said I suggest you pay close attention to the turn dial before you put on your water wings.

Care and Cleaning - This vibrator only requires 1 AAA battery which usually doesn't last very long at all. If you plan to use this toy daily I suggest you invest in a surplus pack of batteries for this one. The overall cleaning of this toy is very easy. I use a damp cloth and rubbing alcohol. Or you can use mildly soapy water, a toy cleaner and a damp cloth. You need to check around the turn dial as well because of the tiny crevices that germs can get in. Again, I highly suggest you always use a condom during both vaginal and anal play especially if you are using this toy with someone else.

In all, I gave Stormy's slimline junior 2 stars because it is an all around good toy and great as a travel toy, it just needed more planning when it came to design. It would be a wonderful toy if the vibrations were a little bit more intense and the turn dial didn't have to be tightened each time before using it.
Follow-up commentary
After having owned the Slimline junior for about 2 years now I only use it every once and awhile. Its good for vaginal penetration but nothing much more then that. The vibrations on it are still entirely too low for me to reach orgasm so I always use my iEgg bullet|iEGG bullet vibrator along with it. This will still make for a great travel toy but again you might want to take a backup just in case. Its overall design is poorly made and as we all know "You get what you pay for."
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  • Contributor: Dame Demi
    Be careful with this one during anal play because it's so slim and doesn't have a flared base.  I suppose you really can't expect all that much power from one AAA battery, but as you said, it's probably a good toy for warm-up or for beginners.  The electric blue color is fantastic, though! :)
  • Contributor: CookieMonster
    Vivid colors do make good eye candy don't they :p
  • Contributor: Bulma
    I've always had bad luck with toys that have the dial controls on the battery cap.  Mine always seem to stop working properly after a few months of use.  I wouldn't suggest this for anal use at all because of the size and sleek design.  At least I know my ass would suck it up in a second.
  • Contributor: Epiphora
    You say that the toy is smooth, but that isn't entirely true. There are weird paint-splatter lines on it, aren't there?
  • Contributor: CookieMonster
    Yes, it does have the weird paint splatter but their so small you cant even feel them.
  • Contributor: lamira
    Great review, thanks!!
  • Contributor: Lady Neshamah
    thanks for the review
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