Adonis pouch ms vib sex toy review

I enjoy testicular play. My wife has always reached under and cradled them as I thrusted into her during doggy style to get me closer to orgasm, but this time there wasn't a need for that; everything was hands free.
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extremely useful review
This time around, the item was by California Exotics. A lot of the companies out there have made me feel alienated and weird about my larger size by not being able to fit into or use their products, but once again, I feel accommodated by this phenomenal sex toy brand.

I enjoyed the Adonis pouch ms vib. My wife couldn’t get over the kinky factor and I rather enjoyed the way it looked in the mirror. The tight latex sack really kept the boys in line while the bullet buzzed away. As far as I’m concerned, the tighter the better, and the easier to feel the vibrations. It did make it hard to get into; in this case two hands weren’t enough, and I had to get my wife to help me out.

The erection support ring was tight as hell. I had to take it off a few times to let my penis “air out” because it felt like it was cutting off circulation. It had 3 rows of nubs which the wife seemed to get a kick out of as I penetrated her. She was also able to feel the bullet’s vibrations through my shaft which she seemed to like even more.

I enjoy testicular play. My wife has always reached under and cradled them as I thrusted into her during doggy style to get me closer to orgasm, but this time there wasn’t a need for that; everything was hands free. While I did have to stop a few times to readjust and let my dick take a quick breather, with this toy it was so much easier to fulfill my ball playing quota for the day.

If kink is your thing, the pouch is a good choice. I’m not big into CBT, but I can understand how someone could be. While this is pleasurable, it can also be painful because of how tightly everything fits. It takes a minute or two and some odd positions to get into the sack, but once you do it’s worth it. I’m used to having to go through seemingly endless foreplay, so comparably the time it took to finally wear it was nothing compared to the time it takes me to get my wife wet & ready. The latex feels great as does the power of the motor, and the way it looks only enhances the experience.
Follow-up commentary
The great thing about this ball sack is that I had it stored in a big box with a lot of other toys of different materials and it's remained in perfect condition since day 1.
This product was provided free of charge to the reviewer. This review is in compliance with the FTC guidelines.

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  • Contributor: Average Joe
    Any questions?
  • Contributor: Lady Neshamah
    thanks for the review
  • Contributor: Chris15461
    Thanks for the info
  • Contributor: Jimenko
    Thanks for the review
  • Contributor: Tbanda
    Good review!
  • Contributor: B8trDude
    I can't tell what this is from the review
  • Contributor: Blooddragon
  • Contributor: mmc67
  • Contributor: Terri69
    Thanks for the great review!
  • Contributor: SatansGirlfriend
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