Automatic male masturbator

Bouncy Willy Rocker

Let me be clear, I think this is an amazing toy and would be so much fun to play with; I think I could drive him wild and enjoy every moment of it...but he just doesn't fit. For most, this would be incredible and we still highly recommend it, even if it's not for us. I have to take off a star from the rating for this, but feel this would be an incredible toy for most people.
Well-made with lots of features.
Difficult to dismantle/reassemble. Not make for bigger penises.
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We have quite a few toys that we enjoy using as a couple, but every once in a while you want to pick something up that is 100% for your partner (of course the visual is a guilty pleasure). The Pleasure Rocket was just that...something entirely for the hubby.

The Rocket came in a larger brown box, inside of which was the toy in its own packaging. With the cap on the "receiving end" the toy is actually quite unassuming - in fact it could double as a bluetooth speaker. I would have very little fear anyone would figure this out if I simply left it on a bookshelf. Hiding something in plain sight is sometimes the best!

The case is a hard plastic, with a groove in the back to help grip it better. There is a cap over the bottom end which snaps off, revealing a tunnel lined with TPE. The website says the liner is "effortlessly removed" but we actually found it a bit tricky. First, there is a silicone-coated "donut" at the end that you have to get off. To do this, you need to rotate it until two little tabs slip into some grooves. Problem is, these are so small they are extremely easy to miss (especially when trying to put it back in). This is connected to the case, so it does not move with the thrusting. Second, you can see the sleeve inside, attached to the telescopic mechanism, grip it and tug...and tug... When it comes out, you will notice that there is a bullet, attached via a cord, running through a channel in the end of the sleeve. As this toy is not advertised as being waterproof, we assume you have to thread the bullet and cord out before washing the sleeve. To put everything back together, just do this in reverse...easier said than done. We had to use a tube of lube to push things back into the case.

After charging, we turned on the screen and honestly were quite impressed. Not only is there a "Happy Time" timer, but also indicators for lighting, stretch, and shake. In case you're wondering, stretch = telescopic, and shake = vibration. Something that is also pretty cool is the power indicator.


Looking at the buttons, going from left to right, top to bottom, you have the power button (hold to turn on/off) then the telescopic (in and out motion) which has 10 different speeds. On the second row you have the voice button which apparently only works with headphones as we could not hear anything despite offering 4 different languages, and the vibration button with 10 different levels. The left lower button (looks like a light bulb) changes the color of two narrow bands that run down the sides of the front panel. Not sure it qualifies as "atmospheric lighting" but still a pretty neat feature. Finally the Rocket mode which is listed as "One click burst". Basically this revs everything up to the highest speed without cycling through.

Alright...the good and bad with this toy. First, this toy is obviously designed well, with lots of features you may or may not choose to use. The lighting and voice features, for example. However, the basic premise of the toy is to vibrate while telescopically stimulating his member! From asking my hubby's input, the vibration is strong, and can easily be felt throughout the shaft. However they do seem to be stronger on one side...probably because the single, small bullet is tucked into the sleeve on one side. Regarding the telescopic action, this is where things went downhill for us a bit.

I will premise the next paragraph with the following: my husbands penis is fairly girthy, and some toys are simply not made to fit. I would say if your man's member is average (4.5-5.5" around), you can ignore this next paragraph. His penis did fit in snugly, with appropriate amounts of water-based lube. The vibrations were obviously doing the trick and he had a pleasant, head back, eyes closed, grinning expression (you know the one!). Then came the "stretch" feature, i.e. the telescopic motor. It was a little louder than expected, but what really got me laughing was the fact that instead of sliding up and down it was literally bouncing on him! Think jack-hammer, pogo-stick, bouncing up and down. It was hilarious and I admittedly almost peed myself laughing so hard!

Obviously he didn't think this was as funny as I did. He told me it didn't hurt him, just didn't do much otherwise for him either, except startle the grin off his face. Being the attentive lover, I restarted everything, then began cycling through the speeds. However, every time I turned on the telescopic motor, it would bounce. If I tried to hold it down, it would give up and shut down. Actually, the first time this happened we thought it was broken because the screen wouldn't turn on. However, we discovered that if we plugged it in for a minute it would restart. The battery was fully charged, so plugging it in must have reset something.

I tried applying more lube...lots and lots...and this did help a little bit, but even on the slower speeds the telescopic motor would give up after a few thrusts. This is sooo unfortunate because he says he was really enjoying it, but having to take it off, plug it in to reset it, then restart everything after only 4-5 thrusts is a mood-killer!
This product was provided free of charge to the reviewer. This review is in compliance with the FTC guidelines.

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  • Who / How / What
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    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Masturbation
    • Teasing
  • Where
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    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Bedroom / on a bed
  • Features
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    What kind of features does this product offer?
    • Stylish design
  • Body / part areas
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    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • Genitals
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