Twin rabbit sex toy review

This was a great first toy for me and my girl. Other than not being able to fully enter my girl it felt great and we both loved it. This little guy has apened up lots of doors for us.
The bullets can be used with or with out the rabbits.
The ring acts like a cockring.
The size of the ring (the heigth of the rabbits ears)did not allow me to fully penetrate my partner.
Rating by reviewer:
useful review
The Twin rabbit|Cock rings: Twin rabbit by Lady Calston, is the first toy that my girl and I ever bought. She got it at a sex toy party our friend hosted. It was an all girl party so I couldn't go. So I gave her a wad of cash and told her to splurge. She came home with the Twin Rabbit, some Lube , and some toy cleaner|Before and after toy cleaner - Sex Toy Cleaners. We had to wait a week before we could try it out, our schedules weren't conducive to a merrymaking.

When the night arrived we took our time not wanting to spoil the fun. We opened the box, and dumped its contents onto the bed. There was a pink jelly ring with two rabbits, and the double bullets. The little rabbits have these flexible ears and the ring has some little nubsaround it. There was a oily residue on the ring, and a rubbery smell, a little soap and hot water took care of it. The bullets are both connected to a power pack with a dial to control the speed; which takes two double A batterries.

We used tryed the bullets out first, we literally drove each other nuts. They work exceptionally well by themselves with out the ring, but we wanted more. My girl handed me the ring and told me to put the bullets in. They fit into the ring in holes behind the rabbits heads. Once the were in we turned the bullets on, and watched as the rabbits ears twitch from the vibrations. We lubed the ring up paying close attention to the rabbits ears and the nubs on the ring. She slid it on my cock all the way to the base where the nubs really grabbed hold of me. The bullets sit one on top of your shaft and one on the bottom. It felt really good, not to tight, but it kept my cock really hard. I slid my cock into my girl and lined the rabbits up with her clit; the other one rested on her anus. She turned on the bullets as I began to thurst int her.

The ring prevented me from getting my entire shaft into her but the vibrations for the bullets more than made up for it. She played with the speed of the bullets. At the lowest speed it was like a dull ache in my cock, on the highest it was a racing throb all througout my length of my cock; it even made my ass tingle. My girl was squirming all over the bed, with every thurst the little rabbits would tickle her clit and her ass. I think we lasted about five minutes before we both came. We were both thoroughly exhausted afterwards. Clean up was easy, the bullets are a little hard to remove from the ring but they came out just fine.
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  • Contributor: Nashville
    Have you tried the ring over your cock and balls so it sits against your abdomen? It's considered the "traditional way" to wear a cock ring.
  • Contributor: Ogre3713
    I never thought about trying it in the traditional way. I'm not sure if it will stretch that much. I'll have to give it a try, and let you know how it turns out.
  • Contributor: Maxx
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