It's A Merry-Go-Round Film!

If you're looking for a well videoed adult movie with just a lot of sex, this would be a great one. If you're looking for a movie with a bit of a story line to follow, yeah, keep shopping. Please know my rating is based solely on the product...not my enjoyment.
Very well shot video. Good camera work.
Very repetitive.
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review
Okay, first let me be clear. I was not expecting a G-rated movie when I opened this. However, I will say I was a bit surprised and a little discouraged. Let me explain.

I was looking over the DVDs and saw that Wicked Passions was making films with more of couples in mind. After reading that, I was intrigued a bit, thinking that maybe they were coming up with more of a story line and making a good movie with a lot of really good romantic scenes, expecting there to be a lot of real hardcore sex. However, what we have here is just another hardcore, X-rated skin flick.

I would say I don't want to ruin the plot for you, but really there is nothing to ruin. Here it is. Five couples have wonderful, on-screen sex. But it is a merry-go-round movie. What do I mean by that? Well, the first scene starts out with the woman daydreaming about having sex with her man. After about a sixty second dialogue while she gets out of the tub, he walks in. They kiss, he goes down on her, she goes down on him, she climbs on top and rides a bit, he slides in behind her and gives it to her for a while, the condom comes off, he shoots his wad on her bush, they kiss, and it fades to the second scene. Scene two: she is sitting on a picnic blanket daydreaming about having sex with her man. After about a sixty second dialogue while he plays with the dog around her, he walks over. They kiss, he goes down on her, she goes down on him, she climbs on top and rides a bit, he slides in behind her and gives it to her for a while, the condom comes off, he shoots his wad on her bush, they kiss, and it fades to the third scene. This one is on a swing...but that is where the imagination stopped. Back to almost the same routine, five times. So in the entire movie, there is about ten minutes of dialogue. That is unless you count "oooh, "ahhh," "mmmm," "give it to me," dialogue. I also find it a little weird that each guy licked around and fingered their girl for probably eight to ten minutes before she really got off. Either they are licking on popsicles or these ladies had Novocain on their lips.

I don't want to sound all negative. The couples did a really good job of doing what they do. The filming was great. The closeups were wonderful. They made a great movie, if you're simply looking for another adult movie. The movie people, I guess, never really misdirected in their advertising, either. It just was not what I was expecting, I guess.

My wife and I were planning on watching a movie that was a movie with some great romantic scenes that lead to hardcore sex. This was really pretty much just another adult film of kiss, eat it, suck it, ride it, bang it, shoot it, kiss, next...'round and 'round the merry-go-round...
Follow-up commentary
I kind of watched it again, but it is way too repetitive. Just wish there were a bit more to it or at least more variety in the methods used. Sorry.
This product was provided free of charge to the reviewer. This review is in compliance with the FTC guidelines.

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  • Sir Contributor: Sir
  • Rank:
    6.8 / 10
  • Edited reviews: 440
  • Graduated students: 10
Subscribe to comments
  • Contributor: Eva Schwaltz
    Thanks for the great review, I like more storyline scenes also so I'll avoid getting this at all cost.
  • Contributor: leatherlover
    Thanks for the review. I hate movies that are so repetitive.
  • Contributor: Josmoseph
    Good Review
  • Contributor: Josmoseph
    Sorry About that ... It was suppose to say..."Good Review unless your a big fan of this kind of flic." Sure did not want it to look like I was reviewing my own review... yea that would be vain.... thanks Leatherlover and Schwaltze..See ya
  • Contributor: Bella-Sunshine (Couple Account)
    Thanks for the review
  • Contributor: Lucky21
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: Butterkups
    Good Reveiw
  • Contributor: oldman
    Good review--but to me it sounds great!!
  • Contributor: arewehavingfun?
    It sounds like it would be better if the sex scenes weren't all basically the same format. And, about the women taking 10 minutes to climax, I am sure that was the intent since I really doubt that the women in these flicks get off. The men have to get off because the difference between a hard dick and a soft dick is, well, obvious. I have mixed feelings because from what I have heard, neither the men nor the women "enjoy" the sex. Men have such a harder time (sorry if that sounds like a pun!!) and rely on the erectile dysfunction meds that are out now. In taking these meds more frequently than medically advised, they are potentially putting their health in jeopardy.

    BUT, I am wicked and love hot porn DVD's!!!
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