by Jimmyjane

Simple. Powerful. Impecable.

The Little Chroma Inked is a fun, vibrant red with an etched tattoo art design that should appeal to tattoo fans. But the true value of this toy is its simple, long-lasting design. Its price is an investment, but its durability, power and replaceable parts ensure you will use it for a lifetime, making it an excellent investment indeed.
Simplicity of design, effective vibrations, discreet and virtually silent.
Price. Single speed may not be effective for everyone.
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review


The Little Chroma Inked is not built for size or speed, but designed to provide effective, quiet stimulation in a way that just works for your body. It's simple, yet effective.

This particular model is etched with a design based on 18th century tattoo art. It's shape resembles a pocket flashlight or a cigar tube. It can be used for internal or external stimulation, but is ideally suited to clit stimulation. It's diminutive design and low noise level make it particularly suitable for use during partner play because it is far less distracting than larger, more noisy toys.
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Any couple
    • Busy women
    • Sexually inexperienced/beginners
    • Fast session/quickie
    • Long / extended session
    • Relaxation/alone time
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Bathtub
    • Pool
    • Shower

Material / Texture

Anodized aluminum makes this vibrator resistant to corrosion and wear and more adherent for paints and coatings. This makes the likelihood of rusting, denting, chipping or peeling of any coated surfaces highly unlikely.

It's aluminum body is ideally suited for temperature play, because it retains heat or cold easily.
Little Chroma feels cool at room temperature, so if a cold touch doesn't appeal to you, heating it up briefly, even just by holding it between your hands is recommended.

The texture is slick, smooth and provides no significant stimulation. Few users will require lubrication with this vibrator and could find adding lube would make it difficult to hold onto. However, if you choose to use lube, you can use your favorite, regardless of ingredients.

Design / Shape / Size

The shape of Little Chroma Inked will appeal to anyone who likes simple, clean lines. It's consistent tube shape, devoid of any bulges, ripples or curves, reminds the user of a cigar tube or pocket flashlight. This design makes it highly discreet and ideal for traveling.

This "inked" version of the Little Chroma has a design, etched in white, based on 18th century tattoo art. There are two other special versions of the Little Chroma sporting etched designs: a magenta colored vibe with a "birds and bees" design and a black colored vibe with a "vanitas" design consisting of a skull and butterflies.

Little Chroma is waterproof, which means you can bring it with you in the shower, tub or pool without fear of ruining it. And even if you didn't have the cap on tight and managed to get water inside, Jimmyjane has included another remarkable design feature that ensures all is not lost.

A replaceable motor.

For $20 you can order a AA battery sized motor for Little Chroma that slips inside, ensuring this vibrator will last a lifetime.

Functions / Performance / Controls

Control of Little Chroma continues on the theme of simplicity. Screw the cap on tightly to turn the vibrator on and unscrew it to turn it off. Simple. Easy. Uncomplicated.

While this vibrator has only one setting, its performance certainly doesn't suffer from a lack of vibration options. Jimmyjane indicates they carefully selected this particular vibration frequency as one that is "in tune with the human body."

Little Chroma is amazingly quiet. Once the cap is screwed into place, it is virtually silent. Once slipped under the covers, only those with the most keen hearing would even know it was there.

Care and Maintenance

Little Chroma is a metal, waterproof toy with a removable motor, making it amenable to whatever level of cleanliness you require. You can wipe it down with toy cleaner, run it under the faucet with some antibacterial soap, or, if you share your toys and are concerned about disinfecting or sterilizing it, wipe it down with a 10% bleach solution, boil it (remove the motor first), or toss it on the top rack of your dishwasher (no soap please).

Storage is a fairly simple endeavor as well. Metal does not react with other toy materials, nor does it attract hair or dust so it should fit well in any toy box, sock drawer or bedside drawer.


Jimmyjane says the Little Chroma's vibration patterns are tuned to the human body and for me, they really do seem to be perfectly suited. This was not a high frequency, zippy vibration, but a low, thuddy vibration that was somewhat unexpected, but most welcome.
This product was provided free of charge to the reviewer. This review is in compliance with the FTC guidelines.

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  • Contributor: Miss B Haven
    I have never heard of a vibrator that was 'tuned to the human body' before. Is it tuned in enough that you would consider it to be a go-to toy?
  • Contributor: Kayla
    I must say that I'm saddened that this still needs batteries. For the price, I'd expect a rechargable. It's gorgeous though.
  • Contributor: ~LaUr3n~
    I'm jealous! Good review Laurel
  • Contributor: LicentiouslyYours
    @Wild n Playful - this IS actually a toy I have continued to use regularly. That is until I tucked it somewhere for my move and have not yet figured out where it's hiding.

    It's not the fastest orgasm, but I really do like it for more extended play with multiple orgasms. It seems to work well for me in this area because it doesn't leave me completely numb after coming just once.
  • Contributor: Sammi
    It's gorgeous If only it weren't quite so expensive!

    Great review!
  • Contributor: Shesasexybrat
    Great review. Man I wish I could afford something like this.
  • Contributor: Samanti
    Oh its so cute.. great review!
  • Contributor: Blinker
    I love the look of these, but I can't get used to the idea of using something that hard. Thank you for the review, though
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Little chroma inked vs. Little Chroma 3
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