Sexual Health » Body & Body Image; Society » Sexuality, Fashion & Beauty: "Everyone Is, In Fact, Sexy"
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Everyone Is, In Fact, Sexy
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Social media tries to tell us how to define what is sexy, but of course, most of us do not conform. Each and every one of us has our own preferences on who we think is sexy. Each and every one of us has our own kink. Kinking it up is just one of our ways we rebel against sexual conformity. Everyone is sexy.


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Contributor: Erin Edwards

Thank you, LuckyLady, for this post. This is something I think everyone should reAd and take a moment to realize the great truth behind what you have just said. This post alone made me feel sexy. Being a bigger girl, I sometimes struggle with our society, and am always in constant fear that I am not good enough, because of my size. But hearing your post, reading it made me feel better. My spouse loves me for who I am, and he loves all of me. So, why should I allow society to make me feel unsexy and Un-beautiful?

Wonderful post

Contributor: LuckyLady

Thanks so much for your feedback I'm so happy you got something out of it. And guess what, I'm a big girl too. Even "skinny" girls have to deal with body issues too and I think sometimes we might fail to acknowledge it. We can never please everyone's expectations; to someone else we will always be either too fat or too thin. And negative comments from negative people can encourage those of us struggling to turn to anorexia to lose weight the bad way, or overeating to fill the void caused by those expectations. The most important thing is to listen to ourselves and how we feel in our own bodies, not what other people feel about OUR bodies. Body "issues" is a personal thing. Body "image" is a public thing. Thanks again, Miss Sexy!

Contributor: xocoraxo

Thank you! Sexy comes in all sorts of shapes, sizes and colors. Confidence is super sexy but society is always picking away at that and leaving people with a misconstrued version of what sexy is.

Contributor: Pia Jouet

Aftercare is oh so important in completing the scene and also making sure you have another one with that partner (if you so desire). Thanks for the tips! -Les Amuse-Bouches

Contributor: LuckyLady

thanks y'all =)

Contributor: luv 2 sex

I loved and shared this article. I think it is a great way for people to see that there is another person out there that does not conform to what the medis has placed in our minds as being acceptable and it is great to see someone voicing that.

Contributor: kaliab83

Thank you for writing this, it's something that many people don't realize. I think that it would be helpful if we all remembered that even if we don't feel great in our bodies all the time, it doesn't mean we aren't sexy and that there aren't people out there who would be interested!



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