After looking at all these different sites for some decent movies to watch with the husband, I've come to the conclusion that I may be a porn snob.
The actors aren't appealing enough, this guy is way too hairy, this girl has the constant "I'm orgasming" even when I'm not look, one girl had her big toe popping out of her thigh highs (lol sorry deal breaker when you can't even afford stockings)....ugh the list goes on and on.
I feel like Goldie Locks searching for just the right porn!!! LAMAO
Naturally, I don't want back alley porn with Janky actors lol. I want some well directed movies, a little bit of storyline is good, and then some good....hmmmm....shall we just call it what it is....fucking. Yep. That will do.
The actors aren't appealing enough, this guy is way too hairy, this girl has the constant "I'm orgasming" even when I'm not look, one girl had her big toe popping out of her thigh highs (lol sorry deal breaker when you can't even afford stockings)....ugh the list goes on and on.
I feel like Goldie Locks searching for just the right porn!!! LAMAO
Naturally, I don't want back alley porn with Janky actors lol. I want some well directed movies, a little bit of storyline is good, and then some good....hmmmm....shall we just call it what it is....fucking. Yep. That will do.