If I happen to notice a porn video where a toy we own is being utilized I will watch it just out of curiosity to see how they use it. Does anyone else feel this compulsion? What is your opinion on toys in porn? Would it be useful to share links of these videos and tag them to the toys on EF?
Do you ever watch porn because a toy you own is being featured?
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If I randomly stumble across a porn clip that looks like it has a toy I am familiar with I might click on it. Generally though I won't specifically look for videos with toys I know of in them. In any case, I find it rare and few in between where I see one I notice.
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If I happen to notice a porn video where a toy we own is being utilized I will watch it just out of curiosity to see how they use it. Does anyone else feel this compulsion? What is your opinion on toys in porn? Would it be useful to share links of
If I happen to notice a porn video where a toy we own is being utilized I will watch it just out of curiosity to see how they use it. Does anyone else feel this compulsion? What is your opinion on toys in porn? Would it be useful to share links of these videos and tag them to the toys on EF?
I love the use of toys in porn though, makes it more interesting and fun. Then again sometimes some good ole' sex without toys can be great also. I also did not save any videos/links of the ones I saw familiar toys in sorry
Depends on the toy. Hitachis, for example, are used so frequently that they don't really warrant any special attention. It's cool to watch, but I don't seek out toy containing porn specifically. The tag idea sounds interesting.
Mmmm...not porn so much as cams.
No I am not into porn
Nah, I don't use porn for sex tips at all. Just a standard policy.
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