Do you buy porn? What's your opinion about free sites like Redtube? Is there any pride in buying it in order to pay the actors/studios or having a collection that can go with you?
Why buy porn anymore?
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Often what I want isn't available on sites like Redtube, and their quality isn't as good as a DVD. I don't buy a lot on DVD anymore (mostly because I review it so much), but I do pay for sites, where the quality is better and it's easier to subscribe to what I want to see.
I don't buy much, but I do prefer DVD. I have looked at tube sites on my own. The quality was not too great, but I could sample different porn quickly. Basically, I watch most porn with my wife in our bedroom. The DVD's look best on the TV and they really aren't too expensive from where I buy them.
A lot of times, I've seen something on a tube site that made me want to buy more from that actor/actress/series. I like DVD quality. Sometimes I buy them used if they're too expensive new.
I use tube sites when I just want something real quick. I do prefer DVDs as they look great on my HDTV I don't own too many DVDs but I do want to get more. I'm pretty upset about EdenDVD being discontinued.
I love my slowly growing porn collection. I can relax when I'm watching in bed. I don't have to be hunkered over, constantly repositioning my screen. I tend buy on ebay from reputable sellers. I'm able to expand my collection without breaking the bank.
I haven't found any parodies on tube sites so I don't visit them much since my preference is for something with a story line. I know, its friggin porn but I am so tired of just sex scenes with fake orgasms. I like a little bit of acting talent
I watch most of my porn online but I will sometimes pay for studios I really like to support. There are several small indie porn studios here in San Francisco and I'll buy material from their sites. I like supporting local businesses, it's sort of like a sexy farmer's market.
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Do you buy porn? What's your opinion about free sites like Redtube? Is there any pride in buying it in order to pay the actors/studios or having a collection that can go with you?
While well-done "homemade" porn is the type I prefer these days, I will occasionally look up something I liked years ago, and if I can find a reasonably priced DVD copy, I will order it.
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